Sunday 3 March 2013

Why is being a plumber considered less valuable than being an attorney?

  • Why will a lawyer almost certainly throw a fit at what the plumber charges him for something he can't or won't do himself?
  • Why is being a plumber considered less valuable than being an attorney?
I 've always wondered the logic of it. If a doctor messes up, you could lose your life. If a vehicle mechanic messes up, the same could happen but if a lawyer messes up, in most places the worst that could happen is you go to jail or you lose a bit of money.

Both professions are separated in terms of one is physical labour and the other mental labour. Art still stands strong In terms of skill. The liability that comes with the profession of law is higher whereas plumbing is situational based has direct impact not global and one can see the problem ought rightly. Relevance of jobs is based on measure of responsibility.

A plumber is not considered less valuable it is all in the perception, both professions are highly needed. People get in trouble everyday, lawyers "save their behinds" pipes don't burst everyday in one household and the collateral damage wouldn't hurt the society!

Plumbing is a piece of the engineering world same with electrical! The effects of it is singular! Just as someone said "a soldier dies its a tragedy for the family but its a statistics for the country".

Doctors share the risk of mishap between the patient and them. They know that with all the science, the patient is also liable for what he does with the advice given for after care! They will investigate and half the time one will find the patient at fault! Patients lie so doctors are only half the time working with probabilities, same with lawyers. Science is a risk i.e not everything can be foreseen but there are those who plan as a team and handle what one can't do alone, in cases of complex surgery the client is informed of the risks!

Most jobs are evaluated based on risk/responsibility matrix. Lawyers are policy makers, what they do in defending cases in court is just clerical duties, administering the policies ie managing disputes!

Teachers I believe should be overpaid because they can screw up a whole generation and for the next 20years a country can't recover how ever teachers are also regulated by the government who in return develop the heads they employ. Personally if the country is really serious about its well being they will make no.1 priority the educational sector! Doctors are paid well you don't see them complaining as much as teachers :) there is a hierarchy that has been placed since for ever! Farmers can mess with a country in one season but they not taken for granted at least I don't see them coming out in riots! Imagine engineers are complaining that they aren't appreciated as the Architects are but engineers get jobs only when architects produce a design!

Maintenance workforce (cleaners, electricians, mechanics, security) are not as valued as Design based workforce (law, architects) because they don't create jobs, they are given jobs. Sorry in comparison its like the difference between the boss and employee everyone gets pissed when one party isn't doing their job, we are all inter related. Trying to solve this issue to everyones satisfaction is as difficult as removing racism; not possible because nature has segregated us but one must try to bridge the gap.

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