Tuesday 23 June 2015

Can they handle it?

I hope you all have shock absorbers. Hehe, nothing unusual from the original Alsu from the block.

In the midst of crap something good comes out. In the process of searching for gold one often is smudged in mud. What does it take to file out a rough diamond? The usefulness of it is what makes the demand for it so high that there are those in it that have little respect for what is around. Many a cultures and national treasures been obliterated in the bid to acquire and poses its glory. China today has ecological problems that people have resulted in wearing masks not to have air born infections and diseases. In the bid to industrialise we all have to be aware of the consequences and be prepared.

The fight for ecological clean environment is culturing the products that are being released just as much as the need for services that help the cleaning up "reduction of omissions." Hence the following statements are made.

What is an omission? There are 2 types of ideologies that follow. Mind and Matter. who is or will be there to manage the cross roads? The problems we see today is as a result of certain people thinking one-sided and pushing their own agenda with no regard to the present and future.

A crew member said: it's young and hip and We are Young, the ideas are hip. We design and produce ideas that help businesses into active production of solutions that earn them returns as well as informing on what maybe the consequences of decisions to them and others. I once said "we make calculated takes not deliberate blinders." We handle socials and productions. We don't just end there but taking it from the drawing board to the test grounds and analysing the findings. Does the sociopolitical and business world need an advice? We speak regardless of if it is deemed useful.

In the conventional understanding of Manufacturing most know that it deals with hard product development  however manufacturing in another word means producing and it isn't limited to things. Hard manufacturing  usually uses design based solutions and each industry sector and business line needs tools. The engineers tools differ from the tools used by web designers even if they have common platforms to project from. Africa isn't ready for IT solutions that are bogus from the state of the Educational and Industrial stand point. Before the developed world industrialised they worked small scale. In terms of economic competitiveness of a currency this may be an expensive path to take. It is clear to me that to enable growth automation is required but without Light and Communication systems even the foundations will be difficult to establish. We need light and communication in Africa to be wide spread. Mobile service providers have established the need for communication but the lack of energy solutions is crippling them. Yes mobile applications is a way to go in producing immediate demands for mass com but the cost to run them on mobile is huge. We need LandLines and that also drives the need for producing the tools. The lack of skilled engineers and electricians is also setting a continent back from visible progress. However small micro industrialisation can be developed. We sure need better transportation solutions such as Metro and Trains what would it take? That's a process for the architects and engineers to design, meanwhile I get cracking on the micro production and service needs.

The process of manufacturing revolves around design, testing and producing, so to design isn't often the problem if the person has creative skills as well as knowledge of the material they are working on. Graphic artists who understand the use of shape and size can design pretty much anything. The benefits in pursuing painting and drawing and being good with numbers "analysis" at a young age prepares an individual for a future in fashion and design as well as apps creation. In this project we are discussing Fashion and its environment. Simple tools that helps armatures create is needed. The reason I understand software development is because I had training in computer literacy.

We don't think that the term "target market" is relevant when it comes to style because we have adults who like the trends that the youth go for but because at start people tried to culture people into a box of age "targeting" has become the phrase word. We focus on function and only after deal with aesthetics "presentation"

Targeting should be applied to styling ie what message does one want to project using shape and size. We have conservative people just as we have liberal people and one can produce a liberal based solution to a conservative if the person actually wants to breakout of the old mold.

So our answers are based on the following questions: should we limit creativity to widely held perceptions or should we just create based on how one feels and sees the world and see results come out of it? This is the motivation behind designs that you see and read. We have no limits but we function within respected boundaries. Do we need to stick to the current trend? is it not possible to come up with something unique as fashion is always evolving?

Yes we need to know what strengths and weaknesses an environment, individual or product has and work from there, however if growth is demanded there is a need to dive into areas that are unexplored. For this reason navigational skills and tools are needed.

Being unique is a must in styling, however, we need to know what is in demand and what the average society or persons sees as fashionable. I believe in censoring rather than taking one persons opinion as all.

