Saturday 13 June 2015

Flower arranging.

We had chosen to explore a given business idea of flower arranging classes and in result decided to approach the thought through  gardening. In Africa the rate of littering is high, what will it take to keep a city clean? Just imagine a city like Johannesburg being decorated with flowers, the effect will increase tourist attractions.

A dialogue went in the following manner: "Dude... I understand the cleaning up, but gardening, in the city? Where will the flowers grow?" Certain soils don't suite certain flowers or plants type, earth moving perhaps? Or natural fertilisers? There is a downside to not having large animal farms. Excretes from animals is what started the fertilising businesses we have today. My auntie had a mini farm and in there I learnt how to make butter after milking the cows by hand, however in large farms automated tools are used.

As a child I saw cows and bulls going through the streets in Benin, these days there isn't such, I wonder why. The North of Nigeria doesn't do farming any more? The difference between the animals bread in Southern Africa and Mid West is different. We don't seem to have grass fields where they pasteurise. Our meat is lean and hard so as the chickens when comparing. In SA I like the "billtong" as it reminds me of our meat in texture. The taste is different here but same as in the developed worlds. I am sure we are all allowed our preferences from time to time. I buy here the 2 types of chickens the organic and none depending on what I am making. When I do stew and rice I prefer to have the Nigerian taste, when making Chicken and Potatoes "porridge" I prefer the flavour gotten from the frozen chicken.

There is a difference between the chicken that one chases round the compound :) and the one you get prepackaged. I am sure the picture of someone chasing a chicken for the animal rights organisations isn't an appealing one but have a look at the Inhumane effect to the human body after digesting the antibiotics and steroids. I am a child of doctors so you can't expect me not to give a rats about human and ecological impacts our greed creates.

Grass fields do 2 major benefit to an environment: it serves as feeds for animals as well as helps the ecology. What does it take to maintain a grass field? If in Nigeria we can't maintain our football fields, what makes us think that the grass fields will have a chance?

Most metropolitan cities are paved and there is little resembling grace, yes parks have been allocated but how many really go to parks especially during the cold season? This idea is about aesthetics in reference to flowers and plants. Some will ask who needs flowers or good looking cities? Haven't we sat to think about what attracts us to the developed countries? It is the look and feel. Ask the guys who chase beautiful women they would tell you because it satisfies their minds and same it is with decorating a house or a city. It's a form of appreciation building.

The difference between a ghetto and the suburbs is that it looks clean and nice due to a maintenance culture. Just as good books edify the soul so do clean and beautiful environments.

Contracts need to be awarded to beautifying Cities with and in an ecological as well as aesthetical manner. The word ecstasy may be used in reference to drugs but visual stimulation puts the heart in a state of ecstas "natural high". Those who want to be in the business of flower arranging should get flowers and or trees from a garden shop, go to the location where known landscapers can put you through on how to blend colours as well as understand the soil you would or are working with and through and what watering pipes are needed. Existing garden shops can add that to their portfolio of services.

Having a communal approach to certain projects allows the maintenance of it to be appreciated. It's quite unfortunate but people only appreciate what they had done or contributed to. When we value what others do regardless of if it directly or indirectly affects us, gives more peace within ourselves and others. There would be so much knowledge that you would carry with you.

Botanical gardens need to be established as that allows cultivation of new and a wide variety of plants. An abandoned area becomes an oasis, that's real magic.

The persons who attend these events shouldn't be restricted to only its citizens or localities but from the outskirts where they can continue the trade after. Most tourist attractions aren't within metropolitan cities. This isn't necessarily a corporate duty to implement but to support, as grads, undergrads, mothers and the unemployed are learning new skills, companies who wish to take it up are welcome. Having gone through the orientation more floral businesses develop, as well as events decorators, not to mention having better air in cities. Breathing dry air has health effects. Nose bleeds, soreness of the throat to mention a few. The project maybe a short term thing but it starts off other things on the long run, like maintenance and increases job creation.

Do the governments of Africa not realise that we are loosing the value of our currency because our Artists go abroad to shoot nice videos because we have awfully managed landscapes? The need for this is because it is neither here nor there for the artists, as at the end of the day if the viewers can't relate to the picture within his or her locality they will dismiss it. Maybe this favours foreign countries however monopolising only creates more Imigration issues. Artists look for alternatives to the restrictions the landscape gives "studio creatives." Some corporates don't understand what being on the outside does for them. We are forgetting that tourism isn't about attracting people from other countries but interstate as well. Each state competes for recognition because on a federal level budgets are allocated.

This makes me weep. The homeless, street kids in and around the city can be the one looking after the gardens, which is job creation, alleviating poverty, which would give them purpose. So this flower arranging idea became a whole lot broader.

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