Friday 29 March 2013

Why Women Priests?

Why are women fighting to be priests even when there was no Catherine or Mabel among the twelve
disciples of Jesus which was in the new testament the modern churches seem relay on?

Let me take you on a journey of vantage thoughts. Have men ever tried to understand the nature of a woman? Has he looked closely to who his mother, sister, aunty, wife is? They always ask what does a woman want?! That is a wrong approach because sincerely seldom do women want anything. We may nag but that is the call for attention and communication that brings order for the family. We are social creatures, we dont do well in isolation. Men seem to love it since they are busy trying to escape from commitment. They like to shy away from the world; a need for solitude. My question is this "don't women also want time to think"? As girls we are tender, softer and quite innocent when we are protected, hence in ancient days the Greeks used to keep Virgins as a sorse of opinion to develop knowledge. There isnt anything carnal in a woman naturally, its man that isnt tamed but should she go through hell becomes worse than any natures being and far more dangerous to control. She becomes as wise as a serpent or awakens once it is triggered.

There is no wonder when we call Mother nature for help when everything has broken loose. Thats why i say do not underestimate the strength of a woman. If you as a man presume she is weak and treat her like a possession, life with her will tell you better. I do not think a woman who is single and hasnt experienced mother hood and reared kids should take the post because a woman awakens to be like a mother when she has experiences with people. Thats why men shouldn't scorn a gal when she gets pregnant because she awakens.

"Genesis 3:16 To the woman he said, "I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." Why the pain? Its because until she has no experience physically or mentally or in heart you wouldn't know who the woman truly is. To me a prostitute is better than a nun, who parades her virginity without realising she is ignorant. Don't we all love Madea? She may be mad but everyone gets their lot :)

Women project from their inner self, men are reactive from the world, he is a physical being, thats why he can be lured but not often by the women but by other men who use women as their tool. Who brought Samson down? it isnt the woman althoe she was used as a tool. The bible stories are not complete because the so called wise men wanted you to find it. It is easy to deceive a woman because she is trusting and if she finds out woe unto you.

Abusive men usually use force to keep the woman isolated so she does not speak of what his deeds are. Its harder for men to find spirituality because man goes by what he sees and only when hit by the wall he starts asking his inner self why he is in the predicament he is in but should a gal be worshiped just like man she develops weak zones too. If you look at those leaders who kept women as their body guards they are usually harder to deceive. When a woman feels safe, her loyalty is just like that of a pitbull. Women when assassins or put to serve never leave any stone unturned and sometimes the power can get to us, we become obsessive where men show possessiveness. Is there realy a solution on who is better? Yes there are times when women should come in but to serve their term and leave so that there is balance. A lot of cardinals or pastors consult women on matters so why deceive anyone about becoming a role model? But this you must look at; Men need an Image to look up to, women really dont care they know how to serve and the day today life keeps us grounded. If you look at most women they are meeker than men. Thats why you see when men hurt their women they usually do not grow.

I am not a fan of making life a political, religious engagement even though it is, which is why i leave some issues out of politics such as women rights. If a woman knows her powers the man will open the door for her. Bill was the president, Now Hilary is the spine of her nation. Not every woman wants that head position but if given will serve her nation and not because she isnt allowed. I am terrible on wimpy women who try to talk about their rights without using some level of brain work. I dont think Hilary should go for super status, she knows what she has done to make her country strong; through the man that she had supported.

My last opinion on it should be no, there is an extent a woman should use her powers not to rub her country of balance. Men will find it hard to look up to a woman, man was built with ego; ever wondered why Mary Magdalene didn't continue the church of Christ after his crucifixion? As a specie we are not scientifically built for that kind of leadership. Look at the Matriarchal societies like Ghana, they may be stable but there is a spark that is missing. Nigerians are mad but in that madness we have peace. Our men do know what civil liberties are and the smart ones dont mess with their mother, wife and daughter. Well maybe she should be the Queen like the British but parliament No No. The head is still the Man, i dont mind throwing darts at him than stab my own fellow women :) we are already overloaded as it is. I love my women more even if i am hard on them.

There should be women in the ranks to keep the balance of testosterone levels down. Even in the business world we require women to be in the midst because most business solutions revolve around providing solutions in the home and society. Man may be the one who engineered the washing machine but it took the woman to nag about it to him; she may have left his dirty socks for him to realise she aint his maid :)

Why shouldn't everyone - including gay celebrate marriage?

Why shouldn't everyone - including gay, lesbian and transgender folks - be able to celebrate their entire life together as a legally married couple?

The struggle with the straight is that to fathom that their kid could just decide an leave the nest and do to their lives what ever it is they like is a problem. They seldom let go even when their kid is straight let alone to a different life style. The parents who are against it feel like nothing and their lives will sum to nothing because they had their own dreams for the kids and left nothing to their own. Its amazing to see what becomes of a couple after their kids have left the home even in normal heterosexual family.

Those who turn Gay often have a rift with either of their parents and many parents think that the kids are doing it to spite them back and are not serious. This happens a lot in straight marriages too but it isnt often so. There is a void in every boy to connect to his absent father and a girl to her absent mother, in many cases Parenting was bad, in some cases they are born to be. I love the truly Gay people, their principles and morals of life dont differ much from the straight and you wouldn't even know the difference. In many cases a Gay couple is likely to bring up good and able kids who are straight and accepting of others than in a straight family.

Personally i dont know if it makes sense seeking recognition from society to validate your marriage. Sometimes i even feel like that paper now becomes like the elephant in the room, every one becomes uptight when they don't know how to accept a difference.

We have so much given validity to paper, yet legal rights can easily be overturned. If you arent committed you leave trails of evidence that can be used to punish you. That legal paper wouldnt be strong if there is no true bond between the couple. Free will has always been stronger. I know now that that marriage certificate some how destroyed the spark; it made him edgy and so with his family, we wernt married for 4 years and no one interfered, as soon as that paper was signed it was like one signed ones life to the devil.

If only society said that kids belong to every family who have their own kids. Meaning everyone is a kid to every parent and sibling to every home its how i remember being brought up in Africa as well as in Russia, there would be less Gay people or those who dont like their skin tone or shape and size. Yes on an individual scale it dosnt really matter but on a social level it speaks volumes. The more segregated people the more lonely homes that breed even worse damages but hey i believe it isnt the place of society to judge or state the sexual preferences of the other. na amebo de kill tafya :)

Marriage isnt simple even if many try to convince you to take it to be. To be Gay isnt as simple. How many can show open-mindedness and not feel threatened by the next door neighbour? We have jealousy rising from just a family member getting a good job let alone have a different life style. I doubt if anything is simple on this earth, even an atom has its own world within.

