Tuesday 23 June 2015

How should it be?

Informing a woman about your identity at first limits the opportunity for a lasting relationship beyond the usual first night stands. Women aren't built for self gratis so as men.

We call this project "Drive" it stood for the idea of getting written love letters to their destination as well as other forms of deliveries. There isn't much difference between the notes and greeting cards that have existed and should continue to. It is a sign of affection. Which is the essence of the service line of the Flirt and RoManZ project.

How do women and men show affection? How should it be? These are questions that have variables that can't be measured in rational terms, as each person has his or her own. It's a connecting point, instead of the existing services where persons meet in a crowd of singles and randomly introducing themselves. Relationship building is simple depending on how someone makes the approach.

It is no question on a woman's mind when approached by a man that he has an agenda other than the knowledge of who she is at first so women to protect themselves from looters had invented ways to protect their space. This is why matchmakers existed because very few men know or have been educated about who a woman is. Religious practices had made women vulnerable with preset rules that was supposed to keep her safe in the first place.

Interesting to know why are popes single if they were placed to look over the welfare of a given society? Self imposed? And propagating what is permissible and not for women? Witch hunting is what the old church is known for, so why do women listen?

We are living in better times how ever certain environments are still crude such as Africa, Asia and the Middle East that culture is still strong in relation to women. Probably women are building up walls to keep the crude men away? after my experience that's exactly what I would advice all single women to do. Hide and make it difficult because easy come is easy go. I am sure guys don't like the idea of being checked out, how about the sizing up many do?

Europe and the developed world regardless of its liberties has also exposed women to another set of extremism that the law is battling with sorting out it's intricacies. Husbands shooting down their estranged wives and kids because he had been walking around for 20years thinking that all he was doing was good because she kept quiet not to evoke the scorn on her from family and society. And there she goes with a black eye. African women deal with it by giving him a second wife or allowing girlfriends. Men wake up, women wake in.

There is no doubt that everyone needs someone but have we asked ourselves the question How does one protect oneself from those who seek to possess yet are lazy to maintain a relationship?

Girls and boys at age 16-22 need sex education and it doesn't mean talking about sex but about sexes since parents think it is a taboo to help their kids relate to that. Maybe they are too miserable themselves to note that remembering they need to help ease their children into the adult life will make them find themselves again? I had my auntie who did what my mother couldn't and same it is with boys and their uncles. When I talk to the crew of youngsters about their life they listen even if they become blushed. I am open "I tell them to get laid." Especially when young so that they don't become horny adults prying on younger heads because they didn't have it when young. Sorry that's the ugly truth. Men become dull even if it makes women stronger. The life of a woman isn't an easy one there are so many problems that result from the possessive attitudes of insecure men. Till today white men and black men still measure themselves as to How many and how much they have. Sick to think of it that that's what makes many men feel they are the best, yet can't retain one who will stand by their side.

Culture- projection of possessiveness of weak minded people whom only testosterone drives to bring rationality. Time to drop that nonsense. My girls I also orientate on how to deal with unruly attitudes. Each need their level of nurturing that can't be spoken out loud.

Marriage counselors: I was once asked why would someone who is divorced be permitted to be there during a crises! My answer is such: it is scarier to have a Married person who is bitter to give someone advice on what to do. Because of a job they are forced to stay in a marriage they want to break out from.

What makes for a good relationship? It's the ability to relate on different levels. It doesn't matter what psychology degree one has plastered on the wall.

The need to express self to a loved one through SMS or email takes away the effect that a written note has. It means you took your time to think of someone and applied an effort. There is Magic in a mystery note from an admirer. A secret admirer may be seen in some worlds as stalking however even those who are approached without an initial introduction are received often in same view. The solution to this is a process that those who wish to connect with someone through a written card/note can try. You can do it yourself, just that having an intermediary ensures that the sender isn't seen as a stalker or either party isn't treated underhandedly. There are loads of examples in the high society that gives an indication that money isn't everything Lady D.

On the initial stance we deliver a note if one needs it to be more of a purée, similar with that of flower gift shop, after its up to you to make the effort through proposed activities designed for a relationship to go further. There is a page/site where various notes, poems, lyrics are posted to fuel your creative imagination "Witty quotes" that you can send and you simply make an order to deliver. There are relationship Counselors on line or phone you can speak to on certain pressing matters.

we are currently working on it, "call centre services". so stay tuned through our Facebook posts on when and where.

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