Tuesday 23 June 2015

Can they handle it?

I hope you all have shock absorbers. Hehe, nothing unusual from the original Alsu from the block.

In the midst of crap something good comes out. In the process of searching for gold one often is smudged in mud. What does it take to file out a rough diamond? The usefulness of it is what makes the demand for it so high that there are those in it that have little respect for what is around. Many a cultures and national treasures been obliterated in the bid to acquire and poses its glory. China today has ecological problems that people have resulted in wearing masks not to have air born infections and diseases. In the bid to industrialise we all have to be aware of the consequences and be prepared.

The fight for ecological clean environment is culturing the products that are being released just as much as the need for services that help the cleaning up "reduction of omissions." Hence the following statements are made.

What is an omission? There are 2 types of ideologies that follow. Mind and Matter. who is or will be there to manage the cross roads? The problems we see today is as a result of certain people thinking one-sided and pushing their own agenda with no regard to the present and future.

A crew member said: it's young and hip and We are Young, the ideas are hip. We design and produce ideas that help businesses into active production of solutions that earn them returns as well as informing on what maybe the consequences of decisions to them and others. I once said "we make calculated takes not deliberate blinders." We handle socials and productions. We don't just end there but taking it from the drawing board to the test grounds and analysing the findings. Does the sociopolitical and business world need an advice? We speak regardless of if it is deemed useful.

In the conventional understanding of Manufacturing most know that it deals with hard product development  however manufacturing in another word means producing and it isn't limited to things. Hard manufacturing  usually uses design based solutions and each industry sector and business line needs tools. The engineers tools differ from the tools used by web designers even if they have common platforms to project from. Africa isn't ready for IT solutions that are bogus from the state of the Educational and Industrial stand point. Before the developed world industrialised they worked small scale. In terms of economic competitiveness of a currency this may be an expensive path to take. It is clear to me that to enable growth automation is required but without Light and Communication systems even the foundations will be difficult to establish. We need light and communication in Africa to be wide spread. Mobile service providers have established the need for communication but the lack of energy solutions is crippling them. Yes mobile applications is a way to go in producing immediate demands for mass com but the cost to run them on mobile is huge. We need LandLines and that also drives the need for producing the tools. The lack of skilled engineers and electricians is also setting a continent back from visible progress. However small micro industrialisation can be developed. We sure need better transportation solutions such as Metro and Trains what would it take? That's a process for the architects and engineers to design, meanwhile I get cracking on the micro production and service needs.

The process of manufacturing revolves around design, testing and producing, so to design isn't often the problem if the person has creative skills as well as knowledge of the material they are working on. Graphic artists who understand the use of shape and size can design pretty much anything. The benefits in pursuing painting and drawing and being good with numbers "analysis" at a young age prepares an individual for a future in fashion and design as well as apps creation. In this project we are discussing Fashion and its environment. Simple tools that helps armatures create is needed. The reason I understand software development is because I had training in computer literacy.

We don't think that the term "target market" is relevant when it comes to style because we have adults who like the trends that the youth go for but because at start people tried to culture people into a box of age "targeting" has become the phrase word. We focus on function and only after deal with aesthetics "presentation"

Targeting should be applied to styling ie what message does one want to project using shape and size. We have conservative people just as we have liberal people and one can produce a liberal based solution to a conservative if the person actually wants to breakout of the old mold.

So our answers are based on the following questions: should we limit creativity to widely held perceptions or should we just create based on how one feels and sees the world and see results come out of it? This is the motivation behind designs that you see and read. We have no limits but we function within respected boundaries. Do we need to stick to the current trend? is it not possible to come up with something unique as fashion is always evolving?

Yes we need to know what strengths and weaknesses an environment, individual or product has and work from there, however if growth is demanded there is a need to dive into areas that are unexplored. For this reason navigational skills and tools are needed.

Being unique is a must in styling, however, we need to know what is in demand and what the average society or persons sees as fashionable. I believe in censoring rather than taking one persons opinion as all.

We break bariers by asking Why and WhyNot. Should celebrities be confined to being branded by only one direction? No, No, No.

Let me give you the effect of what sacrifice a celebrity "representative of a brand/company" goes through. I have met CEOs of breweries that have become alcoholics because they had been told that they shouldn't be seen drinking wine other than the one produced by the company. Do the Tobacco companies force their reps to smoke if it has a supposedly health hazard? If one goes by the widely held notion that cigarets are bad then why sustain them who employ thousands of people? Shut them down then. I smoke and heavy lately, it will reduce in time, it is not because someone made me addicted but because that's my outlet instead of developing a liver problem.

Many don't know this but I have over the years developed what in the medical world they call "fibromyalgia" an effect that someone goes through who cares too much for others. It's defined simply as damage of the soft tissue "nerve system" that even painkillers hadn't helped. I have been constantly on Panadol instead of loading my system with alcohol alone. Do you all know that painkillers are addictive? Last year I was "paralysed" by the excruciating pain. I walked 10metres in 15 min. Physical pain from head to toe, only alcohol helped and my smoking soothes. I hate weed for its after effects and taste. If someone can invent a better tasting weed and reduce its effect then I may stop cigarets. I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me, just letting you all know that certain habits aren't only because someone is being unruly. I don't smoke when pregnant and while breastfeeding that's my principle.

Talk about health with me and you will see contradictions as to what is use and abuse, someone asked me when will I stop smoking and my reply was people are likely to drain my energy faster. I know where I risk my life with even if the oudor irritates most, stay away from me I am baaaad. I am more interested in pleasing myself than others in reference to my personal habits. Clean your own worce habits before you start getting all worked up on my health or lifestyle. I don't smoke In front of my dad or his pals even if he knows. And would strongly advice those who make my personal life their business that they may be in for some shocking events to happen "they may get lost as to how and what helps me think." Snoop Dogg produced wonderful songs while on weed now he is made to hide because "kids" may be influenced.

I didn't see anyone coming up to Churchill that his Cigars offend anyone, because I am a woman all of a sudden it is bad. Ghandi, MLK, M.X who lived "exemplary" lives were shot, go figure what will kill you first. Jesus who are we?

Most cases people reject a new fashion trend purely because they don't know of it yet but once they do they never look back should it be making a difference in their lives.

We are loosing our stars to drug addictions because they are forced to pretend for the sake of a market share. Don't you all as a public not want some level of honesty? Britney Spears lost herself to the boxed image that the public held her in, now Kanye West is persecuted for saying he is a God, doesn't anyone not understand that a boy lost his mother to a stupid notion that she has to look like a chick? How about Obasanjo's wife? After a certain age certain things do not apply, if a guy can't handle his 50year old wife having a baby belly while she had bred wonderful kids who give rather than take your lives for granted then that guy should go find his level. There are dilldoes and remedies that give more satisfaction and help the play between couples. I am tired of self richeous Africans who go to prostitutes, molest kids yet have an issue with someone watching porn or being Gay. I watch it and practice it with and on my heartthrob that's the use, I don't see anyone having an issue with a kamasutra book, what's the difference? None in my view only that there its physical rather than picturesque.

