Tuesday 23 June 2015

Online Scholarship Directory.

Online Businesses - Online Scholarship Directory

What is a scholarship? An aid to the brilliant kids who have no means to get into an institution. But my question is this, does a brilliant kid need to be organised more when the actual reason for schools existing is to organise information into a plan?

Today technology and the social networks make it possible to give and work on information in an almost free way. Does a kid/person need actual cash donation to be able to show what's within? Yes, but in terms of tools to have access to a counsellor, consultant and coach to bring their dreams to life. Online education is a way to go but what would enable the person to have that interaction? A decent phone, with Internet connectivity and apps. That's about it at the first phase, then that individual gets a personal coach who would help to start off on a second phase. On the third phase he or she would need a consultant to help with advice either online through chats or on call.

So in our Perspective the cost is in tools, time and possible transportation to locations.

Further scholarship comes in as financing the concept of the project.

Imagine we get students to go through our program then get the support of the government to give them scholarships to universities where they can now study what they have developed within a 3 months orientation. Wouldn't that be great?

Our program is tailored to meet the expectations that employers have on considering someone for a permanent paid job. Our program isn't about technicalities of specific industries but about the technicalities in starting, growing in business as an entrepreneur. We deal with management and leadership as a core. Let's draw a perspective : A doctor that has no clue about business will shutdown his or her private practice before it even starts to make any kind of returns. A doctor or an aspiring medical student that wishes to have his or her own clinic or hospital needs business and entrepreneurship understanding in order to avoid circumstances dictating opportunities.

The technical and creative world ie science and art based people have no idea how to survive today in the business terrain because they are focused on the creatives and research aspects, I myself find it difficult at crossroads to take advantage of my gifts, I am not a money person even if I know how to make it work so I do solicit advice from those who know how to turn my gifts to a sustainable income, I am not completely daft but I can't possibly handle everything in one go. Of course there are those who are smart but they are not alone either. It's a team game. Those who lay the pipes need those who use the pipes if I should sound simplistic. In the music industry for instance the sound producers don't often do the lyrics as well as doing the promotion so it takes a collaboration of various persons or companies to deliver a strategic plan tactfully.

Most talented people fall prey to bankruptcy and that isn't fair as far as I am concerned. The kids who were left on the streets are those who are employing A grade students today and it's almost like a backlash for being told for a long time that they aren't better or good because they don't have a certificate. In my mind certification is in the proof that what information was given can be implemented in deed. Hence theory isn't a complete solution to indicate success. Yes I am that hard on myself. I wouldn't give topics without having a reference on what I had tested. When it comes to creative writing I measure it by the effect it has therefore it works. If it's taken further into production then another proof is available for reference.

As mentioned before "Someone who I highly respect as a person asked me why did I go back to school and that the movie industry does not need a certificate to operate or work and I said that that is a shield from those who still think that a paper makes a person.

If I still have to battle attitudes of self serving bigots to have a pass at shutting their mouths before they place a stake on my dreams and efforts I will. If there is no need for a certificate to be in the movie industry why then do the institutions exist? Or is the inefficiency the fact that that industry needs organising? Clearly today's educational institutions need to be restructured, in my mind no one needs to waste 3 years of their life in a place and then find themselves still inadequate, as life waits for no one and tech advancements are pushing the initially set limits and emotional limitations of those who still seek to control growth of others for a gain.

Educational reform is paramount because kids are dropping out and disillusioned, employers are loosing market share because they have to deal with the incompetence that is graduating from schools. Is it about raising the bar or is it about removing some doubting Mustafa's out of the system? I will produce a plan for the movie industry in a short while for critique and you all can choose what works and what doesn't in the current climate within Africa.

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