We all understand the yearning for affection but how many ever give themselves to find love? So many things stand in your way: ignorance of self, him/her/them/us. Marriage is chaos. I'd rather scare you off the cliff than push you. It is an artificial institution for those who dont understand or know how to believe in themselves. It is artificial because it has so many rules and rituals, the only thing that protects your rights is the relationship "intimasy" itself.

Marriage; even this description isnt complex enough to describe life and human relations. I was talking today to a friend who said she out of the pressure wants to run away if only for an hour to give herself a breather from the chores but she knows that should she for a minute demand it another set of bias questions would start.

Should they marry? Yes they should but not without deep thoughts of what Union is, both for the straight and Gay. Bless those who curse you for it rips coals upon their heads - Let those who fear fry in their own hate.

Why are some people afraid of sounding controversial?

I do my level best to embrace everyone, but there is a point where i question myself, my actions and others. Being nice is different from being kind. Nice people never sound controversial, they are well brought up to kiss the wind of your cheeks, while with a hug show a facial expression to others. Kind people hug you and look into your eyes and you can see the delight in their face even if they dont know you. Even when they are angry at you you can still feel the glow of their hearts. I am not a nice person even if it would save my life. I have what to live for and die for, people can't determine my success. I help them build theirs and mine at the same time grows.

I realy want to understand why some Nigerians/Africans and business people employ bullying as a method of negotiations? It would take quite sometime to explain but bad negotiations leads to bad deals. As soon as someone tries to take advantage of you by bullying you to accept what they offer reject it because they wouldn't stop at that. The world is full of nice people but very few are kind. How you speak to people is how they will take you. Disarm the beast that captures you and makes you feel like they own your destiny. Better to chop grass in a free field than be the golden bird in a cage. all that is meant for you will be yours.

There is a reason religions "philosophies of life" were recorded to teach people how to respond in different circumstances they find themselves. You do need to survive where the selfish and insecure man exists. You cant carpet the world but put on your slip-ons.

Bad talk is bad negotiations. Stop the attempt and you wouldn't feel abused. To hell with riches and you will find wealth. Those who know whats right will do the right thing - by their ways you shall know them.

Fear not the devil and he will flee! We will all know the truth sooner or later.
"'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes'?

Just be patient!

Why do we question each others religion?

This is where i employ what they call "curiosity kills the cat" i don't apologise to no one in what i believe or how i choose to worship. If children were given the free will to choose i doubt many will follow what their parents practice. We have christians who behave like muslims, we have muslims who behave like Buddhists and we have Buddhists who behave like rats :) Your personality dictates how your religion is being questioned. How you behave "react" shows what religious description you are like.

I was given the choice and for that i allow everyone to be who they want to be. If they are happy i am happy with them, if they are angry i am angry at them because they are making me unhappy. I treat people in the humanistic way and respond the Buddhist way. Should i see ignorance of me i become a Christian, should i be violated i try not to be a Muslim because some beg for it. :) Thats why i may come across as controversial. If i see an animal i either pipe down or become an even bigger beast, thats my prerogative. Everyone has boundaries and many should know when to stop in projecting  their emotions. The one true faith for me is in my Creator who we all have defined in name and procedures "religeon". One thing i know for sure is "You can't talk about life or share your life with everyone, for some to comprehend what it took to be you is hard in an instant.

If asked i explain, if questioned i ignore, some are actually envious of your growth not happy in theirs, thats why you have the opportunity to win souls over to your side. There will never be one religion on this planet but we are all human and we have to treat each other as such first, that reflects  your faith in life and honours our Creator.

Religion is the only way people are aware of their differences in mentality. Spiritual people see no difference, they realise all works for good who believe in him who created us; be it through science or any religious preference at start; this of course is the beginning of all disputes "did the chicken come before the egg?":). They have no one way to understanding the world and its dynamic. They are seldom spooked nor provoked., they are just in the spirit! I am still growing so i feel ok when i get out of line. It really doesn't matter what one worships, be it Satan or the Holy Mary, you have to love thy neighbour as thyself. You could actually be rich but miserable or poor but happy, football after all is now a religion :), what ever you idolise rules you but be mindful of how you take advantage of others. No one truly owns anyone anything even if man isnt an island. You have the right to ask for how you want to be treated and you can stop the beast with one word, thats the power you get when you understand insight "Spirituality" seek it for you to be free of anyones brainwashing.

There is more than one way to skin a cat - there is more than one way to approach life, my question is: What are you doing for yourself and others?

Why does bad attitude show ignorance?

Patience they say is a virtue, the wise dog eats the flesh and patently smacks on the bone.
In order to bring knowledge to this question it is difficult to be concise! But I must never the less inform those who seek knowledge! I answered the question by saying "you can't fill an already full cup" and left it at that, I dont think i would give justice to the "WHY" if how, where, when, who, and what is not covered! and that is the very definition of ignorance in practice "limited knowledge" and attitude limits knowledge development. many ask me why am i not concise. for a simple reason that Life and the demand to survive requires that you be complex enough to protect yourself from those who pollute to loot. I dont compromise knowledge cos it leads to destruction. if you believe you know it all, then why bother even to communicate, and those who know seldom exhibit attitude, they are glad to share!

I don't post wiki or Webster for definitions to pose as facts cos I know that it is a limited treasure island with gold that needs to be discovered amidst layers of crap! Those who have practical experience at life always have an upper hand to booksmart, or youth cos they never give up, they may retreat but they come back with more force! Be wise not smart to have an edge!

Parents don't tell the truth to their kids cos they don't know how to tell them that the world out there is still based on competition "survival of the fittest" after they had made them belive that the world is kind, just not to kill their own faith in life, yet they are scared to admit to themselves and you that their knowledge is limited only to what they have been thought and experienced!

you must be fit to succeed!

Lack of self knowledge, lack of knowledge of the other and lack of knowledge of the grounds you are on! All these 3 areas produce information errors mistakes that often could be fatal, should someone take attitude as a sign of knowledge or confidence! The WHY forum will never achieve value if all answers are based on attitude alone! Be mindful of what you take to be facts!

