Monday 19 December 2016


Labour law in relation to interrelationships between partners and partnering countries in business

Startups are affected by the lack of needed platforms for testing their ideas, low analytical skilled practitioners due to low self esteem created by years of personal interests in governments and their intercommunication deficiencies many written scripts were deliberately or by omission disappeared again for reason in no written skills adequate for understanding the varying languages that existed, lack of territorial feedback on operational grounds in current times due to not understanding the use of the political structures once communicated

In undeveloped countries like Africa lack of infrastructure should be a push up for innovation on technologies should the developed countries showed interest rather than falling for the never ending laziness and deceit of crafty elders in the African peninsula alike

Should I say that the financial institutions were self serving would be true in part due to hard labour requirement but in my view today there is no excuse to continue in that paw prints if there are willing nations to develop the grass root education in financial principles in budgeting/harnessing the youths energy clearly in this I would blame the elders for infusing traditional values without separating the knowledge of family protection (due to attacking neighbors) clearly most prefared to sow their wild oats that I call nesters in others homes ( polygamy)

The startups on basic and growth levels aren't given the breaks to provide feedback/revision in same respect most channeled into employment rather than a self development track for innovation to happen. At start there is no service plan but went into business based on physical resource trading.

In my opinion at startup you ought to be of service drive ofcourse driven by a vague projection of needs communicated by the states or national plans for development ie when there is no physical technical practice while influenced by the difference in weather differences in continents it becomes hard to make seance on design and assembly of needed products as seen today in the developed world that is industrial solutions ie the fact that Africans eat with hands traditionally limited the need to invent cotleries so the so called English can keep their opinion on the reasons they are so estheticly advanced interesting to see how the rural British person wraps his or her head around chopsticks ):

In human resources there is a stated desire by growing or expanding companies to enhance the skills of their staff while through perirabotky statskih rabot vievlyaetsya novie nahodki

Growth through innovative service provision increases the revenue but this requires debating and dissecting initially presented theories through testing into products (seiches zaputau gramatikoi) koroche otrabotai teoriu v practike u biyavi resultat, kogda podavleni ludi trudno k chemu lobo svyazivat svou jizn

Choosing personnel that come from specifically trained institutional directives on old industrial plans for national development into the commercial arena requires time for orientation to a startup level set rules their tech knowledge is applicable on growth stage not on startup stage survival is lacking but not an ought right tourchure, survival is paramount to human genetics regardless how much we feel for kids there are emotional strengths that develop

On growth level to expand after management policies had been set on client delivery timescale a second team be placed to make augmentation to the initially developed test results generated while expanding the plans given by the financial institutions report on their environmental issues in same respect the sample business plan can be used as test trials but usually they aren't articulated for general information but specific interests of those who sometime previously used when starting up for investment, the projects form the lead but structured approach needs to be set in order to have a ground level reaserch to be made (I hate this grammar lol) in short take a project and formulate your approach by evaluating your values that attracted the founder then measure against your will to fulfill a purpose within submit to a budgeter for financial evaluation on basic needs for tools then use creativity to approach the rest needed activities, if financial service providers aren't ready with cost pricing and regulation that should exist when a national appropriation plan on raw materials it becomes difficult for a startup to reach the returns demands placed by banks

is in acquisition of partners through the revenue interests when an interest is being shown at this point franchising is done from bought companies on an existing startup that is practically/physically based at a location

In starting the initiated business projects are compared to the business plans samples or originally scouted solutions within a group if there ever was

In a group meticulous research is made the standard varies if the member or members are fixated on being perfect perfection is often applied to service delivery while products are usually updated, market direction services are often done by the overall governing body ie wide sencus without specifics hence startups ought to notice that which appeals to their skill or value set ie I had outlined 27 industry values one can start from there or the given market interest findings coming up in my half hazard projections, ye ye laugh at the duck

Remember that a service is an offer of assistance when there is something wrong or a call for help is made or seen by whom ever in a structure

In my stance start blindly then critique your initial findings - do you like what was written/proposition made? Why or why not? I head on to the next market or I use my two bit grey sells to devour my apple pie but head in a neutral area and suck on a lemon to jive my sensibilities into your thick scull

I ask myself what are their current reasons for having overheads in staff or produce misuse, waste management process

Management culture through stages in developing varying leadership styles rather than micromanaging staffs efforts to eliminate debts becomes a hindrance to growth

Еш картошку когда работаешь не когда болееш

3. Conglomerates are often politically involved but are to be seen in two group names socio needs in national growth and technical based for sustenance kariche nado naehat na egoism dlya togo ctobi prosnylic

