Thursday 4 June 2015

Health Care Industry.

This relates to the opportunities for the Health Care Industry.

Imuno deficiency which is what AIDS has been defined as has a broad spectrum and it isn't just a virus that is gotten through sexual inter-cause. Hepatitis is an epidemic in the underdeveloped worlds because of hygiene, but i am likely to also dismiss it as that comes with the territory of living in unclean environments. Look deeply into the meaning of INTER-CAUSE. How do we heart ourselves and others? What goes through our minds about ourselves and others. People can't continually be blaming God for being deff and running after money as a sign of salvation.

Stop Aids in your heart and it wouldn't rear itself in body. In West Africa we have millions dying from Malaria far faster than aids can. The maintenance culture we have there is appalling. We are begging for jobs yet fail to see it right under our noses. Clean Gutters, Plant trees and grass and flowers that wards away insects as well as mosquitoes in swampy and damp areas. Expose the dark areas to sunlight by replanting some trees. Till today the world still hasn't understood the usefulness of trees. They pull water from the ground through thats how air is naturally generated. The less trees we have the less air there would be that keeps the lungs healthy let alone speaking about aesthetics within cities.

Bitter leave contains a healthy dose of quinine for prophylactics, as much as one can say one should be careful with the amount one consumes, the fact that we put it in our soups already does its measure of help. Tonic water has a dose of quinine. Drink a lot of water. To an extent in South Africa i feel safe for my kids as they drink tap water because it is distilled to a degree. In Nigeria in specific the Typhoid epidemic is terrible its harder to cure than malaria.

Create shows that shows how to cook bitter leave or eggusi soup as well as showing how bitter leave tea can be made. This i leave to the gurus at the labs.

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