If going by what is said in the art of war "that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.

There are those who make deliberate mistakes to know who will take advantage of them! Why exposé yourself to being labeled by others and make a decision on you, to rule you out before you even got to say hello? mistakes are not weaknesses cos when made it automatically produces a varying amount of knowledge and information. Often left unprocessed stores up as guilt and many still carry the guilt of not being perfect, or wanting their own way still persist to making their point irrespective! If attitude is a way of hiding, then why even expose yourself even to utter a word? Too much load I think that is!

To me I think the most important rule of wining is to want to, confidence attracts and if people want to belong, then isn't it better to belong to the best? A lot of people dont succeed becos of bad attitude!
A lot of people reveal their weaknesses and their vulnerabilities by having an attitude, there are some who use emotions to trigger emotions in others and you fall victim by following their trail. There is no amount of IQ that can save you if you are reactive!

When you speaking to someone in an abrasive manner you shut down the person from opening up and by that have left yourself out from experiences, If experiences is what allows us grow, why hinder your growth?

Everyone is looking for opportunities and there are those who are in your environment who are looking for those who are looking for opportunities! What I mean is if you don't put your best foot forward no matter where you are, you are limiting yourself to options!

Potential partners, Employers, clients, suitors are watching and people make choices first based on like. If someone provokes a negative tone, he or she receives a negative attraction! Why do that to one self? You may not need the world but why limit your choices?

Dont limit your choices isn't that what Capitalism 's is all about? The only time you feel taken advantage of is when someone has capitalised on your ignorance of self and them. Why not ask why someone asked or did first before you make a judgement? Do we think that those who ask questions dont have some sort of reason or answer of their own? Why do we think people who ask dont know anything?

People ruin their own opportunities by having the wrong set of attitudes about others and an over inflated self impression. Arrogance, can be misconstrued for confidence and vice versa. Arrogance rubs you off your own luck. A lot of employers make the mistake to employ arrogant people assuming thats a sign of confidence and knowledge. Colleagues vilify and then setup traps to rid themselves of competition by triggering anger and we all know that the mass minded always point finger on what they see rather than what they know and what they know is often what has been presented. Confident but angry don't produce anything cos anger is an unproductive emotion and you the only one feeling it but the other still has a chance and choice not to receive it!

10 x 0 = 0 it dont matter what you know, it is how you present your knowledge if you care enough for yourself. Grammar? well thats to give your English teacher a smile but he still judges you by your content.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Why should Nigeria divide or stay together?

I once asked a question "why should Nigeria divide or stay together"? I listen to the history and part of me says stay and part of me says no. I presume this indecision is what is on the mind of our people. If it was said may your Nay be Nay and Yea be Yea then the problem is in making that decision.

I believe that should Nigeria divide we will enter civil or actual war because the fight for lands would start, where each ethnic group will fight for a piece, we would be unable to make a share because we have little to no accurate records of our borders. Should we separate we will dislocate families by ethnicity, ignoring the fact that an Ibo man who grew up In kaduna no longer is Ibo. A yoruba man grown in Benin is not a yoruba man. Even if we form clicks within our ethnic groups on a foreign land, there is no way we wouldnt develop a different ascent to our ethnic brothers back home. I am even told that i look and now have developed a South African Accent. I live here and have formed sentiments to places that have an endearing to my heart. My Benin brothers in England now have the english accent, even those fake :) brothers who are in yanki are breaking fone 2 weeks after they get there, to blend.

To Blend My brothers to blend is why we had been made into one name Nigeria. The Niger river being the source of our name not the Themes. We have blended and we have been strong to keep our varying cultures and not accepting the cultures of the supposed white man but lets be true about somethings like religion which seems to me the basis for the dispute about Nigeria. It was not founded by the colonial masters we need to investigate this properly, it was brought to them too and they too have been submerged into war because of it but not only because of it. Man needs war to keep his esteem high cos he dosnt use his brain and in the process looses his soul. Are we dividing people based on religious faiths as well as raw resources that we arent able to cultivate?

to blend, to blend.
If we divide what will we loose and what will we gain and what will be lost?

I look at England today with my limited knowledge of the fathers and their attempts to capture the world. Playing the games of wankers with its rival countries France, Netherlands, and Spain but what did they gain apart from the brand of notoriety? No man is an Island and no one can survive standing alone. Even if we have borders with barb wires and guns there is no way trade wouldnt bring us back together. Greed as much as it separates it also binds nations. Whats the point in going back and forth? Are we still not trading with Ghana even if we think they are sisies :) who cant stand up to the whites? or worse we fight them for their matriarchal leadership? or should we give credit to Jerry Rawlings for putting a foundation to a stable economy, yet we stand proudly naked. Are they really stupid for having the culture that they have? or are we actually loosing our resources to them? Ghana dosnt really have Light problems as we do and that enables them to have some level of stability. No one likes fighters and looters of their own land. Look at Liberia and its neighbouring countries. Yeah they have diamonds alright but look at their life. You give a monkey a gun and he thinks he is now human. If man didnt say and make diamonds worth something it will just be a stone. Traders used to trade with stones before, how come gold all of a sudden has developed value? Whats worse its even paper that is now ruling the world.

An identity is created through unity. England with its cultural diversity is making them still stronger. I dont believe to them their land means anything, what makes relevance to them is their memories. To the English man his home is his castle" quote taken from the latest release of the film RobinHood, he invites friends to celebrate and in drunkenness they open their hearts. In ours, we expose our greed, then get surprised we were duped with just a mirror. What memories are we building? Terrorism, fraud, prostitution is now our culture as a result of our fakery and lies hoping to develop an identity, its still same as slavery.

We have been dividing and are divided for a very long time, its just the name that has kept us in delusion and now religion has entered the boat. Maybe the average man on the street is deceived but not he who is educated yet powerless to reach out and say "cant you see what you are loosing to yourself?" Whats in common between you and your neighbour? He is a muslim, you are a christian, does that change the fact that you both need to eat, have shelter, a hug or smile? Do you not both bare same specie of children regardless of the skin colour or religion? AH the problem is the mentality but cant it be entertaining rather than competitive? The whole world loves the Azonto are they saying it is African or are they saying its groovy?

eh Nigeria, eh the world what are you doing blinded by ego. The only racist is ignorance, the root of all evil.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Why are people afraid of going deep?