Bite me. :)

If a product is practical as well as stands out it usually sells and retains the buying power. It seems that now it is hard to convince people that any thing can be invented again but when we analyse why and where products are used we find that uniqueness that is in need and when not.

For young mothers we suggest using a corsage to help hold the muscles after birth, after all our African women use wrappas, the Europeans use corsage.

Our magazine and newspaper as well as media tools and messages help those who may not be aware that various solutions exist. If someone told me at 22 that a corset exists maybe I would have had less hassles than thinking of a nip tuck. If I should I will after having a child. I sure want one to remind me of who and what I am on an earthly level. My daughter needs someone to offload her perception of being the baby in the house. It's more of a wish on a practical level rather than an actual need. My boy became better at connecting because he had a sibling, now I simply take my kids to a family that has kids who are younger. It also allows me to see the progress of my boy. There are other ways as well like Go-cart and bowling excersizes that help me see his cognitive development within an environment.

In the eyes of the youth most want what sounds or looks good, for adults it's different, they want not just look good but solid and practical, for the elders it's a totally different ball game because most can hardly be bothered about looks if no one tells them. An old person can wrap a Gucci bag in a rubber packet not because they have no value for it but because they want to preserve it :) my granny did that. Kept the best in the closet.

For instance I like my pyjamas because it has a drawing of Snoopy, I like its snoopiness, same is why my daughter is likely to ask me to buy her a princess dress even if i am not likely to understand at a given moment. As a mum I also look at the budget.

Inventing sound words and names is a business too. Open a website with funky fun names and expressions that companies can buy, after all I have found that someone has capitalised on the Startupsity.com site that I lost due to the nonchalant attitude of an IT contractor I hired and now a heavy price tag has been placed on my intellectual property.  I need my lawyers to sort that dispute out. I registered it first and the internet providers policy had allowed someone to take advantage of me.

I have been put in the dictionary of StartupSity by A crew member saying "you have been officially Alsunated." Makes me smile every time I remember" Now my surname has also been branded as Odemready.

Are you Odemready to be Alsunated? Ekinadose is my career calling, Alsu is a prickly rose for who doesn't know how to handle her, for whom an aroma for whom a whip. I am sure many like the idea of being spanked, nouwty boys. :(

Tag words such as "Action" "Direction" freaky and funky sounding words with good vibes usually makes people pay attention. What can happen is that when a product or a name has a little calling bigger brands buy them off and the designer can go on being their collaborative partner if they wish to.

It looks like guys don't like bags more inclined into wallets but these days when guys are accessorising themselves with gadgets one can come up with something useful. Look at a variety of existing accessories that mums and youth and men and fathers etc use now and see how it can be revamped and in the process you will find a unique thing. Knowing what was often leads to new ways or things to be invented.

By the way guys lets be mindful that the fashion industry is run and sustained by Gay minded so if anyone wants to have collaboration being discriminative "projection of attitude" isn't often smart. How ever if one is prepared for that battle be ready with all weapons to be invented. No one can ever be fully prepared for my kind of Nuk neutraliser.

In my mind if someone is anti Gay then they shouldn't wear Gucci or Dolce and Gabana. You want to wear my suit? Don't let my sexuality fool you. You cant hate me and wear my stuff, that's a hypocrite.

The key is whether you're a guy or girl, you should have the eye to see the fashion from both the ladies and guys angle.

Macho parents have pushed their kids into such loneliness, disparity and despair that invariably the individual seeks solace in a way of life. Kids aren't born homosexual, they don't even know their sexual orientation until they are forced into a bracket of boy or girl.

For instance many men think I am a lesbian but they don't know I grew up with men and boys so the characteristics of me is like that of a man. They don't know that I am just as sensitive as a woman. So sometimes we as people who are not self aware can actually push those who are straight into the opposite world. Sensitivity to all is required and understanding allows one to tolerate better without creating more problems than there already is. If being Buck protects me from selfish men and guards my heart I will drive that image so far that will make everyone sick and tired of attempting any foolery.

We look for neutrality, what a girl and a guy can wear but still have a slight distinction. After all there are men who wear pink and pink isn't a male or female attribute because we have white, black, coloured women and men. Brothers need to start wearing pink shirts that would be a spectacle. If we put a pink shirt on a singer such a Seal who is a Nigerian our Nigerian men will scream and that's the effect of styling.

Lady Gaga is famous for her outstanding wears. sell a trend. 󾌩 see how your prejudicial minds work against you the society? Same it is with political dictators who scream nationalistic slogans and tomorrow your sons are on the battle field yet those who sent them there are no where to be found. I'd rather be smoking weed with Snoop Dogg and Shagging my sweet heart under "it wasn't me" song. People reject what they're not familiar with, until they see it trending.

So let's jump to another topic idea we have trashed this to the level it needs to and in the studios we will file out what's relevant and what isn't.

People say they want the truth but can they handle it?

How should it be?

Informing a woman about your identity at first limits the opportunity for a lasting relationship beyond the usual first night stands. Women aren't built for self gratis so as men.

We call this project "Drive" it stood for the idea of getting written love letters to their destination as well as other forms of deliveries. There isn't much difference between the notes and greeting cards that have existed and should continue to. It is a sign of affection. Which is the essence of the service line of the Flirt and RoManZ project.

How do women and men show affection? How should it be? These are questions that have variables that can't be measured in rational terms, as each person has his or her own. It's a connecting point, instead of the existing services where persons meet in a crowd of singles and randomly introducing themselves. Relationship building is simple depending on how someone makes the approach.

It is no question on a woman's mind when approached by a man that he has an agenda other than the knowledge of who she is at first so women to protect themselves from looters had invented ways to protect their space. This is why matchmakers existed because very few men know or have been educated about who a woman is. Religious practices had made women vulnerable with preset rules that was supposed to keep her safe in the first place.

Interesting to know why are popes single if they were placed to look over the welfare of a given society? Self imposed? And propagating what is permissible and not for women? Witch hunting is what the old church is known for, so why do women listen?

We are living in better times how ever certain environments are still crude such as Africa, Asia and the Middle East that culture is still strong in relation to women. Probably women are building up walls to keep the crude men away? after my experience that's exactly what I would advice all single women to do. Hide and make it difficult because easy come is easy go. I am sure guys don't like the idea of being checked out, how about the sizing up many do?

Europe and the developed world regardless of its liberties has also exposed women to another set of extremism that the law is battling with sorting out it's intricacies. Husbands shooting down their estranged wives and kids because he had been walking around for 20years thinking that all he was doing was good because she kept quiet not to evoke the scorn on her from family and society. And there she goes with a black eye. African women deal with it by giving him a second wife or allowing girlfriends. Men wake up, women wake in.

