Friday 29 March 2013

Why do we question each others religion?

This is where i employ what they call "curiosity kills the cat" i don't apologise to no one in what i believe or how i choose to worship. If children were given the free will to choose i doubt many will follow what their parents practice. We have christians who behave like muslims, we have muslims who behave like Buddhists and we have Buddhists who behave like rats :) Your personality dictates how your religion is being questioned. How you behave "react" shows what religious description you are like.

I was given the choice and for that i allow everyone to be who they want to be. If they are happy i am happy with them, if they are angry i am angry at them because they are making me unhappy. I treat people in the humanistic way and respond the Buddhist way. Should i see ignorance of me i become a Christian, should i be violated i try not to be a Muslim because some beg for it. :) Thats why i may come across as controversial. If i see an animal i either pipe down or become an even bigger beast, thats my prerogative. Everyone has boundaries and many should know when to stop in projecting  their emotions. The one true faith for me is in my Creator who we all have defined in name and procedures "religeon". One thing i know for sure is "You can't talk about life or share your life with everyone, for some to comprehend what it took to be you is hard in an instant.

If asked i explain, if questioned i ignore, some are actually envious of your growth not happy in theirs, thats why you have the opportunity to win souls over to your side. There will never be one religion on this planet but we are all human and we have to treat each other as such first, that reflects  your faith in life and honours our Creator.

Religion is the only way people are aware of their differences in mentality. Spiritual people see no difference, they realise all works for good who believe in him who created us; be it through science or any religious preference at start; this of course is the beginning of all disputes "did the chicken come before the egg?":). They have no one way to understanding the world and its dynamic. They are seldom spooked nor provoked., they are just in the spirit! I am still growing so i feel ok when i get out of line. It really doesn't matter what one worships, be it Satan or the Holy Mary, you have to love thy neighbour as thyself. You could actually be rich but miserable or poor but happy, football after all is now a religion :), what ever you idolise rules you but be mindful of how you take advantage of others. No one truly owns anyone anything even if man isnt an island. You have the right to ask for how you want to be treated and you can stop the beast with one word, thats the power you get when you understand insight "Spirituality" seek it for you to be free of anyones brainwashing.

There is more than one way to skin a cat - there is more than one way to approach life, my question is: What are you doing for yourself and others?

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