Knowledge can't be found in shallow waters. When someone thinks of the word deep they see a hole dug in the ground and no end to the darkness. They are afraid of the dark shadows of the walls of the earth. The earth is what you will find still at the bottom with water and to your luck layers of gold, silver and diamonds!

I have had very depressive moments in my life where I was alone at age 18 when I left home in pursuit if my happiness rather than live in the shadows of my ancestral beliefs about the world. I wanted to know the root if all evil but I fought it with the light in me that my father "creator" put in me. My earthly father never made me believe that things are beyond my reach. He put me through tests while standing by me!

Depression can either kill you or make you stronger. When you look at the shadows "fears of people" of the earth all you need to do is fear no evil. Many will shame you, many will envy you but no one will or has the right to physically harm you! You have rights to life and living but not at others expense. Dad was always a phone call away!

I remember an incident that happened and probably that is when he realised what he needed to do to help his daughter overcome her fears!
I was 5, We went to Russia to visit my Grandfather, we stayed in a hotel 50 story high, and of course with elevators. On one of our trips down the tunnel of the building, on entry into it I asked him to hold my hand. He said "Alsu you are a big girl, you can make it without me! When the door opens all you need to do is follow me"! I heard but didn't understand what he meant and he didn't know. For a kid a 30 flight down is a journey of a life time. I forgot to watch him, I bowed my head down and in a flash the doors opened and my dad was out. Before I regained composure the doors shut right in front of me! I was scared I cried, I felt my life was over. I lost my dad and he will never find me! To my luck the elevators opened at the same 30th floor we were staying and I ran out to the lady who watched the floor and cried to her in the same broken hearted manner as in the elevator and in what seemed like moments my dad was back! Still tall and handsome as he still is. I think from that moment he decided that it was paramount that he thought me how to be confident.

To a child that doesn't know the world everything is big and scary! I had many journeys down the tunnel of life with him and he never held my hand but I could hear his voice, its always in my head "You can make it even if you think you can't"!

Another instance I remember when he thought me to cross the road. I was 6 going on 7. We lived in Adesuwa road Benin city, I always go to the places of my childhood to recollect the memories of events!

There stands my dad and says to me "here is 10kobo go and buy me ground nuts," I looked at him in disbelief, how will I cross that road? He must want me dead! The road today looks like an alley to me but then it seemed like an 8 way highway. He told me "look left and look right, before you cross when you see a car wave at the road and see what happens if they stop then you cross." I summoned courage I followed his rules, on the first lane i remembered all he told me but fear griped me and I forgot about the right side and made a step without looking and a car horned from afar and it made me stumble. When I reached the other side I looked at him for approval, he frowning showed me a thumbs up! On my way back looking at his face, I wasn't afraid and he geared me to remember and this time alI went through smoothly! For me this was my biggest victory and from hence forth have no fear in me. From this point I sought and always remember the rules and carry an inner peace that makes me remember, what is the right thing to do! As an adult i know that i wouldn't recognise the right thing if i don't imagine what the wrong thing is.

Would we have known that there is water flowing in the depths of the earth if someone didn't summon themselves to dig deep? People think that being deep means someone is dark! We fear the dark because we can't see the bottom "the source"! We are so focused on wanting to see the bottom we forget we need to go on down digging through the walls of earthly experiences. We fear to go into a tunnel because we can't see its end! We don't dig deep into our selves to become the torch light that takes not just us through but also those who have a fear in digging deep or going far. We can't overcome the fear that lurks in the surface of our minds, scaring us to test our strengths and see the light on the other side.

Are we afraid of the light within? Who has told you that the truth you hold inside isn't true? Who has told you that the dark surface we see is what is the only truth! Just as much dark there is, there is just as much light to be found! You only discover who you are by the fights you have had to go through!

Why is the executive summary such a crucial aspect of the business plan?"

They say faint hearts don't win fair ladies.
I would presume that the only reason people write business plans is for investors! Well wrong, the business plan is for you, it's the diary of your business! How about buy a notebook and everyday write in it everything that comes to your head about what you want to do, where you have been, what you have seen as problems and how you think they can be solved!

Everyone likes to read stories! How about an adventure? Investors are big headed and often don't read so you need to make them read! Let them see your heart! Personally I get tired of all those stuck up business terminologies of the legal and the financial world that it clearly can not describe the beauty of the picture you are seeing!

Can the first and the closing chapter in your writeup make someone want to read the whole book? Can they see the picture? Can they buy into the method of implementation and roll out?

One investors don't have time to be reading through 53 pages, except they have been intrigued by who they have met and the circumstances that made them meet!

I am yet to see anyone who got funding with their business plans from start! Your Business activities is what attracts investors. So you should be active and along the way you find the good Samaritan. Are they seeing you invest in yourself?

Lets imagine you are a football player that wants to play in the premier league. You have to be found by agents, you should be seen playing even if you are in self made boots, under the bridge. Personally I am getting tired of propaganda that for a business to be invested in it has to look good! Ernest what is look good? Being the best and not an empty gong! You will go and rent in the central of VI meanwhile your clients are In Benin! You are not ready for business then.

Often your story line of why and where you are now is what is the initial appeal. Someone once told me that Jean Claude van Dame stood outside of the directors compound on his famous pose for 3 days until the guy would hear him out. How true this is? Don't know but I do know I am one of those who do stuff like this. I stage my Movie and as i go i find "mutual collaborators" thats what i think an investor should be.

Often it is the executive page that is given not the full developed plan. You have to protect your intellectual property as well as you must be aware that the investor knows that what's in theory is never the same in practice. Every investor knows that business plans are written by professionals in the business of writing not those who are in the business itself, so they still need to meet the person and investigate the business.

StartUps don't receive investors funding simply because it has no developed story line ie track record to make real time analysis to make a forecast! A track record of the effort put in to raise the business to a level to evaluate the strength of the foundation! No one just gives money like that!

Your Exec summary should sound like an invitation and proposal to look at a potential and the word potential is very pregnant. Do you know if the marriage of strengths will work? do you know how many kids you will have? Can you show how the child will grow and of what benefits it would be to the society? When they say a business is a family it does mean exactly that! No one can survive alone or go to far alone! Children are a produce, the spouse is an investor/partner, the government is the shareholder with the society at large because you could create a nuc and who do you think pays the price for all the weapons created?