There is no doubt that everyone needs someone but have we asked ourselves the question How does one protect oneself from those who seek to possess yet are lazy to maintain a relationship?

Girls and boys at age 16-22 need sex education and it doesn't mean talking about sex but about sexes since parents think it is a taboo to help their kids relate to that. Maybe they are too miserable themselves to note that remembering they need to help ease their children into the adult life will make them find themselves again? I had my auntie who did what my mother couldn't and same it is with boys and their uncles. When I talk to the crew of youngsters about their life they listen even if they become blushed. I am open "I tell them to get laid." Especially when young so that they don't become horny adults prying on younger heads because they didn't have it when young. Sorry that's the ugly truth. Men become dull even if it makes women stronger. The life of a woman isn't an easy one there are so many problems that result from the possessive attitudes of insecure men. Till today white men and black men still measure themselves as to How many and how much they have. Sick to think of it that that's what makes many men feel they are the best, yet can't retain one who will stand by their side.

Culture- projection of possessiveness of weak minded people whom only testosterone drives to bring rationality. Time to drop that nonsense. My girls I also orientate on how to deal with unruly attitudes. Each need their level of nurturing that can't be spoken out loud.

Marriage counselors: I was once asked why would someone who is divorced be permitted to be there during a crises! My answer is such: it is scarier to have a Married person who is bitter to give someone advice on what to do. Because of a job they are forced to stay in a marriage they want to break out from.

What makes for a good relationship? It's the ability to relate on different levels. It doesn't matter what psychology degree one has plastered on the wall.

The need to express self to a loved one through SMS or email takes away the effect that a written note has. It means you took your time to think of someone and applied an effort. There is Magic in a mystery note from an admirer. A secret admirer may be seen in some worlds as stalking however even those who are approached without an initial introduction are received often in same view. The solution to this is a process that those who wish to connect with someone through a written card/note can try. You can do it yourself, just that having an intermediary ensures that the sender isn't seen as a stalker or either party isn't treated underhandedly. There are loads of examples in the high society that gives an indication that money isn't everything Lady D.

On the initial stance we deliver a note if one needs it to be more of a purée, similar with that of flower gift shop, after its up to you to make the effort through proposed activities designed for a relationship to go further. There is a page/site where various notes, poems, lyrics are posted to fuel your creative imagination "Witty quotes" that you can send and you simply make an order to deliver. There are relationship Counselors on line or phone you can speak to on certain pressing matters.

we are currently working on it, "call centre services". so stay tuned through our Facebook posts on when and where.

Food production and retail.

Import/Export – food production and retail.

The following are questions that resulted while exploring the business of food production and retail. Does one have transportation? Does one have all equipment to preserve the food at the warehouse and in the vehicle? Does one already have a clients base of people one will sell to? Is one's production house situated at a suitable food temperature environment?

We often approach projects from the standpoint of placing it in an environment where there is absolutely nothing existing but people and hard resources in order not to take for granted the knowledge and information required to set it up. To me it's senseless to presume that only the big cities need help, considering that decentralisation is required to take the load off cities and enabling suburbs and the "ghettos" develop.

Where should one start from? Food retail sounds more like the foundational approach in retail and in time one can expand to having a warehouse where one can produce.

The good thing to having a shop first is that as one makes sales to keep the stock and rent one can experiment on a verity of produce and have clients taste it and become buyers of them when one is ready for making frozen foods for instance.

Our advice is to start a specialty based store of a particular type of produce ie biscuits for instance if the person has an eye for baking and cooking, through which one starts promoting the brand name and test the products along side selling the existing brands, as those who have seen and tested will associate it with the shops name. This way franchises are born.

Pick and Pay started in this manner, selling produce of others and now they are making their own products. Personally, I preferred their brand of rice to the Tastic brand.

Creativity is a problem with most starting entrepreneurs because they think about money rather than doing what makes the money. Creativity isn't technical, the tech aspect to a business is the tools of delivery not production. Production revolves around artistic presentation of deliverables.

The brand experience is what counts the most, which often depends on the location one is on or wishes to be. A brand resonates in sound and taste that creates the image far and wide. Ask yourself what would make you eat certain dishes that you haven't before? Someone has to bring it to your attention and then give you a taste and hopefully the experience retains you. As I said before, I don't write business books with terminologies that bore me. Entertain yours and others desires, make a variety of options to choose from. Be mobile so to reach out to customers in different places, although it maybe costly but technology has made it possible to cut costs.

The main direction is always dictated by factors "what type of food products does one want to produce, how the market relates to it and what types of raw or supporting produce is easily gotten around." If the person is looking at exporting a market survey of where he is exporting to needs to be made, at least on a general scale.

Usually those who go for food produce should be good cooks or love food so a basic knowledge in that area helps even if it may not be necessary. Everyone can cook! Ratatouille - in sound comes across as - "How to do it"

In terms of transporting the food items install fridges inside to preserve until sold. Some foods don't really need refrigeration as a dry version works too; such as meats and a vast majority of fruits and veggies.

Yeah obviously the knowledge of food produce management is a must; earlier I said one needs to know the climate of the business area if it suitable for the business.

Let's assume now that the person wants to have a Chips business so looking at a variety of foods that can be made into chips with special spices that one mixes in will add a spunk to the sales. Also mixing various spices is a great thing and doesn't involve loads of hassles.

One can have a brand specialty that says Chips and Spice with a motto "a bite to eat?" phrase gotten from the movie "the terminal" love the film, shows how someone in a predicament survives. That's the entrepreneurial spirit. Most Eastern Block people have that edge. When an entrepreneur cares too much for comfort they usually become dull.

My advice is get a produce supplier and refining equipments. One needs to know how different blends of foods and spices taste. Mixing spices is big business especially to fast food eateries (secret recipe). What draws me to Nando's isn't just the chicken "healthily grown" but the taste and it's preparation. Chinese foods I love them because it's done in steam and stir fried in little oil, well they do have heavy oil based meals but there is a selection. I miss the Mega Plaza Chinese foods. In SA I can't find a decent Chinese cafe/restaurant nearby and it isn't on Mr. Delivery order menu.

How about products that can be made in the style of noodles. Can't one slice and dry potatoes for example and package it like the noodles are?

Anything can be dried just as anything can be made frozen, it's just a reverse process for food preservation. Yes dry may taste differently but so is the frozen in comparison to the fresh food product. I love dry fruits, there is also dry tomatoes, but no one thought probably of dry cucumber :) only pickled. My crew laughs when I come up with unusual things. How about dry carrot sticks? Sure keeps the young carrots sweeter than when time has dealt with it.

The amount of things that can be done with food hasn't been fully discovered in Africa, our people aren't explorative, quick to buy than make or invent, ever wondered where the national treasures go to? To sustain the oil refineries is proving hard in a continent of "we know better what works for us." The arrogance is baffling.

