Thursday 4 June 2015

The price of Liberty.

Why not?

Policy is about aesthetics and functions of a country or nation and the universe. This implies that everyone should be enlightened as well as make an objective stand to the process of development, as well as managing the crossroads to transformation. This leads me to analyse the platforms that were used in eradicating poverty and ignorance both of undeveloped and developed countries.

Various political systems had been used in easing people into the work force and some in a very brutal manner simply because we have those who by nature don't wish to be a part of the socioeconomic development. Political movements are the ideologies behind and were established to educate people on what is possible and being under a roof of some sorts. 

Communism sought to make everyone collectively collaborate but at some point in my view created nuisance within and provoked fear in others who didn't share the ideology that we are as humans are in need of each other. In my memory living in Russia I can not complain about a single thing as a child however I lived in the times of perestroika and then the change came in in a brutal manner where those who craved for power ignored a simple principle; the care for their people expecilly those who worked hard. My family was totally supported and held strong by the women as our main man GrandPa had died years prior. Coming from a proffessional family the only saving grace to survival was my Dad who with the background of entrepreneurship in Africa offered himself as the next who stepped in to support the family. So, sorry to the men who think that a woman should sit at home and wait for a messiah, I have seen what that can do to women who were totally reliant on men and were let down and women who regardless of the egoistical pleas never gave in and rightly so.

Going by the meaning of capitalism and my experiences of the breakup of USSR I saw how others took advantage of the ignorance of others in the bid for economic power. I am happy Russia at the time had the sense to bring in Putin regardless of what ever propaganda that may evoke in others. At Least he had shown there is a guardian that in extreme circumstances can give back fire for fire. 

It pays no nation who stands as the big brother to presume that the resources of a nation belongs to everyone and sending forces without a care for the cultural treasures the others keep in order to survive. That's capitalism at its worst. When you erase the identity of others you cease to have one yourself. Ever noticed the  effect of Nazistic or the Napolionic movements? Do nations historians not analyse the past? What makes the nations that are attacked not think that they have been conned?  I saw yesterday an ad banner that put a list of words that said Discrimination with a graphic that showed a canceled Discrim- and left Nation.

Nationalistic movements may have been seen as a better way to raise people to follow a plan for growth but that is a weak approach as it creates more segregation both internally and externally. Natio is a Nazi like orientation, tribalistic, we might as well start creating political parties based on shape and hight. Ridiculous.

I once said you would know who a liberal and a conservative is when a democrat walks in, that was on Twitter twits towards xenophobia just as sexism is. Display of madness at some point is required for a better understanding of a terrain but that should be done tactfully as you don't want to scare everyone away. People are by nature either liberal or conservative and within them we have those who know how to bring both to talk. I am a democrat but that doesn't mean I can't be conservative. I am conservative towards myself and liberal with people. I am my own law and no person shall have dominion over me, not even cultural rules that were placed to serve men and women will hold me back and for that reason I arm myself with knowledge and skill. We have those who want it all including the souls of men which even God doesn't take by force but through reason. 

So what then works if all have failed on an average scale? It's your choice to decide which works for you, the platforms for growth had displayed their good and bad sides and structures had been explored. 

It is senseless to demand that countries must change their stand to suit your crave for their resources. As a leader you must be smart enough to negotiate for a share in the pie and remember the bargaining power of a nation depends on the people not just hard resources. What can Africa hope to get if the leaders lead not and the people choose to bear? Hopes are dead wishes, Faith is active participation in your own lives and in return for growth on a social and economic level. For me now I see that the start to Africa's rising is to be continental not divided but that's just my view as a start. Nature didn't create dividends/divisions even if it established differentiation through shape, colour and size. I may omit certain things but that's deliberate as i may end up writing a book rather than inviting dialogue.

Division may have come in in the face of colonialism but that was only possible because we are tribalistic and to put a divide was easy and still is. The whole world was such at start but they fought for an identity to have a  face on the socioeconomic level after world war 2. Does Africa want a war to satisfy their libido? I am sure some crave for it and there will be those who are ready to provide for the occasion. Africa please be aware that should we not have a personal war within our hearts for change God will provide one to force it and history has shown vividly through the tyrants that had been and are brewing within.

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