The owner of the dream should show huge amount of intellect and intuition. If employers are evaluating staff based on IQ and EQ is the investor any different from the employer?

That's why some businesses don't succeed. Who is the person behind the wheel? You could see someone very smart with a bad idea and still make money and someone with a good idea but not that intelligent and it flops! Although I don't believe in wrong ideas but wrong implementation I still have to accept that business isn't for everyone, just as not everyone is cut out for 9-5 jobs.

Your business plan is being sent to an investor, remember investments don't come as cash only. The word "resources" has a broad understanding and method of application! Many people who are looking for investment are self centred rather than look at what the investor wants! That's why they loose out on injection! Everyone wants something, real investors invest in a business and want a part in what the business produces.

I have enabled that! My investors buy into strategies and tactics that produce more by products that fit what they need and they leave my business alone. Their interest is in what they will gain for other projects they have not money returns alone. Investors come to me with the projects / problems they have and i give them solutions so this way they dont have a share in what i do but what i produce out of what i do! Investors come with their set of wants and I give them their desires.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Why has our species come to value profit more than its own progress?

They don't know that progress is what profit is!

What is progress? I read a quote that said "Far from where i was but not yet where i want to be". We all demand to see perfection but what if perfection is a perception, can all be satisfied or does one measure an average count? A measurement of an effort does give a measure of satisfaction at a given place or time.

We want to be assured that it will be fine with us. This is a safety based question and in that is our profit. Are we as a people safe? that depends on who is making the gain.

Why is being a plumber considered less valuable than being an attorney?

  • Why will a lawyer almost certainly throw a fit at what the plumber charges him for something he can't or won't do himself?
  • Why is being a plumber considered less valuable than being an attorney?
I 've always wondered the logic of it. If a doctor messes up, you could lose your life. If a vehicle mechanic messes up, the same could happen but if a lawyer messes up, in most places the worst that could happen is you go to jail or you lose a bit of money.

Both professions are separated in terms of one is physical labour and the other mental labour. Art still stands strong In terms of skill. The liability that comes with the profession of law is higher whereas plumbing is situational based has direct impact not global and one can see the problem ought rightly. Relevance of jobs is based on measure of responsibility.

A plumber is not considered less valuable it is all in the perception, both professions are highly needed. People get in trouble everyday, lawyers "save their behinds" pipes don't burst everyday in one household and the collateral damage wouldn't hurt the society!

Plumbing is a piece of the engineering world same with electrical! The effects of it is singular! Just as someone said "a soldier dies its a tragedy for the family but its a statistics for the country".

Doctors share the risk of mishap between the patient and them. They know that with all the science, the patient is also liable for what he does with the advice given for after care! They will investigate and half the time one will find the patient at fault! Patients lie so doctors are only half the time working with probabilities, same with lawyers. Science is a risk i.e not everything can be foreseen but there are those who plan as a team and handle what one can't do alone, in cases of complex surgery the client is informed of the risks!

Most jobs are evaluated based on risk/responsibility matrix. Lawyers are policy makers, what they do in defending cases in court is just clerical duties, administering the policies ie managing disputes!

Teachers I believe should be overpaid because they can screw up a whole generation and for the next 20years a country can't recover how ever teachers are also regulated by the government who in return develop the heads they employ. Personally if the country is really serious about its well being they will make no.1 priority the educational sector! Doctors are paid well you don't see them complaining as much as teachers :) there is a hierarchy that has been placed since for ever! Farmers can mess with a country in one season but they not taken for granted at least I don't see them coming out in riots! Imagine engineers are complaining that they aren't appreciated as the Architects are but engineers get jobs only when architects produce a design!

Maintenance workforce (cleaners, electricians, mechanics, security) are not as valued as Design based workforce (law, architects) because they don't create jobs, they are given jobs. Sorry in comparison its like the difference between the boss and employee everyone gets pissed when one party isn't doing their job, we are all inter related. Trying to solve this issue to everyones satisfaction is as difficult as removing racism; not possible because nature has segregated us but one must try to bridge the gap.

Why are CEOs paid so much more than the workers?

CEO's are the devils of corporations they do what others can't, wouldn't or don't want to. They often loose their private life to the job of sustaining the company and the jobs of employees depends on their creativity. Of course they sack just as much but we do know that is also part of their cv. That's why they wear PRADA :)

A CEO may be employed or the employer, either way if you can beat them at their job you either become the CEO or open your own company and be its director.

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

I regret not giving myself a chance to find out and make a choice! A choice to live a life where at each point i can pin a memory of my path. A path that says this is who I am and what I have lived for. A story that shows my faith in life.

As an individual i got stuck in dreams of others, yet haven't earned respect in return, i have leaved what is expected of me, what has been enforced by the systems plans of a structured society to create order within the chaos of times.

We are breaking in into a new era of awareness the 2012 storm. It is no longer a revolution of Ages but a revolution of an individual's dream . A greater leap of faith! embracing life with joy that it was built for you and me.

I build new years resolutions, yet feel short of achieving them! I have been born into a structure that has put timelines and by this has put pressure and insecurities that is now backfiring, fighting against the very being of nature called change!

When your dreams are not big enough, how can it accommodate change and circumstances! We all innately feel it is wrong yet we do not follow the voices of our hearts! Written By a client of mine!

Why is being over 50 such a liability during a job search?

I think there is time for retirement for everyone but not redundancy! The young must grow to replace the old, i have nothing personal in the labour world towards those ageing generation, in my opinion the older you get the more responsible one should be, which means one grows from being an employee to being an employer and from that towards governing in conjunction with the young. 
As the population grows the need for job areas grow too and this isn't just the governments duty to find ways to reduce unemployment.

Many people view the word employment in terms of just that salary based paid job but it isn't so. Freelance (consultants) is a form of entrepreneurship but without heavy burden and it is the bridge that let's you test the business waters before jumping off that clif. And then there is the business world it's self; a complex environment but very rewarding when one has that drive.

Should government screw it's people for the demands they place on them so jobs are available or should people who have given about 20 or even just 10 years to an industry look to push out of paid responsibility and employ others? It's passing the baton to the next generation.
Maybe someday people will realise we are here to serve each other! For now ........