Various cultures have ways of preserving food and some clues can be used to test on our natural products.

Dry corn is pap "like semolina or cuscus" so why can't others be tried?  By the way Gari is like "Cus Cus" a main meal in Moroco "Nothern Africa". Personally pap is a problem for me except there is a way to prepare it that could suit my taste. It's to bland, sweet porridge maybe? Why hasn't a pap cereal been made? Ah could be Kellogg's cornflakes took that over? Need to try see what can be done with ground maze for breakfast with milk, after all South Africans cook it and add sower milk "yogurt" or even baked, like potato chips, "baked corn?" I miss the organic corn when it's out of season, helps when dieting, I'm not the type for none organic foods. Some get surprised when I eat tomatoes with salt and garlic but forget that they eat it raw in salads. By not exploring, one limits self from finding new, as well as uniqueness.

South Africans here use a lot of sower milk. What's up with that? :) I forgot the Eastern Africans as well as the Indians use it in their meals. Curry's, mmmmm, but for me the milder the better or my ass will be hugging the toilet. Love Nan to bits. The pickled onions?!?! Not my fav. I am more of a sweet and sower lemony spice gal.

Refined Yogurt without sugar tastes better :).  Where are mums home made meals?

How about sealed raw coconut water as juice? Let's jump to the next befor the clock strikes 11, Cinderella will soon turn into a drag queen :)

An Excursive.

An Excursive into the world of trust for those who wish to go into relationship or business partnerships.

Exsersize 1. Take a cloth "bandana/scarf" tie it over your eyes and walk in your dark room and assess how you feel. This way to your consciousness comes in the realisation of the emotions that transpires within an individual who walks alone.

Exsersize 2. Take it further by changing the location to an environment that you don't know at all and having someone who you know lead you and you obey every instruction but your eyes still tied. Then assess how you feel.

Exsersize 3: Do this with a complete stranger, first you will have to break out of the fear of being rejected - as the individual knows you not nor would the person at start understand why you are requesting their assistance. Again asses at every point what you feel.

This is a simple business Exsersize that helps entrepreneurs know what it feels like walking alone in the dark forest of the business world. It's a simple 1 min to 30min exsersize. Maybe some would know how to manage employees better?

Emotions are subconscious factors that leads us to making unhealthy steps, sensitivity allows us to make better judgements of people and situations.

About 3 years ago I went to test the principles of risk management through play. Park zone with adventure grounds with tree climbing. Although I am not one to have a fear of height, I do these self tests on myself so I am able to explain and help others. This is my job as a coach to help myself help others. Fear factor breakthroughs for business owners and starting entrepreneurs.

I must have been out of my mind doing this loool

Before taking the risks, get started - ask yourself random questions, 
Always have a mentor. Ask people same questions you asked yourself and weigh the truths vs facts. 

Sometimes only a rope holds you, information without facts
Hang in there, yeah to pull your own weight you need strong hands
Test your balance, it sure helps to practice first before you get on the highway.
There are always happy days! Risk to act, not to step down, self affirmations
If afraid always remember you have your gear on thats if you put it on (memories of past failures).
Easy but keep your balance, emotions
Tired take a rest, when you flying often your feet aint doing the support.
Regardless of the risks of falling keep your eyes on where you going 
Tarzan. there are times when you will take the ride.
Coach, was so easy for him as he had been trough it and cheered me, it kept me going!
review your steps 

Online Scholarship Directory.

Online Businesses - Online Scholarship Directory

What is a scholarship? An aid to the brilliant kids who have no means to get into an institution. But my question is this, does a brilliant kid need to be organised more when the actual reason for schools existing is to organise information into a plan?

Today technology and the social networks make it possible to give and work on information in an almost free way. Does a kid/person need actual cash donation to be able to show what's within? Yes, but in terms of tools to have access to a counsellor, consultant and coach to bring their dreams to life. Online education is a way to go but what would enable the person to have that interaction? A decent phone, with Internet connectivity and apps. That's about it at the first phase, then that individual gets a personal coach who would help to start off on a second phase. On the third phase he or she would need a consultant to help with advice either online through chats or on call.

So in our Perspective the cost is in tools, time and possible transportation to locations.

Further scholarship comes in as financing the concept of the project.

Imagine we get students to go through our program then get the support of the government to give them scholarships to universities where they can now study what they have developed within a 3 months orientation. Wouldn't that be great?

Our program is tailored to meet the expectations that employers have on considering someone for a permanent paid job. Our program isn't about technicalities of specific industries but about the technicalities in starting, growing in business as an entrepreneur. We deal with management and leadership as a core. Let's draw a perspective : A doctor that has no clue about business will shutdown his or her private practice before it even starts to make any kind of returns. A doctor or an aspiring medical student that wishes to have his or her own clinic or hospital needs business and entrepreneurship understanding in order to avoid circumstances dictating opportunities.

The technical and creative world ie science and art based people have no idea how to survive today in the business terrain because they are focused on the creatives and research aspects, I myself find it difficult at crossroads to take advantage of my gifts, I am not a money person even if I know how to make it work so I do solicit advice from those who know how to turn my gifts to a sustainable income, I am not completely daft but I can't possibly handle everything in one go. Of course there are those who are smart but they are not alone either. It's a team game. Those who lay the pipes need those who use the pipes if I should sound simplistic. In the music industry for instance the sound producers don't often do the lyrics as well as doing the promotion so it takes a collaboration of various persons or companies to deliver a strategic plan tactfully.

Most talented people fall prey to bankruptcy and that isn't fair as far as I am concerned. The kids who were left on the streets are those who are employing A grade students today and it's almost like a backlash for being told for a long time that they aren't better or good because they don't have a certificate. In my mind certification is in the proof that what information was given can be implemented in deed. Hence theory isn't a complete solution to indicate success. Yes I am that hard on myself. I wouldn't give topics without having a reference on what I had tested. When it comes to creative writing I measure it by the effect it has therefore it works. If it's taken further into production then another proof is available for reference.

As mentioned before "Someone who I highly respect as a person asked me why did I go back to school and that the movie industry does not need a certificate to operate or work and I said that that is a shield from those who still think that a paper makes a person.

If I still have to battle attitudes of self serving bigots to have a pass at shutting their mouths before they place a stake on my dreams and efforts I will. If there is no need for a certificate to be in the movie industry why then do the institutions exist? Or is the inefficiency the fact that that industry needs organising? Clearly today's educational institutions need to be restructured, in my mind no one needs to waste 3 years of their life in a place and then find themselves still inadequate, as life waits for no one and tech advancements are pushing the initially set limits and emotional limitations of those who still seek to control growth of others for a gain.

Educational reform is paramount because kids are dropping out and disillusioned, employers are loosing market share because they have to deal with the incompetence that is graduating from schools. Is it about raising the bar or is it about removing some doubting Mustafa's out of the system? I will produce a plan for the movie industry in a short while for critique and you all can choose what works and what doesn't in the current climate within Africa.

