Wednesday 27 May 2015

Gees the Wiz.

Another Project that will be explored is in the Beauty and Care industry. We are combining viewpoints in this area which relates to Medicine. Here is the story line but what will come out as StartUpSity solution is to be seen. You have already seen the first attempt at branding ourselves the rest is for who wishes to venture into it and needing support. Have a nice read.

Fashion and Design .
I would call this topic Ghost Busters.
If we know what kind are in demand and for will be easy to tell what we want to put out there... Weather its the common or a completely new design..
What is a bag? - the use is primarily to carry use-ables. The use of a bag is defined also by 3 factors; is it for a parent, a youth or an elder? The use is also categorised based on the following events for Work or Study or parties? A tactical approach into designing a bag would be to combine all of these factors and come up with what is plausible. Usually all these categories are separated but we also find people who use bags that were first designed to suit work for events.

An interesting approach would be to make bags not for people but representation of industry styles in which the fashion industry also has a say for events.

Before a bag is made usually one considers the variety of materials that are available and new materials can be explored in the process.

We can call the brand "baggi, or "Gees" and the unique way of presentation would be to use embroidery. Bags that have hand made embroidery will be more expensive than that which is done using a machine. We can make bags with stickers as well.
We have a choice to make a unique backpack that can be transformed and used for work and study as well as it embraces most action based industries. Gee sounds better to represent a brand. The fashion industry is all about name and quality however the connotation for quality differs and most times has to do with what function does it serve.

We can use different colours of zips as well as different snap fasteners with symbolics and words engraved and this can be at the sales shop and customisable. It may take about 5 min to set and can be changed by the customer themselves, the options presented will be shown and will be explored during the show.
In my view someone who is interested in being in the fashion industry should start as an accessoriser for already existing produce of clothing, bags, shoes, hats, belts that people have already bought as well as supporting starting up or existing designers.

What is required? Get a shop with various accessories and tools that can be used for accessorising clothing, bags, shoes, hats, belts. You may not need to rent a shop if you have a garage. Best to have a garage as you are in very close proximity to your client base that can pup in at any time for a do over of a piece of accessory should they want to go for an event that day. This is a cash flow based business and the more creative you are the less cash intensive it is, well this depends on your ambition. What skills you need is knowing how to work with the chosen type of material you use in accessorising, as well as what material you may be working with.

It would be easy for persons with a talent in painting and moulding to understand this business idea. It will help a lot if you know how to sow, as mending is often required and is an additional income stream.

You can partner with those who do dry cleaning and sowing or you may open it as dry cleaning and mending is part of the service in the process offer additional service or perks by accessorising the clothes or bags etc. There is a wide variety of options to go in in the fashion industry.

Manufacturing deals with hard product producing technics and usually uses engineering based softwares these days. So to design isn't often the problem now if the person has creative skills as well as knowledge of the material they are working on. Graphic artists understand the use of shape and size and can design pretty much anything for those who are into accessorising. The benefits in pursuing painting and drawing at a young age prepares an individual for a future in fashion and design. I used to make hand made embroidered throw pillows, now Directing StartUpSity has taken me away from my fav hobby.

I am not too sure that a definition "target market" is relevant when it comes to style because we have adults who like the trends that the youth go for but because at start people tried to culture people into a box of age, targeting has become the phrase word. So focus on style not age or pocket size as I buy things that seem cheap to others but is useful to me.

Ancient cultural representations give a wide scope on what can inspire designs. For instance the Benin Kingdom has a well known attribute in using "the mask." Other cultures use animals and so on. Study the history of Arts through YouTube or books and you are preped to start drawing up ideas.

Targeting should be applied to styling ie what message does one want to project using colour, shape and size. We have conservative people just as we have liberal people and one can sell a liberal based bag to a conservative if within the person actually wants to breakout of the shackles.

So my question is should we limit creativity to widely held perceptions or should we just create based on how one feels and sees the world and see who likes it? Do we need to stick to the current trend, is it possible to come up with something unique as fashion is always evolving? Personally I would like to bring back the Victorian ages styles. I do love the Scarlet dresses even if I need to be in jeans most times and I don't think it should be worn only to events. Just to give you a view "a colourful wedding dress" isn't a wedding dress any more but for crazy people like me who would predate to wear a Tux, it serves my occasional crave for uniqueness. A tux for me is like a corset and I loooove 'em. I have one and boy I feel good being sized to a shape without feeling funny about my love handles that I call Michelin. Having a nip tuck would be wonderful however I had babies so I am proud to have my C's Birth battle scars. Maybe a breast lift? Naaah natural is better' lookalike i am more scared of surgeries for vanity sake. Do gynaecologists work closely with plastic surgeons? Not really but it would be good for mums like me to have had the option and done right after my second little one was born. Now it's too late.

If you see transformational opportunities for yourself then I have done my job at inspiring you.

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