Tech conglomerates like bolshie zavodi due to time or deliberate omission are comfortable until real questions arise on the convertible rates shown in stock markets but my question is are they not noticing the dissatisfaction in the mentality ie attitude projection by parents who can't handle the problems arising from overworked parents that are loosing attention that should have been given to the nucleus beings growing up restless due to unemployment? The complaining family and thorn social interaction, iznoc roditelei, girls refusing to be ties down with children from lazy boys and nasty mother in laws to be reasons being a demand for a better lifestyle choice but no infrastructure to support themselves and those disturbing them from becoming independent should they ask for it, without innovative outlook on things jobs can't be interesting coroche Baldy toje ganyat eto cheito business/delo, not being busy drives them back at young age into depressive choices in spousal relationships that turns into major social issues by that repeating the life their parents in many cases may have wished for them not to go into

Quad city report for algesera hope you all have a fields day at criticizing my muses who read algebra will understand the formulation

the idiosyncrasies of the IT companies that can't link other countries transactions with foreign countries for security in supply and order management is appalling
the currency rating is linked to opportunities management thanks to such big heads that are running MTN and Airtell alike tomorrow you all will be complaining that your presidents are bad but failure on requesting for education reform

Bad - Business people disparity between those who are able willing and those who need to be pushed but are capable and those who wouldn't and can't
Ugly the demand or requirement on news about the past to understand present events to plan for the future on an intimate level that's a personal prerogative on a social level when mentioned needs to be explained buy without force or manipulation on a business level those are technicalities that sustains my practice in solving matters when approached by those who try to seek resolutions ie family matters as regards me I was forced due to the danger it posed on my health and sustainable of my kids
There is a difference between blind faith and ought right stupidity on my territory and towards my chosen responsibilities governess that pose no support can not dictate especially those that created my situation on personal specifics
Reshit problemi jozni u hahodcivosti nahoditsya vcegda v taine/nedoumenie ob kak ya emocionalno vijila cherez eti godi ecli moya jizn nichego ne znachila zachem zaciklivatsya o teh kto bili ychastni?
There is a saying we live in this world even if watching from the outer
Religious is in work ethics towards my subordinates not interested as being a religious bigot to serve the interest of those who seek to talk about faith rather than in its actual implementation on a leadership level I have indirect ways in managing situations without being a show off or ofhandish as the manhandlers I have met, I am sure I have left many insecure by giving ways for those who they had held under their stronghold disillusioned
Religious conservatives view on others practices culturally blind to others lifestyles, men that can't satisfy their women and their women who deceived them about their sexuality aggravated by my openness face value people empty gong, I don't mind doing a porn movie in teaching them a trick or two from my black list of skills I am not interested in marriage in the connotation that they had become accustomed to the ass kissers
Cupid excersize to drive the knowledge of insecurity
Antinathal and dance classes
Aljesera vs CNN practices that affects the emotional situations in families rather than an open conversation on the vulnerabilities that the youth is currently undergoing in the hands of skilles parents within the work and social environment should we go deeper into the private stance? My family member tried to clamp my mouth as well, the old practice on cutting off the limbs and thongs can be seen in three different ways I was a Ailey wife I deliberately found a survival tactic to neutralize the effect on my second child that his Christian family tried to impose with the ignorant help and desire of a traditionalist who himself has no articulated religion
Kislushki i kislie tcveti glasur dlya soxraneniya

Constructing your creative place:
Every industry has its applicable product lines and service application. Servicenaya structura eto cvoego roda upravlenie. Ego eto usilennoe proeshestvie naprejonnosti v udele poryadka ega eto obuchenie pri predpolojenui uclug prejde vcego ton golasa usilivaet ostarojnot k tomu shto monjet povredit nexochashem uvidit to cherez shto ktoto proshol in times a threat is a warning directed personally that is brewing socially but in the face of one person or a number of persons who are unwilling to speak about for fear of being religiously judged in my case I do know that as a neutral cultural person I have given myself the liberty to free myself from the ignorance that others are fearfully propagating as not right but in technicality can't argue with, in creative expressions when finding new ways to solve a problem I am seen as weird I'd presume that it's quite od for many CEOs the profile I represent, I'd like to ask do those CEOs who head conglomerates know the truth behind the personalities of those who founded the companies they are employed in today? Nice to sit and pose a poise that hasn't been earned in this cases the CEOs have a huge problem in creative management of their staff and more so to increase the revenue span to sustain the shares within the companies. I am sure going through the cultural bareas in my ethnic groups that I had embraced yet them unwilling to grow beyond that, interesting to see how sales men can invent new stuff out of their sitting duck attitudes towards age gaps that they so willingly addressed in the age divides, if street kids are buying their gadgets how should they look or be formed? interesting to see how the christian and muslims who present a self richeous profile to be that as an ultimate path for a buddhist child yet unable to grasp the roles within family duty and social norm.