Client and Coach.

The following is a display of an actual dialogue I had with a client. And how I managed the delivery. In most cases I don't need a crew to deliver on brainstorming but I find it more interesting and achieves the objectives of our program for the students who need business skills and knowledge. So I stand in as a resource pull for both sides.

INT: Whatsapp Chat Client and Coach.

Denzel: Hello. My name is Denzel, I attended the Pride Factor Sa meeting in Midrand some weeks ago..

Alsu: Hi Denzel. What's up?

Denzel: I'm good thanks and yourself? So I heard that this is the StartUpSity WhatsApp number where I can get acccess to your feeds, links and all.

Alsu: very much so. The feeds are custom and generic. The custom feeds revolve around specific industry areas while the generics are based on management and tips.  We are not just on What'sapp but on Facebook and Twitter, for professional reference go to my LinkedIn profile. So what kind of feeds do you require?

INT: There feeds are based on 3 channels Of occupation, Employment, Freelance and Starting in business. Every feed is debatable as with every tip sent you are free to ask questions if some aspects are not clear.

Denzel: I would consider the one about Starting in business and also the Generic feeds.

Alsu: Ok. before we get to that stage let's explore the questions that you may have when it comes to the world of business. Then I will provide you with a list of industries that exist and you need to inform me what would be your 3 main choices out of them. Afterwards I will give you a selection of 3 business ideas from each industry that you have chosen to further choos 1 out of the tree ideas presented within the 3 industry's.

INT: What in the end you will have are feeds of 3 business types in 3 different industries. By the time we finish with the feeds, you will have not just Information but knowledge of the skills required in managing those businesses and its now upto you where and when you want to start them. We only suggest and you make the choices of whom you would like to work with.

INT: He asked 3 questions to which he got answers and then we proceeded with the specifics of business interests that he had. He was interested in opening a shop that caters for lunches and stationery for students.

Alsu: As a student when it comes to shopping what do you experience that you like or don't? I can only design solutions if you inform me on what you experience or have. So What would you like to see that would be different from others?

Denzel: I have seen schools around Kempton Park that has shops and they tend to sell what other students don't like and also the unhealthy drinks. I've also learnt that there are schools that do not have shops, this is a disadvantage to those students that would have the money or resources to purchase food at school but there won't be any shop at their schools. I also want to start a project with the sales I get. Like I set aside a certain percentage of the monthly profit to help the under priviledged students with stationery. I need this shop to be benefiting both the school and I.

INT: And from this moment on I proceed to approach my crew to deliver on just these short indicators.

INT: WITH CREW on WhatsApp.

Alsu: A youth came to us and said "I'm a student so I want to open a school shop in one of the schools around where I stay. So I need advice on how I can  be up and running."  I asked my team (who I will introduce to you all, when I am done with this phase of delivery.)" "What can we offer?"

I ask my crew: "What personal experiences have you had that can generate information for him?" This is how I manage my team effort to deliver on projects on the back end of our operations.

The following is what our client  mentioned.

"I have seen schools around Kempton Park that have shops and they tend to sell some food that other students don't like and also the unhealthy drinks. I've also learnt that there are schools that do not have shops/canteens and this comes as a disadvantage to those students that would have the money or resources to purchase food at school but there aren't any."

We have a test site to implement the suggestions both at the studio and a location within Kensington. A lady who has a retail shop but the shop doesn't attract the potential that can increase her revenue stream.

He says also "I also want to start a project with the sales I get. Like I set aside a certain percentage of the monthly profit to help the under privileged students with stationery. I need this shop to be benefiting both the school and me. I would love to do a presentation at your studio it will be such an honour"

My reply was "You have identified 2 things "stationery and food" so the idea caters as a buffe and then on another stationary that students need. From that once you start making sales you can then see how to cater for the underprivileged."

With students at Startupsity we work "brainstorm" from 8-11pm as those are the times when they are prone to look for unwanted trouble on the streets. So having them collaborate online on ideas helps not just on an informational level but safety wise, except they are chatting on the streets, which I can't really control, however having the experience moves them subconsciously in time out of those unhealthy zones. I have been a youth so I know what I had to do in getting my mates out of sells when they got high on alcohol in Russia. That didn't get me out of trouble in Nigeria as there there were no platforms "social activities to occupy my mind and body" as was in Russia in my Dancing group.

So the flowing is one of the many types of chats with my teams. Different team personalities demand different types of approach so my methods differ.

Alsu: At 8 today please everyone be present for discuss on what types of food can be made for a buffet as well as stationery tools that he can start with on a minimum investment. Of course he may need to be trained in cooking as he will have to start alone and money only available for what he needs to open the shop.

INT: We work form an assumption point and then deal with the facts when on implementation phase.

A team member said: We would need to design a brand name for the biz to have a presence.

I responded: We need to do a feasibility study. What kids like to eat the most, as it always differs in preference.

INT: Online I proceeded to ask him "does he cook and What kind of food does he like?" To know what possible training he may need as well as what alternatives that are simple for him to provide like "sandwiches"

On the initial discussion with a client I keep the team from direct contact as their questions my not be subtle, we all have to realise that mate to mate questioning can be taken offensively as diplomatic skills aren't present in everyone. So as a coach I deal with my team and the client in different ways and communication channels before i bring them together. My job as a coach is to deliver in a short time to the client as well as coach my team at the same time so my methods always vary. As well as the final presentation of the project overview "which in form is like an executive summary that the investors request with a spunk for character as to read terminologies bore the living Jesus out of me. :)

Our assumptive questions go as follows, we ask ourselves questions as though we are him and then we rephrase them into a better format. "What restaurants or fast foods do we go to, when we do, because here the direction is dictated by  a youth therefore his preference would be towards "chicken, eggs or beef"

The easiest and cheapest starting point would be with "eggs" and there are a million and one way to make eggs" even from this an instant brand picture and name can generate its self.

Our discussion went as follows again. "Has he already identified the schools and what he needs to sell? I would prefer that we park the stationery issue for now until he generates a bit of a profit first. The main thing he needs to look at is snackees that are cheap to buy but most love. This may make more money than just food, but food making has a faster chance of getting attention from the student perspective as that is an immediate need but it depends on where his shop is located at. Then he needs to consider cooking instead of buying ready made food as it would cost him more. If there is a factory for producing ready made healthy sandwiches, then that can be delivered to his shop just as Coca Cola distributes to retailers of their products. If there is no such then we need to identify a market where he can buy fresh and appetising vegetables as well as the main ingredients "eggs, chicken, tuna/sardines meets etc" at a good price. He could be supplied by mothers who are at home if he runs out of stock or if he doesn't know how to cook. Not everyone who is in the food business need to know how to cook but they may be good at running the business efficiently if they are organised naturally.

