Friday 29 March 2013

Why Women Priests?

Why are women fighting to be priests even when there was no Catherine or Mabel among the twelve
disciples of Jesus which was in the new testament the modern churches seem relay on?

Let me take you on a journey of vantage thoughts. Have men ever tried to understand the nature of a woman? Has he looked closely to who his mother, sister, aunty, wife is? They always ask what does a woman want?! That is a wrong approach because sincerely seldom do women want anything. We may nag but that is the call for attention and communication that brings order for the family. We are social creatures, we dont do well in isolation. Men seem to love it since they are busy trying to escape from commitment. They like to shy away from the world; a need for solitude. My question is this "don't women also want time to think"? As girls we are tender, softer and quite innocent when we are protected, hence in ancient days the Greeks used to keep Virgins as a sorse of opinion to develop knowledge. There isnt anything carnal in a woman naturally, its man that isnt tamed but should she go through hell becomes worse than any natures being and far more dangerous to control. She becomes as wise as a serpent or awakens once it is triggered.

There is no wonder when we call Mother nature for help when everything has broken loose. Thats why i say do not underestimate the strength of a woman. If you as a man presume she is weak and treat her like a possession, life with her will tell you better. I do not think a woman who is single and hasnt experienced mother hood and reared kids should take the post because a woman awakens to be like a mother when she has experiences with people. Thats why men shouldn't scorn a gal when she gets pregnant because she awakens.

"Genesis 3:16 To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Why the pain? Its because until she has no experience physically or mentally or in heart you wouldn't know who the woman truly is. To me a prostitute is better than a nun, who parades her virginity without realising she is ignorant. Don't we all love Madea? She may be mad but everyone gets their lot :)

Women project from their inner self, men are reactive from the world, he is a physical being, thats why he can be lured but not often by the women but by other men who use women as their tool. Who brought Samson down? it isnt the woman althoe she was used as a tool. The bible stories are not complete because the so called wise men wanted you to find it. It is easy to deceive a woman because she is trusting and if she finds out woe unto you.

Abusive men usually use force to keep the woman isolated so she does not speak of what his deeds are. Its harder for men to find spirituality because man goes by what he sees and only when hit by the wall he starts asking his inner self why he is in the predicament he is in but should a gal be worshiped just like man she develops weak zones too. If you look at those leaders who kept women as their body guards they are usually harder to deceive. When a woman feels safe, her loyalty is just like that of a pitbull. Women when assassins or put to serve never leave any stone unturned and sometimes the power can get to us, we become obsessive where men show possessiveness. Is there realy a solution on who is better? Yes there are times when women should come in but to serve their term and leave so that there is balance. A lot of cardinals or pastors consult women on matters so why deceive anyone about becoming a role model? But this you must look at; Men need an Image to look up to, women really dont care they know how to serve and the day today life keeps us grounded. If you look at most women they are meeker than men. Thats why you see when men hurt their women they usually do not grow.

I am not a fan of making life a political, religious engagement even though it is, which is why i leave some issues out of politics such as women rights. If a woman knows her powers the man will open the door for her. Bill was the president, Now Hilary is the spine of her nation. Not every woman wants that head position but if given will serve her nation and not because she isnt allowed. I am terrible on wimpy women who try to talk about their rights without using some level of brain work. I dont think Hilary should go for super status, she knows what she has done to make her country strong; through the man that she had supported.

My last opinion on it should be no, there is an extent a woman should use her powers not to rub her country of balance. Men will find it hard to look up to a woman, man was built with ego; ever wondered why Mary Magdalene didn't continue the church of Christ after his crucifixion? As a specie we are not scientifically built for that kind of leadership. Look at the Matriarchal societies like Ghana, they may be stable but there is a spark that is missing. Nigerians are mad but in that madness we have peace. Our men do know what civil liberties are and the smart ones dont mess with their mother, wife and daughter. Well maybe she should be the Queen like the British but parliament No No. The head is still the Man, i dont mind throwing darts at him than stab my own fellow women :) we are already overloaded as it is. I love my women more even if i am hard on them.

There should be women in the ranks to keep the balance of testosterone levels down. Even in the business world we require women to be in the midst because most business solutions revolve around providing solutions in the home and society. Man may be the one who engineered the washing machine but it took the woman to nag about it to him; she may have left his dirty socks for him to realise she aint his maid :)

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