Sunday 10 May 2015

An attempt at GAPPING the rappers.

A near accurate attempt at business analysis. Apart from the understanding of SWOT at start of an idea the next phase to look at is what the business world calls GAP. What GAP is, is in evaluating what is required to take the initially set idea plan to reality as well as projecting from it future paths to take.

I ask myself often "what do I need to have to make a dream come through? This leads me to cracking down the idea into sections and identifying what resources and actions to take in acquiring those resources. How do I set up my operations in such a way in order to reach the goals of both my company as well as my clients demands.

To create a GAP analysis takes both imagination and skills and of course depending on the type of business is what the resources would be, your strengths also influences the acquisition of resources. Usually a business is to meet up with the clients demands or needs or wishes. So identifying "analysing" efficient ways in meeting up to the requests is what your operations would demand in terms of resource. If as an entrepreneur you have found multiple ways or smart ways to selling your skill or product then you will save both in money and time to manage more clients as well as reinvesting in your business.

So Gap is like saying "growth steps" from 2 perspectives: company size growth timeline and service "delivery" timeline and all this is measured through the standards you place as well as expectations based on those who may have come before you.

Gap is also influenced by the market you are in. What is demanded in Europe isn't same in Africa and environmental analysis is also made and at the cross roads you will find what you need in order to move ahead or grow.

There is what is called market share in business. What this means is how many people need your services/product vs how many want your services/products vs how many wish for your services or products. This depends on a factor called price. Price is also set based on the cost it took in getting the materials needed to deliver.

It is said that if your product or service has a low price then one is likely to make a quick return, well I say this statement isn't complete as there are products that are perceived expensive yet they are being purchased. This means that the demand level of a product is what sets the price as well as availability in terms of managing the distribution or delivery.

Let's look at the product Coca Cola. The distribution network is wide and the price seems to be low, well water also has a price even if it runs down your pipe and you don't think you need to pay for it instantly. Have you seen your water bill? Imagine you are using 600 to 1000 rand a month to buy Coca Cola.  In comparing water to Coca Cola it seems that Coca Cola is cheep but try and check the bill a diabetic pays for having to much sugar in his system. So at the end of the day Coca Cola has transferable costs. I have no issue with Coca Cola but the product isn't to be consumed at the expense of your health. Many a time has the Coca Cola company been accused of affecting the health of persons, my question is do they force it on anyone? Isn't it sold in shops alongside fruit Juices as well as water? It's sweet coloured water and juices especially, if it's natural is good for health. Personally I preface green fruits vs overly ripe fruits as the riper the fruit the more glucose in it and less natural vitamins. Personally I like the Coca Cola served in McDonalds, it's mixed with water so the taste doesn't make my teeth cringe. At home I mix Coca Cola with water, at least I can delude myself by diluting and reducing the volume of intake, same I do for the kids when I can trick them.

So let's get to the point of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The surname even speaks volumes to me: March Slow. This is the essence of growth called steps of development.

On the basic level stands physiological needs. Physiology to me means foundation and sounds like the word "limit" that I like to shake up. A physiological measure is the minimum that a person or a society needs to say they are surviving. What services or products is provided that helps a person or a society survive?

It seems that the aspect in Maslow's hierarchy that is missing is the social aspect from the stand of what it takes to have an identity in the eyes of other nations. If going towards the angle of business and leaving the social aspect aside then Food, Sleep, Sex, Shelter and everything that revolves around the activities of having a shit, a shave and a shower is a physiological need (forgive me for my youthfulness but I am getting bored in translating the bogus business terminologies here so I need to entertain my mind from time to time by deviating into slangs for effect.) I am blogging not writing a book on books that already exist but people don't like to read them because one gets lost in translating/relating their experiences to them to find something in common. 

Haven't Writers not realised yet that a book is often chunked off because the first page is boring? So much for making money if the word of mouth in promoting a book is addressed as "bored". I dont know if some writers write to impress themselves yet the reader looses interest at the first word. I am often asked, why do I not express myself the way others before me in the business world do? and I simply say I am entertaining my ignorance. I wouldn't write about what doesn't excite me or to excite the reader. Most readers swear, what, am i to pretend I don't use those words? Most of the hugest grossing songs and films are easily relatable. 

So what I am saying with this is that on a Business to Business level if you want to make a sale help yourself by being simple, entertaining and classy which in other words could mean "style." Well maybe I had been aiming at a Pulitzer and a Nobel Price but that doesn't mean that I have to look like those who founded it, after all their aim is uniquness of thought and other factors such as relating the message to the public or situations affecting all on sociopolitical levels. I am in the Y2K compliant era and that would mean moving with some trend. Are my topics useful? Do my actions produce results?

Back to physiology; be it person to person trading or developing or .... Business to Business.....plans and research need to follow its guidelines. The physiological needs also differs within itself hierarchically. For some sleep is a luxury, that's for people like me who are thinkers, so for a product such as Lipton Tea with lemon is a physiological need while for someone it is a wish ie they have it when they remember it exists. 

Phisio-logic "personal logic" is the understanding behind why someone needs, wants or wishes to buy or use something, getting or guessing rightly is what gives that edge or margin towards a market. This is why certain companies in the advertising world get more clients, they have analytically savvy people who know how to tactfully approach a market with a message.

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