Friday 29 March 2013

Why are some people afraid of sounding controversial?

I do my level best to embrace everyone, but there is a point where i question myself, my actions and others. Being nice is different from being kind. Nice people never sound controversial, they are well brought up to kiss the wind of your cheeks, while with a hug show a facial expression to others. Kind people hug you and look into your eyes and you can see the delight in their face even if they dont know you. Even when they are angry at you you can still feel the glow of their hearts. I am not a nice person even if it would save my life. I have what to live for and die for, people can't determine my success. I help them build theirs and mine at the same time grows.

I realy want to understand why some Nigerians/Africans and business people employ bullying as a method of negotiations? It would take quite sometime to explain but bad negotiations leads to bad deals. As soon as someone tries to take advantage of you by bullying you to accept what they offer reject it because they wouldn't stop at that. The world is full of nice people but very few are kind. How you speak to people is how they will take you. Disarm the beast that captures you and makes you feel like they own your destiny. Better to chop grass in a free field than be the golden bird in a cage. all that is meant for you will be yours.

There is a reason religions "philosophies of life" were recorded to teach people how to respond in different circumstances they find themselves. You do need to survive where the selfish and insecure man exists. You cant carpet the world but put on your slip-ons.

Bad talk is bad negotiations. Stop the attempt and you wouldn't feel abused. To hell with riches and you will find wealth. Those who know whats right will do the right thing - by their ways you shall know them.

Fear not the devil and he will flee! We will all know the truth sooner or later.
"'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?

Just be patient!

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