Tuesday 23 June 2015

Risk with your own life.

A good driver becomes useless when in a new terrain. I personally battle with the ideology used in training people in driving or any form of coaching for some to be competent. Competence in my mind represents the willingness to be better than the previous day or experience, so there are no limits to the heights people can reach. Unwillingness and the lack of tools makes a job go wrong. As a Founder and CEO every minute I work on my skills and I expect same in others, of course there are deadlines to meet as time is money and resources are being wasted in the process of getting someone up to scratch.

To have practiced HRM for 16 years I have learnt how manage people, some need a boost and some ask for the boot but I refrain from sacking if I see a will to rectify the issues that arise. Issues- people are either emotional or sensitive and that's the human skills management aspect that HR practitioners must be skilled at, this doesn't come easy for most.

Hard resource management is often outlined in polices and procedures but how does one procedurise people management? It's an intuitive process. First communication channels need to be set as different people respond differently to one form of communication or the other and this is also dependant on not just who but female and male mindsets, there are also those that don't do well at all. People learn in different ways and through different channels. I have also realised that my personality and a perception of me and my position "level of responsibilities" also affects communication with others.

To the average person I come across as hard but to those who know me and have a personality trait and experience as I understand me clear. I don't believe people are dubious as circumstances may not be favourable at the time to get things in order so I give them the time. I also need to take my time to get things in order as I am affected by circumstances beyond my own doing, that's life so I roll with the punches.

As a young person to the adults I came across as unruly because I didn't give them a chance to dictate what happens to me when I reached the age to fend for my self. To my siblings at the time when they were young I was the Rock and I still am, and probably more crass than before 󾌩, as I am handling things on a different plane field other than what was before. So the more obstacles I I face the harder I become, and this is the mind that my staff or partners have to deal with and not take things personal. I work hard and then play hard.

Various cars have their mechanical strengths and weaknesses and that needs to be addressed, as how I handle my car isn't the same way a hired driver would. This comes as a result of the experiences that I have had with training people to drive the way it's needed for execs. First they don't understand the concept of timing as that revolves around certain security demands. People get kidnaped because the driver is unaware of risks we take in being in the public eye and taking decisions that maybe messing with the plans of competitors who aren't able to meet up to the expectations driven by a different set of skill.

 I don't see the sports men in athletics gunning down their opponents but in the business world it is real regardless of what plane field one is on. If a football star and a tennis player were attacked and murdered by ardent and ignorant fans, then what's there to say about a business person even if they are not physically on someone's terrain. Fashion designer Gianni Versace was a victim, Monica Seles was stabbed right at the field of practice, Andrés Escobar murdered for scoring into his own post, so does being a Hero pay? Should one shrink to avert someone or a bunch of people making a decision on ones life? This is why security is crucial and not only from the stand point of home or workplace environment.

I had a colleague when working at Peugeot quite some time ago give me a lesson on driving as well as mentorship. He is a German and in simple terms said "risk your own life not the lives or with the property of others."  I am a mum and what's important to me isn't me but my kids, honestly I can't shut them down because there are security issues. I do my best and I leave the rest. Panicking makes people more vulnerable so a strong mindset is a demand for both a leader as well as their staff or support group. Putting children in a bulletproof car isn't the only way to protect them, the driver must also know that safety means just as a nanny and it's not in just wearing a seatbelt as that during accidents can prove fatal if there is a need to jump out of a car. Slow and insecure drivers cause the most a accidents while a perceived recklessness is a way to safeguard the passengers.

A seatbelt has a risk factor in getting out of a car. With the advent in kidnappings happening especially terror zones a skilled driver is such that has the mentality of a guardian. Maybe up on gravitational dysfunctions there should be an automatic release of the belt just as there is with airbags? I miss Toyin and he has that skill, with him I can send a 1year old without worries. I have been blessed to have good people for drivers even if at start they were not skilful in my understanding, so I take the pain in putting them through myself. However this can't be done by everyone.

There is a need to train people for special driving for who needs that service. Have a look again at the film Bodyguard and see how the driver was trained to suit the occasion. There are other films that have been made to understand what and where situations may arise. Although no one prays for disasters to happen but having a skill isn't a bad idea to prepare oneself for. Maybe for some countries to loose soldiers is a statistic but my concern is for each individual as well. I am not that bugged with safety issues as I feel secure as an individual even if I have the tendency to piss people off 󾌩. Love me or hate me, but a gal has gat to do what a gal has to do.

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