Monday 1 June 2015

Free will in good will hunting.

Education & Instruction Industry.

The more I practice with the youth in reality the more I see the need to put an invisible wall because of the world I am in. It is said : familiarity breeds contempt." as described in Wiki " The more acquainted one becomes with a person, the more one knows about his or her shortcomings and, hence, the easier it is to dislike that person." Well i could agree and disagree on this point on 2 levels. The first relates to the personal life of a human beings code of conduct. On a socioeconomic level it is only good if we all get better acquainted with things and a society at large.

The youth need an example yet being around for them in the way that they need makes me a target for scrutiny because those who sit to judge my actions are dubious themselves. The youth on a large scale are driven by emotions and their developing senses of procreation and exploration of self. It wouldn't be fair in brutally instructing them to forget about their physical needs, should one do so one will likely have a frustrated human being all through their lives. I simply tell my boys "Get laid but your body or another isn't a dustbin. Condoms are made available. By allowing the thought that it is allowed it in reverse soothe the urges. Do i allow them to have alcohol "YES" and i say this boldly my father did same with me and allowed it in his presence and as a girl i can outdrink any guy and take him home to be tucked in. this all is said for the purpose of you the reader to understand that the way to avoid disasters is to have a seeing blind eye.

This topic leads to the understanding of the opportunities that lay within StartUpSity Incubator for Counsellors, Consultants and Coaches from the standpoint of managing the needs of the youth who need to transition from the secondary schools level towards university and into the job environment.

As a mum who has free 4hrs a day you can be a counsellor consultant on areas such as the social and career practice building. and this allows you to both be at home and manage your career at the same time. We have a set program to put you through the needed orientation.

As a owner of a Creche/school there is an opportunity for being a consulting/coach to the youth age 16-18 before they go into university and we also have an orientation program for you.

As a government who is interested in the well being of its citizens there is also an opportunity for transforming certain aspects of the educational processes that are causing mayhem for the business world. Interested? send an email to for reference see Google us and visit our site as well as on all social media on FaceBook Twitter, WhatsApp - +27736051437.

I am not one to spoon feed people as I believe the more you pity anyone the more hated you are neither am I a tyrant, should I be? Probably to those who do not heed to the signs that the coming of age is near. I do not believe in force, I believe in active faith, the true meaning of it eludes most. When it is said : Many are called but few are chosen most think that it implies removing weeds from the crop, how ever there are 2 sides to a coin. Where certain nations tyrants such as stalin, hitler and mussolini of the past waged war to balance the equation; milked the ignorance of their people into death, the good leaders were shot such as JFK and every man within his household including his lovely son disappearing in the cloudy mountains, one needs to question the world that man lives. Do people really want progress, do people really want peace? Or is the problem that they do not know how? The question is always in the HOW.

I had asked 2 questions and in them I made a statement. “The hardest thing that would be, is to industrialize an environment with commercially minded people."

Then I proceeded to ask "why is it hard to industrialize commercially minded people?" And I received the following answer "For large scale for industrialisation to take place there needs to be a large group of people with a will "economic connections" and willing to cooperate with each other through Thoughts, Talent and minimal interruption of economic activities by violence and or warfare etc. Its possible by establishing lines of communication and assistance for people willing to establish business dealing with each other." Arms and weapons developed not for war but for navigating terrains that need development. Personally i would like a Jet and go to space. Satellite Africa through business projects, Creative based activities and media channels for education.                                      

Then I asked a similar question in reverse on another platform and all I got to the question "why does it look hard to commercialize an industrial minded nation?” and I got a question back “What do you mean?” When I get a question to a question I realize that its either they don’t know or simply playing foolery in order not to be caught in a lie.                                

It is very easy for those who are willing to achieve any aim. The question is "what’s their will based on?" I hate to condemn people because of a reply of a minority group who is blinded by the superiority complex and on the other side inferiority complex. Both are very much alike, the problem is that as adults its fine if you make a conscious decision to give up, but how about the youth? Should they be affected by your negativity which prints out from unwillingness caused by attitude? How can someone who is unwilling inspire anyone to be willing? Most times I see people using a lie to trigger curiosity, however they seldom see a good continuum. Should money be the motivator then slaves are made in such ways.

After explaining I plunge people into practice. This video clip represents an opportunity for countries to take up in order to help the youth and parents who you are or will be. The line of thought that I am following is in the area of instruction. As much as we have the educational platforms, what is missing within those institutions is the practical side of implementing what was conceptualised. I have been asked to certify my practice and i am reluctant to do so because in the same manner the Educational institutions are in debt to society so will become of my practice with the youth or individuals who need more than just theory. Todays adults need information while the youth instruction through practice, some adults may need both. Simply? A place where their dreams is put to test.

In the clips that will follow within the next week I hope that you all see for yourselves what to do and you are free to ask me How if you have the free will towards life, and supporting others in the process.

I make calculated mistakes not deliberate blinders.

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