If business loopholes are found in problems, wouldn't the government create problems so that people can find what to be busy with? Wouldn't the elder generation be the best at being a solution rather than throwing themselves out of the labour market siting on pension and that wealth of knowledge dusting? By the way given the amount of fraudsters lurking and incompetence in the world arnt the older generation who has all the track record of respect, network of background history of works not a better candidate to win clients without much effort? I think it is the older generation that have written themselves off as useless while we need them especially in this our supposedly hard times. A lot of knowledge and skill is dying away!

Why are government efforts lacking clear results?

I would say generally in Africa this is a problem! Our government parastatals are made of civil service people who never had a hand at entrepreneurship and most people are used to contract bidding, and supply. Very few understand what life cycle is nor the development steps! Business is different from trading! There is no value to life and living so what's there to be planing or developing?

Most of our leaders come from the stone era and to catch up with the trends is difficult as they didn't set it up in the first place! They didnt keep the industrialisation going so now infrastructure isnt available to support entrepreneurship.

They aren't able to negotiate our natural resources for what it is worth because they don't know of what benefit it is to the party requesting it! If there are business people who are consulting the government we probably would see some changes.

They also believe most of our population is into entrepreneurship anyway so what's the need to promote what's already in the mindset? Wrong judgement, mistaking retail for being business!

They do not fetch for the bright heads within the business environment and offer them a collaborative effort to push it further! Even if it is for no pay to them. Clearly not approaching those of us who are in diaspora making waves.

There is also a ploblem with the general populace. "Illiteracy" is high, no national education plan to push the knowledge we have!                

Why is it difficult to start a business in Nigeria?

Lets remove Nigeria away just for this instance because we all know that infrastructure is the problem, not just in terms of electricity and roads, we can as well start businesses that don't require power or roads. The west or north of this world started under candle lights,. Who wants to do will find a way.

  • Infrastructure in Man power Intellectual intelligence; we are street smart but that is only a fraction of what is required. 
  • Technical creativity; technical information "knowledge" isnt sought for, we dont research whats in our minds or lands, we are timid cos of the lack of knowledge. we dont like to dig deep, and in effect cant see wide "collaborative spirit". 
  • Our educational sector is corrupt and breeds a skewed view to life and making a living. Both Business Management knowledge is required as well as technical know how to go together.

Starting a business for many is difficult because they tell themselves it is. Just like some people run away from marriage, they dont want to be responsible for lives. They barely can take care of themselves, let alone manage a heard. This requires Leadership. Business ethics is personal ethics. Sacrifice is hard because most people are "me & now" based and for those who want to go into business they need to develop a spine. Hard Knocks develops a thick skin. Stop listening to those who tell you "it cant be done and check every information given, don't throw it away because it doesn't make sense to you."

Saturday 2 March 2013

Why should/shouldn't we lie?

I loved and lived in fairy tales, I have always imagined myself either RobinHood or Athos (the Musketeers) and always had my quests outlined and hoped to find like minds as mine! Unfortunately i have been riding on my own but the journey isn't less adventurous.

Lies! some are sweet and some are dark! I love my sweet lies, they keep me going so long as i am the one dreaming my vision up. I pick the puzzles of the picture i see. We are all used to stories, it is our fab past time to listen to gossip of how someone else had lived their life. We use them subconsciously to place landmarks for ours!

The lives of our leaders are far from the truth to what we see or told! What it took for Oprah to have a mind that She has would be hard to absorb in one day so some truths need to be coated and left for later.

We are afraid of the truth cos we really are very self critical. We will shut down the truth cos "We cant handle it" as Jack Nicholson had said! Now how many of them quotes we know today were really told by those who they said quoted them? Well the idea is that these people are respected so why not just add a bit more grease to their elbows, right? It dosnt really take away anything, right? Or they call anonymous those quotes whose name they wish not to compromise. PR is such a devil that i refrain from using anyone to do my publications. I'd rather die from my own mouth and shamed for my souls grammatical blunders than deceive anyone to be what i am not. I know that i am not here to impress, just a gal doing her thing and happy you read what i have seen or experienced. I read yours too :) and same it is with my brother. He is just as honest to boot as i am, maybe even worse, at least he isn't pretending. "There is no grace in spending money you steel by lying to the public" thats how our parents brought us up. They did bring us up honest, now they are like "cant these kids shut up sometimes?" Sorry habit daddy.

Milli Vanilli sang to us. Yeah it was disappointing to find out that the Music industry lied to us cos we probably wouldn't have accepted the face to the original voices. We are so full of shit that we probably deserved to be lied to.
Knowing nothing of our strengths we are actually persuaded off our natural strengths by those responsible for our internal and external well being in exchange for the illusion of community. We hate people who are proud of themselves and stand against principles widely adopted as a norm even when it is obvious it is leading us to doom because we recognise that we could be them but don't know how or were not told that they were not afraid to shift; just a bit away from the old to the new! We cling to those who we have been knowingly or unknowingly manipulated to believe think like us and then after a while realise "oh dear this isn't who I like" but we have made commitments such as friendship or relationship or a vow to stick to a religion that is clearly eroding our spirit and we have those guardians of faith who actually physically harm you if you wish to leave.

We have been conditioned to lie to ourselves. We continue to live in that environment not because we like it but because we don't want to be extricated. Left alone having to survive seems to me the struggle of many people. Parents are the staring point of society that teaches their kids their own truth, conveniently and self serving, used in protecting themselves or keep them kids illusionary protected "doped out of their perception of reality"! Did they think the old walls will hold when the new demands its turn? Milk teethes are always replaced. Teach your kids transformation, remove the rigid walls of self serving morals that aren't theirs.  In Africa our kids are still our pension, In the developed world at least the kids have been given a breather by parents who fought for the true meaning of parenthood. Maybe this happened by mistake who knows! Ask those rebels for parents who dared not to follow the crowd!

Little red riding hood was a story invented to keep girls from the big bad wolf because there was no other way from protecting girls from men who hid in forests. Today it is just a story yet it still has the same effect "put fear!" kids are perceived reckless, in the bid to try protect them we hurt some and keep some but that feeling of fear afterwards is hard to erase, i ask that parents be-careful what they paint as a picture to their kids, It transforms into other areas creating complexities parents themselves become confused in. Such as lack of self confidence.

