Thursday 4 June 2015


The essence of advertising is to ADD VALUE TO A PRODUCT OR AN IMAGE. This implies that the advertisers ought to test a product and form the perspectives in conjunction with PR.
The direction of advertising varies and its use. There is a soft and hard part to this industry. The soft part relates to the creation of visuals that COMPLEMENT a product through visuals, sound and words. Visuals depend on accessorising either through colour or adding to the scene complementary products that make a product stand out. The sound is the accompanying vocals or music that speaks lyricly describing the qualities and benefits of a product.

Campaigns are usually handled by PR practitioners.

We had been brainstorming on the idea: indoor and outdoor advertising and had came up with the following projects and solutions. Looking at the environment such as down town Johannesburg and cities that have similar structures "skyscrapers" the town is dark and it looks as something that one can transform looking like the Times Square in New York. Instead of streetlights being the only form of illuminating the streets we suggest media tools be used and to taste not just for advertising.

The skills required to aesthetically place the lights and design is available in the hands of interior designers as well as landscape designers.

We also explored adding dancers into the world of models as well as using the concept shown in the film "friends with benefits" flash dance styles both for products or company representatives. We have loads of youth who have wonderful moves that haven't been showcased if you look at the azonto clip you would see how wonderfully people connect to the expression.

The drive for proposing the idea of outdoor media tools used is not just to Advertize products and promote companies but to draw people to enjoy activities that go on there like open concerts for new upcoming artists and theatrical stage plays. In the process new and existing restaurants and fast foods would have patronage. New meals presented that can be suggested to places outside the main centre.

If we take JHB as a reference children game attractions can be placed in a variety as well as in different corners. I do strongly believe in games such as bowling and go cart race happening as these are games that set a competitive as well as develops the skills in focus.

There are a lot of dilapidated buildings that need restructuring and design and this gives the much needed practical zone for the students in engineering and architectural study.

As well as youth who need training in the health and safety as well as retail management. Should the cities interested in this approach there is more than 1million jobs within each.

I was just informed that a crew member of mine was stabbed by thieves in broad day light at 4:30, an 18 year old boy who was coming home. I am loosing my youth to the thugs the GOVERMENTs refuses to pursue. The police and guards of the cities are under trained while the bad guys still sell guns and knives. As much as knives can't be totally eliminated at least train the kids in martial arts to be able to foresee dangers and in worse cases avert serious injury.

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