We break bariers by asking Why and WhyNot. Should celebrities be confined to being branded by only one direction? No, No, No.

Let me give you the effect of what sacrifice a celebrity "representative of a brand/company" goes through. I have met CEOs of breweries that have become alcoholics because they had been told that they shouldn't be seen drinking wine other than the one produced by the company. Do the Tobacco companies force their reps to smoke if it has a supposedly health hazard? If one goes by the widely held notion that cigarets are bad then why sustain them who employ thousands of people? Shut them down then. I smoke and heavy lately, it will reduce in time, it is not because someone made me addicted but because that's my outlet instead of developing a liver problem.

Many don't know this but I have over the years developed what in the medical world they call "fibromyalgia" an effect that someone goes through who cares too much for others. It's defined simply as damage of the soft tissue "nerve system" that even painkillers hadn't helped. I have been constantly on Panadol instead of loading my system with alcohol alone. Do you all know that painkillers are addictive? Last year I was "paralysed" by the excruciating pain. I walked 10metres in 15 min. Physical pain from head to toe, only alcohol helped and my smoking soothes. I hate weed for its after effects and taste. If someone can invent a better tasting weed and reduce its effect then I may stop cigarets. I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me, just letting you all know that certain habits aren't only because someone is being unruly. I don't smoke when pregnant and while breastfeeding that's my principle.

Talk about health with me and you will see contradictions as to what is use and abuse, someone asked me when will I stop smoking and my reply was people are likely to drain my energy faster. I know where I risk my life with even if the oudor irritates most, stay away from me I am baaaad. I am more interested in pleasing myself than others in reference to my personal habits. Clean your own worce habits before you start getting all worked up on my health or lifestyle. I don't smoke In front of my dad or his pals even if he knows. And would strongly advice those who make my personal life their business that they may be in for some shocking events to happen "they may get lost as to how and what helps me think." Snoop Dogg produced wonderful songs while on weed now he is made to hide because "kids" may be influenced.

I didn't see anyone coming up to Churchill that his Cigars offend anyone, because I am a woman all of a sudden it is bad. Ghandi, MLK, M.X who lived "exemplary" lives were shot, go figure what will kill you first. Jesus who are we?

Most cases people reject a new fashion trend purely because they don't know of it yet but once they do they never look back should it be making a difference in their lives.

We are loosing our stars to drug addictions because they are forced to pretend for the sake of a market share. Don't you all as a public not want some level of honesty? Britney Spears lost herself to the boxed image that the public held her in, now Kanye West is persecuted for saying he is a God, doesn't anyone not understand that a boy lost his mother to a stupid notion that she has to look like a chick? How about Obasanjo's wife? After a certain age certain things do not apply, if a guy can't handle his 50year old wife having a baby belly while she had bred wonderful kids who give rather than take your lives for granted then that guy should go find his level. There are dilldoes and remedies that give more satisfaction and help the play between couples. I am tired of self richeous Africans who go to prostitutes, molest kids yet have an issue with someone watching porn or being Gay. I watch it and practice it with and on my heartthrob that's the use, I don't see anyone having an issue with a kamasutra book, what's the difference? None in my view only that there its physical rather than picturesque.

Bite me. :)

If a product is practical as well as stands out it usually sells and retains the buying power. It seems that now it is hard to convince people that any thing can be invented again but when we analyse why and where products are used we find that uniqueness that is in need and when not.

For young mothers we suggest using a corsage to help hold the muscles after birth, after all our African women use wrappas, the Europeans use corsage.

Our magazine and newspaper as well as media tools and messages help those who may not be aware that various solutions exist. If someone told me at 22 that a corset exists maybe I would have had less hassles than thinking of a nip tuck. If I should I will after having a child. I sure want one to remind me of who and what I am on an earthly level. My daughter needs someone to offload her perception of being the baby in the house. It's more of a wish on a practical level rather than an actual need. My boy became better at connecting because he had a sibling, now I simply take my kids to a family that has kids who are younger. It also allows me to see the progress of my boy. There are other ways as well like Go-cart and bowling excersizes that help me see his cognitive development within an environment.