The following diagram would sound like I may be enforcing rules on how one ought to behave but in correlation it is a guide on how to structure the dialogues and acts in reference to making family films. At this point what makes sense is looking at the general perception of what the duties are against what is expected on a personal level. What in a piece is a norm and what is out of whack in emotional terms relating to those who you might have lived with or are in with that can formulate a work piece and who are the influencers. Lets be objective about family counseling duties as well, clearly if there are bitches in family units that are eroding family units they ought to be informed as soon as they start bitchen about their inlaws.

Cocktails process and fermentation dose mixing lemonad or apple campot c krepkimi napotkami
Kulture in drinking alcoholic beverages and spirits isn't prominent in the older generation but quite a lot in the young in Nigeria due to lack of jobs and direction in careerpowprints hence an augmentation is required girls aren't drinkers hence Alsu is seen as an alhohic
During business hours at the bar beer mixing is my way of relaxation every body can have lemon sticks to wake up the seances during heat periods the Africans predate hot mixes in spices particularily in hot chilly that allows for sweet and sower as an augmentation to reduce the tencive nature it produces, Russians are plain lovers in spice so Indian mix in chutney is a wakener for the taste buds
Grizzly brown beer brews ideas as stowt does but in our terms it's called light black beer, polisovie ludi ne
Monopoly game for kids with city attributes is similar to the GPS function table games reduces the need to divert attention from overindulgence while interaction takes place, ludo games or lato as an alternate to the thinking demand monopoly requires the job positions within companies demand varying attention hence for thinkers best to have simple games for none active job position it serves as an auentation within and outside family areas
AZartnie igri vizivaut predirchivoct k moei nature co storoni ne technicheskih ludei, like I give a flying fuck the reasons for my executive demands in stimulating my youth as an alternative badminton is a way to bond for those zealots for adults who have no fun in their lives a straight jacket is a therapeutic practice want to play with me become a child adult games at the table
Reduction on sizes for women or not heavy dosers and a klapan on open bottles or cans for next day consumption what would beer without gas be like? Flight lining I suppose
Training for producers: product design and service ougmentation emotional drive or derivatives as a census gathering in marketing practices people should know there is a difference between development and utilization to otchislit nenujnie izdeliya a smotret na perirabotky starih v novinky ili zdelat product uprujnee
To achieve balanced program the understanding of the Maslow in product tools and service needs requires openness on a personal level while the society remains overly sensitized that caused and causes bigotry to exist due to kids protection acts pg ratings and parental control some sensitivities need to be addressed in example a father of the home should restrain his strong hold on a daughter who has children in same respects to husbandry manners towards sisters
In retort the words follow does or should your image dictate my life and success in favor to the notion of image imposed by conglomerates whose CEOs are by far in more shit than my life is?!
Politicians can fuckup a country while my fighting back is met with scorn
Proizvodctvo i ustroustvo trudosposobnosti ludei protive starix structur tex kto nemoshni no derjut videmuyu silu net sushestvyet u bezdelnikov ili uctalih a est te komy nujen tolchok ili pinnok pod zatilok esho lunchshe shelban
Pri cproce pereni branda prosto perestavit bukvi i postavit snak v nizu postavit staroe opredelenie emotion based projection in signs how do you wish your clients to feel? Skipidar nujen vcem,

Wild good in the eyes of adults who need to create progress buy scared they have no administrative knowledge in how manage the waves of change are causing their own fears to reality in this respect the having mobile phones should be a solvent for direct feedback immediate response and self protection, sometimes citizens being aware of protection take it for granted bad mannerisms towards the weaker
Weird mask on in varying directives is considered bad but it produces the necessary effect when direct on matters that are of your concern where as that is seen as an intrusion even when invitation was made
Disgust - ugly no objectivity on personal preferences as regards your body or needs as a woman in physical as regards self governance I am least expecting for anyone to help but ask for assistance in this state when dealing with those who are egoistic ally inclined I am often barged into regardless of my openness my concentrated deminure is often taken as inaccessible while those who are similar do not need warning conniving people are often found in attacking positions
The good are social trash pretentious dish bags with no direction those who pose individuality as personality in the face of needed operative needs in entertainment that is artistry
Sexual education classes there is a difference between sensitivity sexuality and explicity I have no qualms undressing but not on orders as a principle will do it to ward of those who think my body or mind or soul is their property
For the supposed Muslims my walking in a southern attire while bodily exposed is a depiction of a harlot yet secretly devouwered where they wouldn't admit that they are tired of their pretentious wives imagine me exposed bodily in -30* I'd presume that's stupidity where as I CEO from a profession and aimed at a direction to ward the hungry zealots only to attract by my silence those who craved the attention go figure what I should be dressed in in a world of angry hungry men by the daft women lot

