Wednesday 17 June 2015

Home care services.

Home care services, as in: taking care of you under your roof.

I will ask who needs this kind of care? Our medicare in Africa and the underdeveloped countries are not up to scratch for quite evident reasons, I have witnessed the slow speed with which the ambulances arrive. General practice is far more necessary and should be located for every 100 persons in homes/flats.

We need at-least one home paramedic that can hop on a bike before the ambulance arrives. Attacks are real in the lives of the youth and adults more these days than even for the old. The amount of pressure that people go though in big cities is overwhelming. Youth are battling with anxiety attacks and allergies, adults require stress releasing therapy, the old need checkups.

Medical students need jobs and street practice before they get into the main steam. Knowing what the general population goes through allows the main hospital units to prepare for emergencies.  Considering that Africa has power issues in managing outbreaks of deceases and infections, a preventative measure in form of mobile clinics is in demand. Red Cross sort of service. CPR and Checkups as well as massage using tools not necessarily hands, hot stone massage comes in handy for a more practical solution when there is no electricity.

Knowing that there is someone round the corner just in case already reduces the psychological needs resulting from the fear of being alone for the old folks who have been abandoned by their well brought up kids.

Africa doesn't believe in old age homes as that looks to them as abandoning the old, which is why the clustering of family members you see, but does that mean that the old are cared for? In my opinion No, even on an emotional side, as they at that age need more communication. StartUpSity counselling services from home was specially considered for the older folks who are still interested in being active on projects as that keeps them alive. I lost my granny with such wealth of experience because she stopped working. There are those who die young because they had been made redundant.

I lost my aunt who was a brilliant mathematician and an aeronautic engineer by  being a housewife. She found it hard to get back to the workforce because after a certain period "6 years" of being on maternity leave was deemed unuseful to the well meaning governing municipalities at the time. If you are a mum that is nursing a child get on and keep your interests or professional direction through counselling and consulting on the projects.

Back to the medics: family members who have no knowledge other than serving food and cleaning apply for training in medical units. Should a family have an old person(s) that live far away, can either train one of their family member in simple nursing principles "cpr, massage therapy, medication management, first aid etc" or use the care of the to be stationed mobile practicians nearby.  If you look at the film "Patch Adams" the film was based on a real life person, of course with a tad of entertaining scenes for effect, in real life he is funnier to me but to those who are used to doctors having a serious tone about them would consider him mad, how ever his principle of therapy is through laughter, so to a child or person who has a terminal illness he uses himself as a clown. In the film you will see what the free clinic stands for, however before one is called to help, the care givers need "security training; to help them in cases of violence, as within societies we have those who have psychological issues "anti social behavioural patterns" what is it? Well the supposed loners as well as persons who have biological/environmental problems such as bipolar disorders. Special training needs to exist for persons who handle persons with addictions, those who choose to deal with this angle need to have a background in physical sports such as bodybuilding and sprinting. Physical excersize helps discipline the mind through body which is the basics for anyone becoming addicted to anything or not being able to fight it.

a personal trainer is who for a period of time can get someone off their feet when their moods take hold of their body. Having people locked up in rehabs? I am against it as that creates another set of pathological issues even if for some to be in prison can be an eye opener. A knock on the door twice a day for 3 months will get most started. Those who are in the psychotics practice can disagree with me all they like to keep their jobs, but I know what tactics they employ in messing with people. There are reasons why movements start against violence towards "Man" by "Man".

Inhome nursing care services are need. Last year I had an almost complete paralysis and I needed someone round the clock to even lift up a cup at start. Mothers are dealing with kids who have extreme autism etc and they need serious help as having a child who needs a round the clock supervision can be debilitating to a perfectly healthy adult. It's sad but they are usually abandoned by their partners or spouses who refuse to accept that the gene is passed most times through the male chromosome in the DNA.

The care takers can add to their portfolio of services dog walking during quiet service periods rather than praying for someone to get sick, which indirectly serves security measures within a block radius. Veterinary students are suited for this practice as well as there is little difference between humans and animals, and they are more likely to smell danger as animal behaviour studies are conducted.

It can help serve diabetics, asthmatics, fever attacks before the ambulance arrives. With the advent of  traffic being a nuisance during the day times this is of need.

Asthma attacks don't just result from allergies but anxieties as well and knowing that someone is nearby with the needed equipments helps the needy, not to talk of enabling the medical industry get better stats to prepare for emergencies as well as the governing bodies to make better policies. Pharmaceuticals are regulated in developed countries but the people may need urgent help that waiting for permission from a doctor can be deadly.

The choices of services presented serves the pharmacies and early year medical students needing practice and not only for those undergoing internships within hospitals "watch Grey's anatomy and "House" to go into the visuals as well as some pointers" and discuss them. Consider the possibilities. The medical practice is a funny creature as the science of the human mind and body and the environment surrounding man is still mysterious.

As much as I believe in the general need for NHS that has its benefits but the side that needs balancing is most become lazy towards the profession and the patients themselves start thinking that they should stop looking after themselves. Wishes are heard but to be Prayerful is to help yourself too.

Mass Health care is often the responsibility of the government, however Insurance companies can include it into their portfolio as well as security companies to add a helping hand in training/orientating. See the thing here is, if other industries are interested in having a good name they should also support services like these because the same ceo/board tomorrow who says NO could end up a victim of his own I don't see the need in it attitude.

This also can be done by the youth on a volunteering ground as a social service. They should be given tips when the patient leaves the hospital. It doesn't have to be a permanent job but a job you get paid for when the client is out of the hospital. I am yet to see anyone being ungrateful for getting out alive. Usually you want to find the person that saved you. I am even feeling bad if I don't tip a waiter or a pizza delivery guy, maybe at the back of my mind I don't want them to spit in my food :).

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