Kids were told the story of Hansel and Gretel to protect them from falling pray of people who lure them with ...... Sweets in other meaning for words "witches" after the story became so wide spread people actually believed witches existed and some even took up the profession as mediums and in the bid to enforce people to believe in them they did make some predictions come true. How about in example for a setup? Some old lady passes by you and says "you will be rich" or "you will be attacked in 5 days" and you snob her off rather than give her a penny for the warning and in 5 days she will send her gang to come harass you. Witchcraft isn't that much voodoo as much as it is a staged game on one and then it becomes news.

There are parents that so crave power that even within the walls of their homes treat their kid so bad, that the child wishes they were an orphan and for the child to survive he has to learn to lie to protect himself should they have had the opportunity to run. They now have to lie to the askers about their parents and the society levels them bad if they dare tell their story! "thou shall honour thy parents" after all God himself said it right?", so the kid has no hope to whom to go so they lie to survive! "A parent cant possibly hate their child" every body shouts! Havnt you heard of mothers and fathers jealous of their kids confidence or beauty? Ivan the Great was one. You will only know the truth when they let you close to them or when its to late to save a life! I work with youth and I see the damage done to this kids who were made to believe what isn't good or made to lie. Sometimes i have to lie to bring them out, it is called "therapy" to trick the mind to open up cops do this as well its called tactics of interrogation "good cop bad cop" but then there is the other side. How do you tell the truth without little lies to soften the blow?

Kids they say can be hurtful, we have created this stereotypes of beauty that when one doesn't have the shape or size as Heidi Klum or Naomi Campbell we rule ourselves and others as ugly! There are actors we have wet dreams about and if a guy that approaches you don't quite look it, we say sorry you not my type or we say a sweet lie like "i am in love with someone else". How can one be out rightly rude to say to a friend "You know, i am dyeing for Harrison Ford!" I am sure the same person out of his hurt or bad mood tells you "dream on" or "you aint Harrys type". Telling sweet lies protect you from the attitudes of others.

Would we know who is our type if we weren't given an example?  I am sitting here watching Diane Keaton a woman in her 50 kissing Keanu Reeves who is 38 in the film called "Something's Gotta Give" and I am pissed :) Why? I like him to bits but then some would go on a crusade to look for him in every man and even him himself and then be surprised he isn't what they saw on screen cos DAH!! he is acting on a script! I am also pissed that i live in a society who has created this lie about age being a factor to consider when in marriage, that it has led gals like me to believe a man older than me has some brains. A wise heart is what one should be looking for.

A Lie is a script delivered to achieve an aim but the author of it dosnt know what would be its effect. It could either cause damage or bring healing but the crusader should be wise and know when, where and how to deliver it. How many have the skill of communicating and faith in man or the person before them? One may have been mistaken and said something out of line, but that ain't a lie. A lie is a cooked up plan aimed at getting a specific result, what witchcraft really is. Maybe it's why religion and science are at log aheads. :)  who knows who is lying and who is saying the truth? Only time can tell. The deeds of men within these is what makes it stand or fall. I always believed that there are 6 billion people on earth (dont know if it is true but we have to accept it, i sure know i didnt count) and with these 6 billion come 6 billion varying truths and lies, now you know why we are in such a mess. Is there something like the truth and nothing but the truth? Life sure is a fact, that no one can dispute.

People shouldn't take every word uttered personal cos that's when it takes hold of you and starts ruling your world! A compliment is a lie if you know you didnt earn it. If you are beautiful say "Its my Creators doing", dont accept it as though you were the creator of it. If you feel beautiful then you know and can see you are beautiful through the lines of your face, you are really in charge sometimes of your moods and sometimes you are at fight with the hormones who take auto pilot. What makes your beauty ugly is when you rubbing others blind with it. The art of witchcraft, is when they attack your mind to accept an idea through gossip, slander and fabrication of facts! Everything that picks your fancy must be put to test! Depends on the liability level of course! Take your pick, dont forget to use a toothpick.

Remember the beautiful Lady in Red in "the Matrix" movie? Get distracted and when you turn around she has a gun to your head? but can we live in a world where we dont believe in anyone and anything to be real? Humans are social creatures, i refuse regardless of my downs to live a life of a rat! Principles do protect you but they also have their application.

Kids are often deaf, so a slap sometimes drives the truth home. :) Hey you! Wake up from your slumber! Have you ever as a parent one day turned around and said "I don't recognise my child anymore?" That happens to every parent because they all of a sudden realise they had spent all this time programming their child to act and talk a certain way and then it all goes to smoke! That effect  does come with a little too much effort from brain washing; We fit them with people who we think think like us and shield them away from people who we think don't think or behave like us!
You know how they say give a poor man money and you will see his true colour? or a chameleon changes its colour based on the environment it is in or decides to be? What is his true environment do you know? Survival instincts make us lie, we are all protecting our strengths to survive be it on a physiological level or on the esteem level. Would it end?

I believe everything and nothing, what ever has no substance can not be tested and therefore not true to me. I choose to believe in what would push me there. That's why people believe. They have something to gain when telling or interested in the stories. They got the truth they need to move on.  For me it isnt about ideologies its about substantiating. Even the stories in the bible are half myth half examples of other people's lives compiled. People want and crave for the story of the treasure islands because it leads them on the adventure maybe they may not be interested in the actual treasure, they may not find it but they lived in pursuit of it!

I have sobered up Captain Sparrow where is the Rum?

Friday 1 March 2013

Why do some children think it's alright to talk about 'Inheritance?

Why do some children think it's alright to talk about 'Inheritance' whilst their parents are still alive or dictate to their aged parents on how to live their life or spend their money?... Surely, we all know the most important thing parents owe their kids is to give them a good upbringing and a good education, after which they'd have to make their own way and also become successful....Inheritance and taking over parents wealth can only be done by parents consent or wait for their Will to be read after their death ...or No?

Its the parents fault for making their kids mentally lazy. I know one family like that and there are many in the world. The mother manipulates their kids to fight their father because she had done nothing to earn her respect or make savings, so she uses her kids to protect her perceived rights even when the father denied them nothing and or the father along side used money to win their silence/obedience while they were kids. Both stopped them from going after their lives. Every-time they wanted to get married to those they loved he would threaten them with pulling out financial support. When the children rebelled he would do so and when they in hard times they had nothing to fall back on returned back to the parents rather than say "F" them i will chop grass if need be. The kids while young were arrogant to their peer mates so they had no one to go to ask for help or partner with. They always thought they were better than others. Both parents are egomaniacs.