Enugu rangers
Supply and distribution of resources within their area, having the long standing tribal fudes prevents implementation and growth leaving themselves to uncooperative works and trading on margins, pereobrabotka iznachalnih productov v bolee priyomnii standardt
Tv radio communication needs from outside in on tech advancement while the edos are service, informationally inclined based and in sports
Timing in project management on project execution is a problem due to no account or knowledge on internal strengths or resources edo faing and maintenance/maintainable opportunities, security is affected by external bodies from, remove tourism from Benin to jos due to the weather

Bendel Insurance example
Financial insurance for startups nutrial skill development process (functions)
Logic direction process assimilation within an environment home and away, approval seeking thumb sucking and it's remedies
Apollo finger directives with the eye - micromanagement vs leadership style "parables" quizzes to stimulate playfulness expressionism loud and temporous nature blocks interaction at youth stage, how many children will understand?
Sme companies - middle class family style franchising opportunities with flexibility to finetune to cultural expressions after all its about the produce while service implantation is left to the purchaser of shares, branding training, service standard to be outlined through analysis of current emotional state of a given populace that is educated and skillful enough to understand the difference in finance and administration
Smes are directive in franchises this limits market feedback generation for futuristic projections on opportunities for external revenue
Conglomerate - group of small service or solutions providers under a brand name often not flexible when it comes to facilities hence microeconomics is hard to attain a specific approach needs to be developed by technicians within usually this happens when there is an external need but not within we might as well agree that internally markets are also developing or in real demand like mobile hospitals and micro factories addressed to administrators rather than the actual technicians that are seen as inflexible to changes in demand
C rabochimi nado govorit a ne c administratorami cotorie vedut otchot o crude resources a ne o processe vievleniya polnoi producii uli stankov

Dnevnik - chem hochesh zanyatsya cegodnya, shto zadali ceichas v chkole ili doma otprav I polichi otvet gde naiti ili kogo pozvat po blizosti
Send at home get directives voice wise through the wristwatch even business people need this virtual interaction with pa's while on operatives work without distraction but a reminder and a redirection on events to handle later watch recorder, feedback what you didn't achieve, what you didn't like reminders to respond in voice, how to achieve this?!
Child services for attention deficient adults when at work reduce working hours and subdivide attention between departments or outside activities, hot spots
Make a remix of StartupSity and sorry song for purposeful Muslim girls by lackadaisical fathers
Bad handling of junior brothers by overzelious envious big brothers Uyi Idehen ass hole he needs to be wiped out
What manners should a security guard have when needing to stop a client for check, guard dropping the bag and forced to escort the client to the place to ensure your emotional balance is restored, curtesy training
The unfortunate issue is that a courtful person is taken for a fool "purposeless" or a lier by those unwilling to collaborate or those who don't understand a moments urgency hence swift detection, a prolonged pouse is given as a need for a break to rethink or think about addressing an issue or a follow through after initial contact or incident took place, to presume that the offended party ought to return increases the tensive emotions caused by both parties to a degree in reference to wasted time and energy no is a no and using the sensitivity/raspolojenie tex komy ili kogo lubish or duty bound is nizko

Management of foreign investors in international events.
Place descriptive indicators suck as fuck you finger with an oak for ego trippers "anxiety issues when lost in town" go to the nearest fuck you sign spy bar
How to show bad Behaviour to those who try to put you down for being orderly, imitate them or tell them to do it yourself if you are taller than them "the gods are crazy, bad odds bar, complain to receive a pardon slap.
How to punish lazy burgers MF side do it for them/him activities
Promotion for furniture sales companies create the ambiance in different ways to suit styles feel the room while siting at a cafe, business seminar blast the company right across your view they are tarnishing your imagination
In example Evrocet selling phones but no business centre to receive wholesome services legal and security unit in specific industry solutions indirect sales strategy "advisory"
Culture for education swat in relationships horror nights for men by women since discipline is a problem.
Best advertising event for nags amasboys: what he pics on destroy it send it/him/her to his parents for evaluation kuritsa zakudahtaet v odinokom obshejitie spit in his tea fragment show trick and treat
Bigotry fight day - food fighting
Basic reason for prejudice and bigotry is unacceptance of injury done by those who are trying to earn from it, deliberate manipulation by authority or someone scorned by authority in charge I can kill myself for them to get what they wanted
If my leader doesn't protect me I will undress myself in front of his palace rather than burn myself alive all the women should come out naked in the palace to shame the king for upholding such manners yet wanting to receive gratis at old age, undress the children and parade them on the streets to shame their father
Beat up a woman when your territory is breached, if a man is violent kids with bad manners after you have prepared the grounds, I feel disgusted to having to result to such tactics in protecting myself from such a society
Test moments approach boldly men of your age and avoid men who approach you who are older since respect for your privacy was breached, break bottle on their heads or send buying guns in their vulnerable times
Babushkam - exli vi ne hotite ебatcya idite an raboty такие вавушки и родители всегда мешают, find them a lover to get rid of them
Moment at the shop for bodyguards and security training situational analysts in disrespectful manners towards women who are seen as competitors
Staff needing to understand the barcode system or deliberately sent to aggravate a customer as a training practice tell the horrid moments to receive analysis on probabilities
What tactics was used in the moment to defuse the tencive approach to avoid the negative emotion in affecting your cognition in resolving the matter amicably, "hold him by the pants" foreigner to foreigner issues
OT bezcelier vzorvat ih uli kogoto drugogo a nahodyasheecya stradaut, rezolutcuya ragavor mejdu clientom I slujashami, o ponyatii biznessnogo prava 16-18 mejdunarodniki I techniki debating, judge the moment staging.