Another team member said: the location of schools matter a lot because schools in "kasi" would prefer "kota" and fat cakes but the ones in the suburbs would like sandwiches and samosas.

By the time he has gone round looking for mothers who can supply him he will generate a database of references and had spread the news. Youth need to take advantage of the fact that they are young and are more likely to get patronage from adults, most get buffed off because we have adults who think youth aren't serious, with a little more persistence they succeed.

I further ask my crew member to tell me of schools in Kempton park because that's where he is from or may know someone he could ask.

Then we proceed to structuring our knowledge into a better format and we present what we suggest for approval, should there be more questions we answer. We have a timeline for execution. A 3 hour chat discuss sorts the basics out and a 1 month testing brings out the SWOT and GAP analysis that makes the first phase of our objectives achieved as well as the clients.

We only present the projects of our clients in full with their permission. In this case we have the permission and he was happy with our advice.

INT: The following brief was presented.

Alsu: Hi Denzel, Ever thought of eggs as a way to start off? There are so many easy ways to making eggs as sandwiches that students can grab on the way to and from school as it isn't hard to make neither does it consume too much gas or electricity. Mixed with spices and veggies for taste. And you can make up your own specialty in that area to start off as well as eggs have a neutral base that suits meats and salads so as you go on in making the meals you add more ingredients. Then you can also have apprentice workshops that earn you some money and at the same time saves you labour costs.

You can have a simple mobile ordering system through WhatsApp and Blackberry and it won't cost that much. You may need to get an internship for a week at a restaurant to have an idea of what it feels like to cater and run the business.

Different locations need different strategy approach and the business doesn't have to be stationery as mobile solutions are available or can be built.

Connect with Canteens in other schools so you can understand the kid's needs and how a business of that sort operates.

We suggest a survey on a few schools to make out your S.W.O.T analysis, this will be possible If the canteens need help for a week. We have done the survey from the idea perspective now a basic on the actual handling of the job is needed.

A crew member mentioned "He can offer the under privileged students in the school to help out with making of food and then he can offer them pay or a plate of food or snacks or whatever you might be selling.

Schools should be interested in the kids having projects that they can play what they are studying in class. It's even a better motivation for them to know biology in this project instance. The food business has a lot to do with hugene and knowing how to preserve for microbes not to cause major digestion problems for customers. Salmonella is a bad microbe. If schools can't see this then I give up on schools but not the kids.

There's a market for good, healthy nutritious food, in our schools, he can learn how to cook, as @Alsu said earlier, to make the meals fun, tasty and attractive to the school kids. When parents know their kids are eating healthy, they are more likely to give them tuck-shop money for lunch than make lunch themselves.

In secondary schools they should be teaching Home economics and applying the "academic" info into it, this way the kids know how to help themselves and their parents and there would be better atmosphere at home as well as their own self worth increases.

Kids in secondary schools and Specific the government schools, private schools may give a semblance of order but even there not all kids can be made to focus on what direction the Gov syllabus demands. With headless governments we have today no wonder the kids can't relate to it both personally and socially let alone being career wise misdirected.

People are either technically or socially inclined from birth and experience before getting into university. A child with family issues is likely to choose becoming a family therapist should he or she be able to deal with its effects, just as they can become anti social as well. The social kids get ignored and downgraded first by teachers and when they report the progress the daft parents now rule them out as unruly, further more pushing them to being rebels. Underprivileged has 2 meanings you could come from a rich family yet have been under supported.

The academic world created space for the science kids not the social kids hence we have the bottle neck now because it was extreme. Today tech guys depend a lot on being able to sell their stuff through the civil kids hence you see the media industry creating images of people but eventually can't sustain that image because it was based on superficial attributes.

Where are all the big brother winners today? Career wise they are back to where they started from. So guys equip yourselves with experience and information to last longer than others and that paves a way to help yourselves and others.

Panic button.

Every busy franchise should have a panic button beeper connected to the reception or waiters sections so customers don't have to scream to get them to bring the bill or orders. Sometimes I feel like walking out without paying because I have to seek the attention of waiters to do their job as they get distracted by settling in the new customers.

The youth have experience.

There is no doubt that the youth have experience. 5 years on this planet and there is always something to tell a story about let alone someone who has lived for 18 years and more. Movies are records of events in people's lives or for some it's their whole life.

Africa has almost next to none archives of historical events to draw plays from or for some reason our movie makers do not find them interesting enough to make into a motion picture, or don't we have producers that have a classical eye, or maybe the writers themselves could bring their books to life or is it again that the financial industry doesn't have a clue on how to make money out of them or again another excuse such as art culture isn't important enough in the publics eye, which ever the excuse it doesn't remove the fact that other continents are making billions and millions in turn over from our purchases. Could it be that the rulers and tyrants are still alive that they don't want their dirty laundry hung in public or their kids will be affected by the stories? What ever the excuse again rumours have their ways of sipping through and painting an image that maybe far more notorious than the actual facts of their lives.

How does a film come to life? Through passed on stories and happening events, as well as a figment of imagination. Does Africa honour it's writers by bringing their words to picture? Are we developing the next generations of story makers?

Hollywood, Noliwood, Bollywood and other nations representatives in the movie industry started in a variety of ways, and the easiest way to start off bringing better movies is through Adaptation of either foreign films that have already been made or books of writers. Autobiographies and documentaries on YouTube fuels creative angles to making a movie or videos for music, which ever way there is no excuse for not trying something even on a cellphones, webcams or Sony cameras before you start on the main equipments.

The youth today have a lot to say and they need to be heard as well as seen through music and motion picture and at the same time be employed not just in industry specialisation institutions but becoming the producers, directors, editors and playing a part in it if they have the qualities to be in an act portraying a character. As much as Africa believes more in going in the direction of sports we should also look at the creatives because the world of sports today is run in close collaboration with the professionals in the movie making industry. All big sports clubs today have their own TV channels and not just on air but online via their websites or YouTube. The Movie and Sports industry doesn't have a priority in the eyes of most parents because of the news lines of misfortunes that surround our passed and present stars. Well that's the headache of Hollywood not for most part in other continents. it isn't all what many have been made to think it is. Within these industries other professionals such as the medical, financial, legal, agriculturists, crafts men (carpenters, bricklayers, steelworkers etc, engineers, interior designers, fashion and tailoring specialists are present and all work to making a block buster and the skill of putting it to fruit is in the hands of producers and directors who have skills in creating and managing the process of delivery. This isn't a drive by profession and just like any deserves a sensible respect to be given.

When it comes to managing actors this is also another set of responsibility that doesn't come easy as they can be very emotional and sensitive people. Their artistry comes from being able to dive into a character "effects" of the motion pictures surrounding them. Neglect for the most part within this area is what creates the negative aspect to the industry. It is very easy when a production is going on to forget about saying hello and how are you as a director or agent when there is pressure to submit on timelines.

