Sunday 3 March 2013

Why is it difficult to start a business in Nigeria?

Lets remove Nigeria away just for this instance because we all know that infrastructure is the problem, not just in terms of electricity and roads, we can as well start businesses that don't require power or roads. The west or north of this world started under candle lights,. Who wants to do will find a way.

  • Infrastructure in Man power Intellectual intelligence; we are street smart but that is only a fraction of what is required. 
  • Technical creativity; technical information "knowledge" isnt sought for, we dont research whats in our minds or lands, we are timid cos of the lack of knowledge. we dont like to dig deep, and in effect cant see wide "collaborative spirit". 
  • Our educational sector is corrupt and breeds a skewed view to life and making a living. Both Business Management knowledge is required as well as technical know how to go together.

Starting a business for many is difficult because they tell themselves it is. Just like some people run away from marriage, they dont want to be responsible for lives. They barely can take care of themselves, let alone manage a heard. This requires Leadership. Business ethics is personal ethics. Sacrifice is hard because most people are "me & now" based and for those who want to go into business they need to develop a spine. Hard Knocks develops a thick skin. Stop listening to those who tell you "it cant be done and check every information given, don't throw it away because it doesn't make sense to you."

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