Action: rehabilitation/reanalisation in swift analysis rather than a negative attitude towards business while training the staff
Verdict negative: No sales no business collaboration in future between tribal persons towards foreigners the complexity is that my color size and stance sensual representation within an area forces me to hide
arbitration: Accusations in court accuse the company of deliberately breaching civil rights of a visitor under the pretext to having an internal security investigation, crossing a woman's private emotional and physical space this tarnishes the towns pr stance in cases of singular events that can be communicated outside in this reference being quiet outside is senseless best to report the insistence to the nearest police station
Bond girlfriend nightmares that intimacy issue must be rectified a girl being accused of going after her old loves while a guy gets away with dumping girls Alsu vs Danny
Imagine a thief sitting at a cafe after a meal trying to leave-an open space place in winter while having to dress up and take his bag to avoid paying 2$ ends up with a fine and sentence Worce his hand gets cut off in cases like this what should be the deflecting methods by a bunch of area boys while the waiters are checks, what are the girls thinking about not a mall area position, training for mall security to handle outdoor eateries during events, body movements analysis and signs deaf and dum impedents, police academy OCD analytical & therapy приуомы

Dealing with a girl who knows martial arts but a thief to survive will you feel pity for a penny?! Have a drawing session with kids in an open space
Interior positioning in a shopping mall to have an instant draw towards what is needed, light and dark interiors, angle placement dlya afish augmentation of existing facilities rather than a reconstructive surgery for interior designers regardless of professional background but interest based to transition, filmed with hidden camera or security system within the mall bride is bruised
Replacement of shops to suit comfortable approach towards clientele, casino "business games" at the top with children facilities beat deniro "Europa games for Africa studies"
What's missing in the shop or mall game take students from different institutions graduates undergrads implement while they monitor changes, tour guide as an introducer security attention span development
Painters as spetsnaz decorators training for cleaners respectively, outomated wiping solutions for cars as well
laugh at your life statement
Share coffee as an external promotion by other related companies Santa holding his hands in his pocket while he gets served by a sexy vixen with a hardon
Note pad modification for journalists instant emailing for reproduction place pictures with pictures taken from location
The Swiz like strong women but hate to be sent of or ignored, needs a shower therapy or a blowjob as a remedy
Sales trade propositions from the web isn't often met due to financial platforms not developed or not known to those who need it for trade or care pay pal solution in cases the image of fraudulent "I sufficiently skilled persons" refusing to apply effort to implementation on proposition as a case study
problem: no IT skills yet communication companies existing and engineering institutions neglected by the so called conglomerates in case shell being a facilities company places itself in position to be questioned for its practices towards StartupSity that they claim to be encouraging old farts
Bar codes are placing clients in danger due to lack of trust towards the staff that's the tencive effects where staff are compromised in communication between biz to biz mergers or sales internal revenue review depreciates a company by intrusive persons cause to sit down while being influenced by third party placing egotistical stance through a family member who has private unresolved issues
Bad religious practices influencors in business dealings parental bad practices due to cultural representation over girl by boy being the long history by unatentive unappreciative parents Africa's problem to being at par with European questionable standards lazy girls claiming to have a problem on an international political level as an excuse to not pulling their weight in reference supported by egomaniacal men with no accumen for emotional equivalent previously created by educational system
Resolution girl boy separate classes then joint tech studies for bringing the gap when projects had been selected
Security looks for boys cute girls nevzrachnost no blonds no red heads "oleni" hot in business dead in bed, trigger an emotional moment by defusing attention by taping under the table while targeting the dark heared friend having business and fun at the same time very few are prepared physically "body therapy" hungry and anxious due to my profile glass through talk in a black box game to defuse attention from my looks and voice no voice control while receiving instant answers to questions
Archeologists as interior designers staging/museums
Costumes needed for racing and the sports club caps without or with a tube cover tubiteiki head shape round or square new modeled hats change design
Every business has its own administrative solutions needs kits packaging then modifications, in same respect industrial selections and free choice for browsers
Bad handling for youth on downloads through web purchases register your pcs from hackers for who? Or what age? Want to put your hands in my pocket of ideas? Take it free by asking or I deliberately throw it out you think I want to work for you? Charles Branson mind mapping method share and work fucker
Biz iq in fashion industry vs style in relation to working girls within the industry
Muslim fashion to reduce attacks use transparent covers leaving the face covered, airport display and Victoria secret for Muslim apes to be irritated
Spa service for the elders or physically disabled pensioners benefit not money donations in return more youth are trained in practice for therapeutically for sports clubs and ready for er management during events hot steam instead of water or Inhailers for anxiety attacks or climate change, earn your pension by taking care of disabled or pensioners those who need it immediately emergency call by a neighbor have a panic button towards a youth studying at home this reduces tension in those who are relocating or leaving alone who need to see physical interaction "friends club"
Music by colors like painting by colonies practice for relaxation and easing in children and adults into playing instruments, definition on strings to represent the unsaid words Santana market tripping