I have produced and directed and edited and shot my own productions and for the most part hasn't released the terabytes of footages done over the years and deliberately because I feel the time hasn't yet come. What you see are tests.

For now I focused on the content development and management aspects of my work. It took 10 years to produce Avatar what makes anyone think that to make my motion pictures, series as well as StartUpSity  as a business in a short time? I have grand and great plans so I take my time and for those who want to rush me on should join now and do what 100 people should be doing but I alone am doing. Yes I do alone now what 1000 people in other country's are doing, hence you see the rough works that seem unorganised to many. That's how creative people are they never look organised to the procrastinators. I have a short fuse with those who talk and no do. Any way this is a prelude to the plan that needs to happen for the movie industry to flourish in Africa and hopefully spill over to the world at large. I don't think small, maybe that's my biggest problem.

So to organise and deliver what it would take to get everyone moving forward the following is what I suggest.

Phase 1. Getting the EDU in The movie industry structured. Here is The list of creative and management crews that are needed. I am drafting a plan with the assumption that there is nothing and when it is out we will see what is available and where to start from with the kind of resources available within and from without.

Writers, Producers, Directors, Editors, Camera/cinematographers, Marketers

Are the main drivers of any production. This is how I will go about getting them ready regardless of weather they have the skill set or not.

Writers. A selection of persons who want to write stuff about themselves or others. Using a simple principle from the film in "finding the foresters."

I don't care if they know English brilliantly or not from the grammatical standpoint. Movies are made in any dialect including pigeon language, the art within motion picture has nothing to do with grammar but with conveying a message through an event. So "write and let the readers read," that's the foresters principle.

The mode of expression isn't just through simple writing but poems and lyrics are welcome as that makes up for the needed dialogues and soundtracks for the films.

It is usual and everyone has heard at some point that a script is required. In my lame understanding of what a script entails, its basic components; describe the message/situation in 400 words, then describe 400 words the location and how it looks, then 400 words the characters and what they are saying to each other. Once that is done we pass it on to the readers for a response on what they think about it. That produces vantage points of views that are added. I don't advice anyone on reviewing their own writups that are made specifically for motion picture productions as that would be unobjective. However the originals are later posted just as writers publish their books.

So 2 groups are being set; the writers group and the reviewers group, and then they switch sides to have a balanced equitation on experience.

Phase 2.
The analysis phase comes in next as before a picture can be shot the stage makers "interior designers, special effects editors, graphics, engineers, costume designers," (depends on the complexity) need to take out what aspects they need in order to locate the materials they need on their end. During this phase creative directors are also working on auditioning and selecting the actors and preparing them through rehearsals. While the directors are at work with the actors the camera/cinematographers are taking their own set of notes that helps them when they will be on the actual shooting. After the rehearsals are done every member submits their suggestions to the producer who now makes it into a structured plan with timelines and call sheets so that there isn't a disjointed mode of operandi.

Considering that budgets are allocated and time means money because everyone needs to get paid hopefully on time the producers crew has a subcrew "management"(made of accountants, logistics, insurance, medical etc members that look after the expenditures, health and safety of the entire production team. It is hectic and if one isn't dedicated as well as a caring brute they usually don't get things done on time and screw with people's lives and emotions. What makes me the best producer? Is the fact that I am very very very :) creative and can see a directors point of view without much thinking. I am that much interested in people's dreams. I am also an entrepreneur "survivor" that nothing phases me but my down fall is that I need a financial manager of my own to do the bidding for me cos I hate money with a passion, it sucks life out of me. Psychiatrists also need psychiatrists. I get too engrossed in a job that I forget to even have a shower or brush my teeth. This is why I am taking so much time to get going because I have kids and responsibilities that come first even if my career is also important, so I take my time to balance things. In a world of men as a mum I have no excuses needless to mention again that my child's circumstance doesn't allow me the privileges other single or married mothers have.

Any way moving on to what needs to happen.

Considering that Africa in my mind has next to nothing in the area of movie making in terms of support from the financial institutions seeking sponsorship and creative ways of delivery is the most serious aspect to consider. I am not to sure that even in the developed countries there is much help either but then I am here and they are there. Are they interested in the african movie market? Yes but they also need at least a proposed plan of action. So here is a beginning, if this is enough to start from I present it to you all for dissemination and expect a feedback via my channels of communication or otherwise by direct questions through Facebook on this post.

Cheers :)

Risk with your own life.

A good driver becomes useless when in a new terrain. I personally battle with the ideology used in training people in driving or any form of coaching for some to be competent. Competence in my mind represents the willingness to be better than the previous day or experience, so there are no limits to the heights people can reach. Unwillingness and the lack of tools makes a job go wrong. As a Founder and CEO every minute I work on my skills and I expect same in others, of course there are deadlines to meet as time is money and resources are being wasted in the process of getting someone up to scratch.

To have practiced HRM for 16 years I have learnt how manage people, some need a boost and some ask for the boot but I refrain from sacking if I see a will to rectify the issues that arise. Issues- people are either emotional or sensitive and that's the human skills management aspect that HR practitioners must be skilled at, this doesn't come easy for most.

Hard resource management is often outlined in polices and procedures but how does one procedurise people management? It's an intuitive process. First communication channels need to be set as different people respond differently to one form of communication or the other and this is also dependant on not just who but female and male mindsets, there are also those that don't do well at all. People learn in different ways and through different channels. I have also realised that my personality and a perception of me and my position "level of responsibilities" also affects communication with others.

To the average person I come across as hard but to those who know me and have a personality trait and experience as I understand me clear. I don't believe people are dubious as circumstances may not be favourable at the time to get things in order so I give them the time. I also need to take my time to get things in order as I am affected by circumstances beyond my own doing, that's life so I roll with the punches.

As a young person to the adults I came across as unruly because I didn't give them a chance to dictate what happens to me when I reached the age to fend for my self. To my siblings at the time when they were young I was the Rock and I still am, and probably more crass than before 󾌩, as I am handling things on a different plane field other than what was before. So the more obstacles I I face the harder I become, and this is the mind that my staff or partners have to deal with and not take things personal. I work hard and then play hard.

Various cars have their mechanical strengths and weaknesses and that needs to be addressed, as how I handle my car isn't the same way a hired driver would. This comes as a result of the experiences that I have had with training people to drive the way it's needed for execs. First they don't understand the concept of timing as that revolves around certain security demands. People get kidnaped because the driver is unaware of risks we take in being in the public eye and taking decisions that maybe messing with the plans of competitors who aren't able to meet up to the expectations driven by a different set of skill.

 I don't see the sports men in athletics gunning down their opponents but in the business world it is real regardless of what plane field one is on. If a football star and a tennis player were attacked and murdered by ardent and ignorant fans, then what's there to say about a business person even if they are not physically on someone's terrain. Fashion designer Gianni Versace was a victim, Monica Seles was stabbed right at the field of practice, Andrés Escobar murdered for scoring into his own post, so does being a Hero pay? Should one shrink to avert someone or a bunch of people making a decision on ones life? This is why security is crucial and not only from the stand point of home or workplace environment.