Haven't you heard in nature there are animals who eat their own to survive? Same it is with humans who keep their kids to feel irrelevant because the parents never built anything in common apart from money and the children that grew to despise them for their cowardice in not cutting off. Sorry for being brutal but ......the truth is bitter.

Why are foreigners more trusted?

Was asked ; Why will anybody come into a new country and walk into their bank and get a loan just because he/she is a foreigner, a loan they have refused the local people? Why are foreigners more trusted regardless of where they come from? What is the difference between Nigeria and India in terms of their business environment?

When a foreigner comes in he comes to invest! He is bringing an innovative idea because he has done research and found a loophole. He proves it works and he gets the support needed and this isnt often in cash but strategic alliances that the internal consulting group within the banks have.

If you look at the need for loan it's because you need to buy one resource or the other. What if the bank asks you "would you like to partner with a company from whom you want to buy the resource and you then give them a cut"? It's just logic, if I can't pay I see if I can partner!

For a bank to keep paper as money or e-money there is no value in it if it isn't networked. Banks will give you a loan-to trade and link you up with partners to build your business. Which is why investors invest in companies that have networks, that's the only safety for anything. When 3 people speak one and same language then there is collaboration. I am sure there is a quote for this in the bible because all 3 can't be lying and everyone would look out for his share.

Foreigners have a lot to loose and will do everything to make back what they put in. Banks are not interested in your profit they look at your turn over which is where they make their money from. COT and % from returns they aided you with through networks. A bank is just a gathering of lawyers and accountants :) that's why we don't really like them, crafty buggers but then they are ruling the economy in conjunction with politicians who trade national resources including their people's skill for export! We are all a commodity, slavery is still real its just that the chains have transformed its look. What hurts most is that they are not aware of it!

The locals however take their own country for granted they dont network, snobbish of each other, rather than forming alliances that will make them independent from all the blood suckers! Family values disintegrating was the start in taking advantage of themselves.

Foreigners want to create a good impression and they are careful be it in a good or bad sense. War used to be business but now business is war.

Are foreigners really foreigners? Traveler's are foreigners but we call them tourists, they are touring "scouting" a country but we are less treatened by them because they are seen as spending their money and seem not to take anything away but we are likely to be threatened by those who give us some competition while in time contributing on a larger scale. If only we looked at it in a positive manner that we are gaining more from them. Citizens exchange the long term benefits for short term gratis. We are all given nationalistic ideas but in the end you are just as much a foreigner in your home by doing nothing or if you trace your ancestry. Travel is trade. Exchange of strengths - barter (import and export) the rest is just logistics tools and surrounding rules and regulations (law $ Accounting procedures) protecting the goods or its secrets. Every nation should be fighting to keep their citizens who wish to resettle because they are taking away with the national treasures what they are "resource/skill" and giving it to another country because theirs took them for granted.

How come most nationals complain about others coming to steel their jobs yet do nothing to keep the business they are employed in from falling down? No one will ever give you the secrets except some pain in the butt rebels and those who try to tell the truth for the better of the masses! Thats why people like MLK and Mandela were violated! They often get shot or extricated from the society that doesn't like change and it is the mass minded they use on you!

Don't know of many Robbin hoods who survived.

Why do many not follow their dream jobs?

Why do so many people not follow their dream jobs? What are the real or perceived limitations preventing them from doing so? :)

A certain value set has been engraved in the mindset of people on what is real and what isn't.
We all set barriers to others, and ourselves through laws (personal cultural values). Very few are willing to go against what mama, papa or friends and external social families, which includes religious barriers said.

The fear of failure is so engraved subconsciously through bad parenting (fit in or I will punish you tactics) and sibling rivalry (comparison based judgmental minds), that many resign their faith to hopelessly following others and what society views set as the example but no one tells them that every human being has limitations due to circumstances needing urgent handling (eat, protect), time and many facts are buried in the sands of time on how someone did it! Nothing is new nor will forever be hidden. Clearly egomania (not willing to shadow an example to find the loopholes) stands in the way.

We like to listen to myths and seldom probe to bring out facts to see the truths buried in mysteries. Break it in your mind to see the loopholes (at least there is no lord over your mind except you allowed someone to rule over it) and bend it (develop the innovation that transition the old to the new). Many hold on to the old even when it is choking the life out of them and the society.

Scientific knowledge is limited and ever renewing its previous stance. How much time does one really have to know it all? In partnering and socializing one can get a lead! Science deals with 2 major areas mind and matter! How many employ themselves? Man innately is lazy except he is pushed, be it by positive or negative motivation! Many people don't dig deep or explore wide.

  • In the hierarchy of needs! The first 3 which is physiological, security, and belonging levels are the basic levels that sustain life.
  • The other 2 stepping stones are "Self esteem which is achieved through self actualisation" (level of needs in the lifecycle of a person or a business in its endeavours towards growth) is what most humans struggle with. These are also drivers of innovation and evolution which exists in the minds of self and economic leading people.

Very few people want to be conscious of life and hence find it difficult to achieve their goals. Lack of interest in the world and their inner self is also a factor where people get stuck in finding their strengths that would reduce the weaknesses the world has!

There is also this habit that developed due to growing in the warmth of the family's arms. People get used to being given so they think their job is just to take. All this policies on child labor etc. has been staged to such extent that we have made cripples out if kids and this self serving ideologies of inheritance that has made kids turn to adults for every thought and thing accepting that they don't need to find themselves within the walls of life that their parents went through! same parents who fought for their comforts have now trapped their kids in it.

The Purpose of life of man on earth is clouded with the world’s noise! If only they knew that all that noise is just other people fighting for their space and they should join the dance or dream up a new way!

PS: For what it takes now in the world that we live in to market and promote self or a business is becoming harder and harder regardless of available marketing tools, Strategy and tactics skills is none existent in most, apart from available resources there is also creativity skills and character to withstand the constant bashing from competitors who use underhanded manners in sustaining their market share "like bad publicity" how ever that can also be a way out. What does it take to keep being there? An almost animal instinct is to be adopted when facing those who choose to be either docile or aggressive. There is something called Gorilla tactics and that is not just time and energy consuming but demands intensive capital that a startup seldom has.

What is a dream job? Coming from where I have threaded it is interest in seeing oneself grow as well as passion for those whom I have employed myself to serve.