Architects corner
Theme based arrangement for restaurants and bars ideas taken from films themes and industries bar
Chayote ugly event sell a guy to ease the tension in sexuality between guys in relation to female folks
Kitchen main self serve buffer, glass divides for smokers and singles
Training style for waiters is first team places second team sets on looks the first team comes back for reassessment to indicate the emotional reaction in order to drive the training need for free flow in explaing the emotional needs of clients when they are relocated to areas previously directed to in this stance my advice would be to use flexible approach based on color light attraction in conjunction with corner or central placements
Entertainment to bid towards creating a wholesome approach between business time and resting time due to the fact that not every person who comes to rest in projection are looking for networking opportunities, this happens with difficulty due to the fact that not every group members of friends can align with same value set ie after the first play those who choose projects come together to rethink the initial positions they held with different groups change persons within to find your team mate
Stari Ambar - analysis
Ego bar club cup politics in business settings in reference to partnerships and employee management.
Lower section bar
Bar self serve beer bar with coin drop modification to regulate the drinking without taking time and distraction of waiters by that leaving the top floor to efficient management

Brii section where healthy meat foods are served the area closed by glass while the chefs "grams" tell folk tales for grams competition in introducing students to serving varying meals applicable to the meal theme tell your story days
Romeo and juliet top floor writers area where a book can be dicected and passed to the grandmas "chistushki" and humor nights"
Sky movie remake beat the bum head with a grawl. Scene where father walks in to an argument between mother and daughter on studies while he pretends not to rember what he studied
Sales on art through story telling while recreated into varying model representation in movie or newspaper format. Kenny G pull your pants down literature day for cowards.
School calendar to be reformatted with projects conversations in classes in reference to their line of studies question the material project or matter posts
Comedy and horror nights for night students, light and sound arguments pick on it and say why you like or not, painting on glass the painting seen art class place recordings on conversations then reproduce the dialogue into stage representations,
Couples hideout corner with masks for neutralization on shyness more personality directed
Order arrangement as a method for taking control of the customers be ordered into a place day, the waiters often lose confidence hence creating an uncomfortable night where a rapour can develop this allows the customers who like to be ordered around for a specific time to be at ease personally at any place of visit I would like to be shown my place let me see how they see me by my looks and dressing rather than left outside this allows some bars and knight clubs to have a particular way of addressing their interior, surprise day "do what ever day with the customer"
Pay at entry and be served
Bremenskie muzikant: Kids bar and kitchen where they serve adults light meals (12) no knives or breakables
Darwin Daewoo vs Honda competition wooho know what your hand movement speak in reference projection towards those you speak to or at hand reading in directives, have a shower day or place a plate on his head for not having manners sing a song to your son not me.
Don't look after your bride someone will take her away fortune cookie.
DJ competitions in malls during events through wifi