I had a colleague when working at Peugeot quite some time ago give me a lesson on driving as well as mentorship. He is a German and in simple terms said "risk your own life not the lives or with the property of others."  I am a mum and what's important to me isn't me but my kids, honestly I can't shut them down because there are security issues. I do my best and I leave the rest. Panicking makes people more vulnerable so a strong mindset is a demand for both a leader as well as their staff or support group. Putting children in a bulletproof car isn't the only way to protect them, the driver must also know that safety means just as a nanny and it's not in just wearing a seatbelt as that during accidents can prove fatal if there is a need to jump out of a car. Slow and insecure drivers cause the most a accidents while a perceived recklessness is a way to safeguard the passengers.

A seatbelt has a risk factor in getting out of a car. With the advent in kidnappings happening especially terror zones a skilled driver is such that has the mentality of a guardian. Maybe up on gravitational dysfunctions there should be an automatic release of the belt just as there is with airbags? I miss Toyin and he has that skill, with him I can send a 1year old without worries. I have been blessed to have good people for drivers even if at start they were not skilful in my understanding, so I take the pain in putting them through myself. However this can't be done by everyone.

There is a need to train people for special driving for who needs that service. Have a look again at the film Bodyguard and see how the driver was trained to suit the occasion. There are other films that have been made to understand what and where situations may arise. Although no one prays for disasters to happen but having a skill isn't a bad idea to prepare oneself for. Maybe for some countries to loose soldiers is a statistic but my concern is for each individual as well. I am not that bugged with safety issues as I feel secure as an individual even if I have the tendency to piss people off 󾌩. Love me or hate me, but a gal has gat to do what a gal has to do.

Friday 19 June 2015


I can't fathom something about the behavioural patterns of most men who work with or for women. If I was a guy I probably wouldn't have to turn into a bully, the physical presence of a guy around sure makes other men think twice before attempting any nonsense. This prelude is as a result of an experience I had about 2 weeks ago and would help some women to know what they may have to deal with.

Why would an independent contractor who was paid 60% of the money to start think that he can submit an unfinished job to a lady and think she should be happy?

I had been fixing my garage. Before granting the work to commence, I asked him for the invoice then told him I will go to make a price survey to compare. He was informed and expressed  no issue with it. On considering that his cost was lower, I didn't argue with him to reduce his cost for materials and labour. During the course of the job I started noticing him trying to wiggle his way out of proper submission but was demanding for full pay before he completes. At start I asked him politely then seeing his blatant disrespect I turned around and became difficult/bitchy in order for him to realise that my smiling at start shouldn't be taken as being soft.

In managing people I don't see the need to be a dog but when they ride on it I become a wolf. Don't men realise that I have hard men in my family who would whoop me for being soft because I choose to be kind? As much as I don't give a rats about how satisfied they are with my performance it also disturbs me and I am willing to give them a hard run in return. :) Maybe what didn't help him was that I worked for 2 years at Strabag and with Germans. It sure sucks to be a contractor to an educated person. There are standards there that one needs to be aware of. During the period of my working, I had seen what turns a perfectly good plan into crap.

Ministers of works and housing reps would slice down the initial design into half the standard and size to keep in their pockets, then the company pays the price by being called substandard without a thought to a fact that if they don't agree to the ministries demands they wouldn't be awarded the next allocation. GB company still does works. Why' is there no healthy competitive market in Africa? Don't we realise that without competition the economy becomes dull? Engineering and architectural students have no jobs and are in bank booths crying away while simple constructive ideas are needed to fuel tourism etc and retainer-ship for the entertainment industry to flourish. Entertainment is for most part a youth based environment with the same engineers supporting it from the tech side. I mean come on people where is the benefit to monopoly and education being corrupted?

I hate beurocrasy "pen pushing" as its same as corruption due to the lack of leadership within the technical units in universities for every industry.

We are who we are and we become what the surround sound demands of us women on a private and social level too.

The construction industry is about  developing and maintenance "trying to be simplistic here." Women handle the maintenance and the guys the rough works, as a lot of men seldom understand what overall aesthetics "comfort" is all about. Why? Most Men have short attention span, most women are diligent and meticulous. 😎 First of all to maintain is to brand a piece and considering the cost of materials and time due to space allocation.

Construction Cleanup service, that's how the idea was identified initially. For equal opportunities to arise there is a need for division of labour and not from the stand point of what women and men can or can not do. After all I have met men who can't or don't want to fix bulbs and women who enjoy doing woodworks.

We need roads but it doesn't have to be tarred only, this can be done using stones and bricks from the earth moving that takes place during big construction projects, which on the long run is easier to maintain in reference to replacing potholes than wasting time getting the paving equipments. Of course I understand that to design and construct isn't a days job but for now maintenance culture needs to be imbedded and students need to go to the fields of future works in areas where  "maintenance" is needed and start analysing and developing solutions, just like we do by breaking down ideas and after identifying locations that need the concepts.

So should one start by helping home based cleanups of rubble then progress to the cites because hey in construction there are opportunities, as left overs from previous jobs/projects are recycled for new designs.

As Africans we are terrible with maintenance and those who get into a territory get affected by that attitude. Those who weren't previously inattentive become like us too, unless we don't mind being called names by those who think they are smarter.

Recycling of construction based leftovers is a mess too. Most small construction companies don't have employees to handle delivery demands. They only get casual labour when they get a contract and that'll be it. Some are not even office based. How to help them? The government could have a network of  workers that are released when needed. This way a small unit of educated youth can hire a set team of specialised workforce instead of the government giving finance allocations that may take time for them to get to work immediately. It's ridiculous that a government doesn't have a census of different professionals in any area of specialty that can be called when needed. Isn't that what a university is? Do "leaders" measure people based on head count or should they be counting and measuring the professionals they have?

For the most part In Africa we build our own houses and we don't have an organised method for it. I have no problem with building my own house or space but the industry ministries shouldn't be bugging me with approvals but be called to site to guide me rather than looking for what to do themselves out of my needs.

Construction is about materials, labour and planning so having a permanent office isn't always a wise option, maybe helping out by having containers that are rented for the duration of the project sounds more sensible? Offices made of containers? Or easily mountable solutions? Those who are into shipping have access to containers and can offer them under lease when shopping season is on standstill. Considering that now with trade being inconsistent as before loads of containers are empty. There are flats made out of containers so to make a mobile office isn't a new thing. Earlier we had mentioned trailers.

Knowing basics in IT helps structuring and Organising skills to develop, just as doctors are also good at building houses because they understand the principles of structure based on the knowledge of  the body structure, they may need project management orientation should there be a need to ease the bottle neck in the medical industry. Medical based students also work on construction sites should there be any injuries as well as security services are needed in hard core areas.