Tuesday 23 June 2015

The youth have experience.

There is no doubt that the youth have experience. 5 years on this planet and there is always something to tell a story about let alone someone who has lived for 18 years and more. Movies are records of events in people's lives or for some it's their whole life.

Africa has almost next to none archives of historical events to draw plays from or for some reason our movie makers do not find them interesting enough to make into a motion picture, or don't we have producers that have a classical eye, or maybe the writers themselves could bring their books to life or is it again that the financial industry doesn't have a clue on how to make money out of them or again another excuse such as art culture isn't important enough in the publics eye, which ever the excuse it doesn't remove the fact that other continents are making billions and millions in turn over from our purchases. Could it be that the rulers and tyrants are still alive that they don't want their dirty laundry hung in public or their kids will be affected by the stories? What ever the excuse again rumours have their ways of sipping through and painting an image that maybe far more notorious than the actual facts of their lives.

How does a film come to life? Through passed on stories and happening events, as well as a figment of imagination. Does Africa honour it's writers by bringing their words to picture? Are we developing the next generations of story makers?

Hollywood, Noliwood, Bollywood and other nations representatives in the movie industry started in a variety of ways, and the easiest way to start off bringing better movies is through Adaptation of either foreign films that have already been made or books of writers. Autobiographies and documentaries on YouTube fuels creative angles to making a movie or videos for music, which ever way there is no excuse for not trying something even on a cellphones, webcams or Sony cameras before you start on the main equipments.

The youth today have a lot to say and they need to be heard as well as seen through music and motion picture and at the same time be employed not just in industry specialisation institutions but becoming the producers, directors, editors and playing a part in it if they have the qualities to be in an act portraying a character. As much as Africa believes more in going in the direction of sports we should also look at the creatives because the world of sports today is run in close collaboration with the professionals in the movie making industry. All big sports clubs today have their own TV channels and not just on air but online via their websites or YouTube. The Movie and Sports industry doesn't have a priority in the eyes of most parents because of the news lines of misfortunes that surround our passed and present stars. Well that's the headache of Hollywood not for most part in other continents. it isn't all what many have been made to think it is. Within these industries other professionals such as the medical, financial, legal, agriculturists, crafts men (carpenters, bricklayers, steelworkers etc, engineers, interior designers, fashion and tailoring specialists are present and all work to making a block buster and the skill of putting it to fruit is in the hands of producers and directors who have skills in creating and managing the process of delivery. This isn't a drive by profession and just like any deserves a sensible respect to be given.

When it comes to managing actors this is also another set of responsibility that doesn't come easy as they can be very emotional and sensitive people. Their artistry comes from being able to dive into a character "effects" of the motion pictures surrounding them. Neglect for the most part within this area is what creates the negative aspect to the industry. It is very easy when a production is going on to forget about saying hello and how are you as a director or agent when there is pressure to submit on timelines.

I have produced and directed and edited and shot my own productions and for the most part hasn't released the terabytes of footages done over the years and deliberately because I feel the time hasn't yet come. What you see are tests.

For now I focused on the content development and management aspects of my work. It took 10 years to produce Avatar what makes anyone think that to make my motion pictures, series as well as StartUpSity  as a business in a short time? I have grand and great plans so I take my time and for those who want to rush me on should join now and do what 100 people should be doing but I alone am doing. Yes I do alone now what 1000 people in other country's are doing, hence you see the rough works that seem unorganised to many. That's how creative people are they never look organised to the procrastinators. I have a short fuse with those who talk and no do. Any way this is a prelude to the plan that needs to happen for the movie industry to flourish in Africa and hopefully spill over to the world at large. I don't think small, maybe that's my biggest problem.

So to organise and deliver what it would take to get everyone moving forward the following is what I suggest.

Phase 1. Getting the EDU in The movie industry structured. Here is The list of creative and management crews that are needed. I am drafting a plan with the assumption that there is nothing and when it is out we will see what is available and where to start from with the kind of resources available within and from without.

Writers, Producers, Directors, Editors, Camera/cinematographers, Marketers

Are the main drivers of any production. This is how I will go about getting them ready regardless of weather they have the skill set or not.

Writers. A selection of persons who want to write stuff about themselves or others. Using a simple principle from the film in "finding the foresters."

I don't care if they know English brilliantly or not from the grammatical standpoint. Movies are made in any dialect including pigeon language, the art within motion picture has nothing to do with grammar but with conveying a message through an event. So "write and let the readers read," that's the foresters principle.

The mode of expression isn't just through simple writing but poems and lyrics are welcome as that makes up for the needed dialogues and soundtracks for the films.

It is usual and everyone has heard at some point that a script is required. In my lame understanding of what a script entails, its basic components; describe the message/situation in 400 words, then describe 400 words the location and how it looks, then 400 words the characters and what they are saying to each other. Once that is done we pass it on to the readers for a response on what they think about it. That produces vantage points of views that are added. I don't advice anyone on reviewing their own writups that are made specifically for motion picture productions as that would be unobjective. However the originals are later posted just as writers publish their books.

So 2 groups are being set; the writers group and the reviewers group, and then they switch sides to have a balanced equitation on experience.

Phase 2.
The analysis phase comes in next as before a picture can be shot the stage makers "interior designers, special effects editors, graphics, engineers, costume designers," (depends on the complexity) need to take out what aspects they need in order to locate the materials they need on their end. During this phase creative directors are also working on auditioning and selecting the actors and preparing them through rehearsals. While the directors are at work with the actors the camera/cinematographers are taking their own set of notes that helps them when they will be on the actual shooting. After the rehearsals are done every member submits their suggestions to the producer who now makes it into a structured plan with timelines and call sheets so that there isn't a disjointed mode of operandi.

Considering that budgets are allocated and time means money because everyone needs to get paid hopefully on time the producers crew has a subcrew "management"(made of accountants, logistics, insurance, medical etc members that look after the expenditures, health and safety of the entire production team. It is hectic and if one isn't dedicated as well as a caring brute they usually don't get things done on time and screw with people's lives and emotions. What makes me the best producer? Is the fact that I am very very very :) creative and can see a directors point of view without much thinking. I am that much interested in people's dreams. I am also an entrepreneur "survivor" that nothing phases me but my down fall is that I need a financial manager of my own to do the bidding for me cos I hate money with a passion, it sucks life out of me. Psychiatrists also need psychiatrists. I get too engrossed in a job that I forget to even have a shower or brush my teeth. This is why I am taking so much time to get going because I have kids and responsibilities that come first even if my career is also important, so I take my time to balance things. In a world of men as a mum I have no excuses needless to mention again that my child's circumstance doesn't allow me the privileges other single or married mothers have.

Any way moving on to what needs to happen.

Considering that Africa in my mind has next to nothing in the area of movie making in terms of support from the financial institutions seeking sponsorship and creative ways of delivery is the most serious aspect to consider. I am not to sure that even in the developed countries there is much help either but then I am here and they are there. Are they interested in the african movie market? Yes but they also need at least a proposed plan of action. So here is a beginning, if this is enough to start from I present it to you all for dissemination and expect a feedback via my channels of communication or otherwise by direct questions through Facebook on this post.

Cheers :)

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