Educational reform to ensure a continuum for analysts is to set up investigative, explorative and deliverable analysts over time is to open up in schools delicately towards youth for solid choices in analytical skills, the myth behind FBI КГБ MI6 MIB YAB classes development In evening schools supported by intervals attending selected tech classes in the day time through projects and linguistics hide and seek battle games
Bond juice rassol and electro lights pered и posle physicheskoi nagruzki
Jam made from tropical fruits
Ice cream sweets with wearying doses in sugar and tangy tastes try spicy alternatives, growing Russian berries in varying climate regions botanical gardens, kislushki vs lemon, камроты наши и африканские, спиртные сосулки лечебные снадобуа, bitter leave juice, vegetable extracts
Sweet bread puffs as a competitive alternative to corn, takje c cemenam nachinki for vegiterian alternatives can be presented
Micro factories for easy placements in far areas engineers battle, cars transformation or restoration для любителей
Zimnyaya obbivka dlya mashin zimoi
Зимняуа обивка для машин которые можно снять
Car cover instead of painting quick fix methods for dents and road punctures, in car first aid kits construction workers loose your work kit your salary will be deducted
Emergency constructive needs preps training sleeping instructions fireman drills
KGB - дистрибутсия энерги what is energy distribution in financial terms нарост знаний через практическую работу test tube babies process, someone has to jurkoff for the process to start
Stake bar Russian biff vs English bieff how about meat tasting to spread the mad cow disease competition lets wobble the nibble
Practice butchery on animals for training surgeons not dead bodies it is a scary practice best to have doll bodies
Cremation to avoid transportation on drugs this also is a preventative measure for those who are made to swallow tech advancements disguised as drugs meat supply in parts not wholesome, prep for surgeons lee hand and legs training dlya ustoichivosti na nogah v dlitelnoe veemya, vaginal and breast augmentation including clitorial harm, use shower to restore composure due to prolonged stress due to emotional battery
Contraceptives for short periods during first dating periods, during abortions or still births the practice is implemented on different lower body shapes and position on upslanted or rakom position
Psihatry "se" breathing excersizes when in anxious moments to reduce pressure on internal organs try what works for you hot shower while singing and breathing while in the cold, elevated sugar levels cold or ice packs to slow down the rate on blood rush feeling, keep house temperature below the level outside to not sleep off into coma, steel and silver balls or ring cleansing (this depends on the state of emotions at the time, walk all over the house singing excitedly or emotionally when strangers come in with vibrations that are inadequate to your value set in implementations
When the stress of being with kids shout to resonate the energy back to still their emotions against yours then continue playing like their mate rather than forcing to behave, have a wrestle time when coming from school all home clothing to be changed sent outside barefoot to air out the stress no television go to outside tv areas for a common friendship to exist then timed to return, type while in cinema on your way out on your impressions to receive bonus or future plays in theatrics or ads and films production
How to dissect a woman imaginary love making process then take it out on your spouse, ну и ножки когда будеш трогать ин, bad man practice called 419 talk too much no action dance macosa
During festive seasons talk plans prepare for spring to prep the soil then implement and guard the returns
Service pack for incoming business people industry based apps

Sky bar
Love theme nights
Teloslojenie Води темы : the use of your body in dance walce sex intimacy education through play (razvrat po telu)
Slice and dance game meat butchering exercise medical students , lee exceexize
Naked man monopoly - brother vs sister show/short film
Family scenario: liberal/conservative small girl with seeds using the fact that her age allows her to misuse the attention given by her older sister who is manipulated by the need to look after her tries to use the protective shield by the presence of her aunty to get away with a tease.
The older sister is a conservative/democrat who is forced to adhere to watching after her own need to be relevant is playing the game of teaching her younger sister how not to tease her with what she has and her little mama stance in the home.
How would you function in this stance, explanatory ie liberal view test on negotiating between interest while advising in the process.
Nanny McGee documentary on how we sort out family disputes between different age groups within one family kids behaving like the adults and putting them in place instead of the other way round.
Geography study for kids using depiction on animal characteristics within a given zone
Precision exceexize as an augmentation to army service in conjunction with a fashion show within the mall filmed and reciprocated on stage outside after sales donation
Turn an army man into a model show Avganci, dress the waiters on the noisy days instead of uniforms special days styles chosen based on company brand or style representation festives

Multik den promotion on crazy talk in the mall by apple, use forms scanners, cameras, Kodak vs Samsung collaboration with apple
The gods are crazy no its the people that have gone mad
Aerobics at home through the radio in conjunction applying the principles in physio for women and men separately to increase intimacy this works in terms with women being able to reconnect to their spouses after a prolonged situational events due to workload or distance
Rap battles between nations to form movies bit boxing forms for the most part preparation for applying musical instruments how do the hearing and visually impered regenerate their genres in help towards varying industries in my view visual language persons are good at reading body hand language while sensuality is predominant due to their long time being in isolation in reference saw a boy with dementia part and parcel the issue is both on an emotional and phisio biological level that hasn't been fully explored
White coloreds first generation, black coloreds seconded generations disparities there are a varying situations that separates our types from the obvious 2 ethnics that had taken presidence in short access to educational and active programs about ourselves towards each other sometimes I ask are we really seeking adequate attention from ourselves or plain wasting our genetic pool to bias
Asked myself this question based on a topic previously touched in a song by John Lenon imagine looks like a revenge on the statement what if there was no religion quite an idealist I'd say from a person who couldn't cognitively connect the difference between a heart felt state of mind being disappointed in how talents were managed and what faith in music and its industry was at then, Britain was in a poor educational and security state from what I recall when watching the bands film in my view British movies except for bennyhin and the detectives series were quite dry there is also a film on scientific projection that stuck to my mind that left me quite startled as a child can't recollect the name but the picture looked like guys in white flannel jumpsuits echoing through the distance however Danny Craig is in big trouble to rediscover the reasons behind Lenons death in correlation to fans behavourial tactics towards their representatives
I suppose it would make since to articulate properly the labour law on all industries rather than leaving talents and the conecting persons adequately cared for while keeping in mind the environmental factors affected by over industrialized ambitions
Christians we do not want social revolutions rules that were made for single boys and girls that doesn't apply to previously married or currently married I would presume that situational analysis apples when regulations are made on those who infatuate disparities between the sexes rather than on characters and their alignment void of external influence based on personal wants than what works for mutual and in reciprocation towards the society this mind you translates into businesses being able to sustain and regenerate itself as time goes on in short intimate conditions are different from personal situations.

