Sunday 10 March 2013

Why should Nigeria divide or stay together?

I once asked a question "why should Nigeria divide or stay together"? I listen to the history and part of me says stay and part of me says no. I presume this indecision is what is on the mind of our people. If it was said may your Nay be Nay and Yea be Yea then the problem is in making that decision.

I believe that should Nigeria divide we will enter civil or actual war because the fight for lands would start, where each ethnic group will fight for a piece, we would be unable to make a share because we have little to no accurate records of our borders. Should we separate we will dislocate families by ethnicity, ignoring the fact that an Ibo man who grew up In kaduna no longer is Ibo. A yoruba man grown in Benin is not a yoruba man. Even if we form clicks within our ethnic groups on a foreign land, there is no way we wouldnt develop a different ascent to our ethnic brothers back home. I am even told that i look and now have developed a South African Accent. I live here and have formed sentiments to places that have an endearing to my heart. My Benin brothers in England now have the english accent, even those fake :) brothers who are in yanki are breaking fone 2 weeks after they get there, to blend.

To Blend My brothers to blend is why we had been made into one name Nigeria. The Niger river being the source of our name not the Themes. We have blended and we have been strong to keep our varying cultures and not accepting the cultures of the supposed white man but lets be true about somethings like religion which seems to me the basis for the dispute about Nigeria. It was not founded by the colonial masters we need to investigate this properly, it was brought to them too and they too have been submerged into war because of it but not only because of it. Man needs war to keep his esteem high cos he dosnt use his brain and in the process looses his soul. Are we dividing people based on religious faiths as well as raw resources that we arent able to cultivate?

to blend, to blend.
If we divide what will we loose and what will we gain and what will be lost?

I look at England today with my limited knowledge of the fathers and their attempts to capture the world. Playing the games of wankers with its rival countries France, Netherlands, and Spain but what did they gain apart from the brand of notoriety? No man is an Island and no one can survive standing alone. Even if we have borders with barb wires and guns there is no way trade wouldnt bring us back together. Greed as much as it separates it also binds nations. Whats the point in going back and forth? Are we still not trading with Ghana even if we think they are sisies :) who cant stand up to the whites? or worse we fight them for their matriarchal leadership? or should we give credit to Jerry Rawlings for putting a foundation to a stable economy, yet we stand proudly naked. Are they really stupid for having the culture that they have? or are we actually loosing our resources to them? Ghana dosnt really have Light problems as we do and that enables them to have some level of stability. No one likes fighters and looters of their own land. Look at Liberia and its neighbouring countries. Yeah they have diamonds alright but look at their life. You give a monkey a gun and he thinks he is now human. If man didnt say and make diamonds worth something it will just be a stone. Traders used to trade with stones before, how come gold all of a sudden has developed value? Whats worse its even paper that is now ruling the world.

An identity is created through unity. England with its cultural diversity is making them still stronger. I dont believe to them their land means anything, what makes relevance to them is their memories. To the English man his home is his castle" quote taken from the latest release of the film RobinHood, he invites friends to celebrate and in drunkenness they open their hearts. In ours, we expose our greed, then get surprised we were duped with just a mirror. What memories are we building? Terrorism, fraud, prostitution is now our culture as a result of our fakery and lies hoping to develop an identity, its still same as slavery.

We have been dividing and are divided for a very long time, its just the name that has kept us in delusion and now religion has entered the boat. Maybe the average man on the street is deceived but not he who is educated yet powerless to reach out and say "cant you see what you are loosing to yourself?" Whats in common between you and your neighbour? He is a muslim, you are a christian, does that change the fact that you both need to eat, have shelter, a hug or smile? Do you not both bare same specie of children regardless of the skin colour or religion? AH the problem is the mentality but cant it be entertaining rather than competitive? The whole world loves the Azonto are they saying it is African or are they saying its groovy?

eh Nigeria, eh the world what are you doing blinded by ego. The only racist is ignorance, the root of all evil.

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