In the eyes of the youth most want what sounds or looks good, for adults it's different, they want not just look good but solid and practical, for the elders it's a totally different ball game because most can hardly be bothered about looks if no one tells them. An old person can wrap a Gucci bag in a rubber packet not because they have no value for it but because they want to preserve it :) my granny did that. Kept the best in the closet.

For instance I like my pyjamas because it has a drawing of Snoopy, I like its snoopiness, same is why my daughter is likely to ask me to buy her a princess dress even if i am not likely to understand at a given moment. As a mum I also look at the budget.

Inventing sound words and names is a business too. Open a website with funky fun names and expressions that companies can buy, after all I have found that someone has capitalised on the Startupsity.com site that I lost due to the nonchalant attitude of an IT contractor I hired and now a heavy price tag has been placed on my intellectual property.  I need my lawyers to sort that dispute out. I registered it first and the internet providers policy had allowed someone to take advantage of me.

I have been put in the dictionary of StartupSity by A crew member saying "you have been officially Alsunated." Makes me smile every time I remember" Now my surname has also been branded as Odemready.

Are you Odemready to be Alsunated? Ekinadose is my career calling, Alsu is a prickly rose for who doesn't know how to handle her, for whom an aroma for whom a whip. I am sure many like the idea of being spanked, nouwty boys. :(

Tag words such as "Action" "Direction" freaky and funky sounding words with good vibes usually makes people pay attention. What can happen is that when a product or a name has a little calling bigger brands buy them off and the designer can go on being their collaborative partner if they wish to.

It looks like guys don't like bags more inclined into wallets but these days when guys are accessorising themselves with gadgets one can come up with something useful. Look at a variety of existing accessories that mums and youth and men and fathers etc use now and see how it can be revamped and in the process you will find a unique thing. Knowing what was often leads to new ways or things to be invented.

By the way guys lets be mindful that the fashion industry is run and sustained by Gay minded so if anyone wants to have collaboration being discriminative "projection of attitude" isn't often smart. How ever if one is prepared for that battle be ready with all weapons to be invented. No one can ever be fully prepared for my kind of Nuk neutraliser.

In my mind if someone is anti Gay then they shouldn't wear Gucci or Dolce and Gabana. You want to wear my suit? Don't let my sexuality fool you. You cant hate me and wear my stuff, that's a hypocrite.

The key is whether you're a guy or girl, you should have the eye to see the fashion from both the ladies and guys angle.

Macho parents have pushed their kids into such loneliness, disparity and despair that invariably the individual seeks solace in a way of life. Kids aren't born homosexual, they don't even know their sexual orientation until they are forced into a bracket of boy or girl.

For instance many men think I am a lesbian but they don't know I grew up with men and boys so the characteristics of me is like that of a man. They don't know that I am just as sensitive as a woman. So sometimes we as people who are not self aware can actually push those who are straight into the opposite world. Sensitivity to all is required and understanding allows one to tolerate better without creating more problems than there already is. If being Buck protects me from selfish men and guards my heart I will drive that image so far that will make everyone sick and tired of attempting any foolery.

We look for neutrality, what a girl and a guy can wear but still have a slight distinction. After all there are men who wear pink and pink isn't a male or female attribute because we have white, black, coloured women and men. Brothers need to start wearing pink shirts that would be a spectacle. If we put a pink shirt on a singer such a Seal who is a Nigerian our Nigerian men will scream and that's the effect of styling.

Lady Gaga is famous for her outstanding wears. sell a trend. 󾌩 see how your prejudicial minds work against you the society? Same it is with political dictators who scream nationalistic slogans and tomorrow your sons are on the battle field yet those who sent them there are no where to be found. I'd rather be smoking weed with Snoop Dogg and Shagging my sweet heart under "it wasn't me" song. People reject what they're not familiar with, until they see it trending.

So let's jump to another topic idea we have trashed this to the level it needs to and in the studios we will file out what's relevant and what isn't.

People say they want the truth but can they handle it?

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