Transform lightning McQueen into a movie and or setup a piston cup race
Experiment on a variety of use in corn as a snack spice mixing excersize for agricultural students in turn having to turn a car into a tractor
Turn a tv into a PC for school/Colledge project I'd presume there isn't much use in increasing manufacturing more TVs if there are a lot in the wear houses that schools need an idiot/lazy in engineering thinks buy and sell is more of a solution than making it within an institution he himself graduated from
Technical ways in introducing knowledge to kids is to have them make their own cartoons с помощью обводки motion management as an additional learning for art students
In creating scenes the practice in situation analysis helps create scenarios while that prompts the use of detective skills and tools, the understanding of the Aesop stories leads to the need in investigating the nature of animals within the regions quite disgusted with the electorates as regards the unfocused plans towards development traders mentality yet no worth in those who had placed them there
To investigate the terrains equipment and geers are needed ya daje galoshi nemogu predprinyat kak nujnoe cvoim druzyam kotorie ne zainteresovanni v turizme k mestam gde yest naturalnie zadatki
Bridging the gap between the varying patwa pidgin speaking nations in producing text for IT practitioners they want to say that there is no linguistics studies in uniben to develop educational materials for kids and adults alike in the villages? I'd presume that the Irish haven't lost their kink in communication yet queens language is shoved down every ones throat, where is the bloody dictionary that is none existent in libraries
Curently no allocation for software even for administrators courses not often having to do with no energy to sustain it but the unobjective outlook by accountants, don't know what Henry Imasekha is thinking about disgusted, the refusal to look into the job descriptions of the administrative duties leaves the software producers unable to align even their functional codes to suit an environment
For engineering departments in mechanics and designs turn a car into a city car for students then replicate for sale to outside markets uniben the university departments are far from each other hence a mini train ride can bridge the gap while increasing the orientation in pm management of roads works, don't even want to remember what I saw in the university
Just because you can buy outside doesn't mean the engineers to be should be left without practice think waste management dudes who call themselves fathers what's worse is students waiting who have graduated and abroad for permission to present ideas to their own relatives that are in institutions Uyi Idehen is an idiot
Under the pretext on receiving driving lessons for students 12-16 I'd presume go cart racing and safety learning as cosmoneaughts do would become and interesting way to interest them in rocket science our potholes in nigeria reduces the accidents on internal roads, South Africa the use of speed regulations devices only makes people unatentive by being nervous because of fines hence I can hardly be bothered about governing polices in a crime infested town save your life first then give them paper for their stupidity
Countries voicing policies should be held liable for the effects or their presence will be ignored I would gladly send a police man into a bad manners school for having no manners in approaching my private property if he had done that when my son and daughter was there he would have left with his legs broken

bitter cola chewing gums or chewing sticks that are bitter rejuvenate the tastebuds when the palate is stale it also helps the needed jaw movements for those with dementia it builds concentrative abilities uprojnenie dlya chalets physiology it also massages the gums for healthy strong teeth and aligning brushing of teeth is a problem  usually with boys while constant brushing weakens the enamel, instead of using buckle reluctant physic and muscle stretching as an ease into sport.
Gess what Xmass stands for? Kick my ass out of my ego position i suppose you need to know who you are up against друг не хочет чтобы я облажалас надоела ета ахрана которая встауот так рано нет чтобы встать рядом с голым прекрасным парнем this fasting and prayer is going to be hot
It really doesnt matted and matters whT the elders had gone theough in what we enjoi today if tbe yourh are as equalky daft as them they will trade their today for a tomiroow that ever comes
lideri voobshe ne ponimaut psihalogiu v razmerah obucheniya v ocnovnom vidvigaut 5tyoroshnikov vorov nado ctavit zamesto uchitelei, nas ludi ne ponimaut, cami stavyat pravila sami zajimaut cvoih detei cherez uchitelei

imagine david omigie as a teacher he can head the movie industry in nigeria looooool
whats the job of a receptionist/room service personnel towards a client what is the adequate communication system?

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