Wednesday 27 May 2015

Flirt & RomanZ on the WHYNOT SHOW.

Products that have been designed for the Gifts and Events project business called flirt and RomanZ and an array of services. The concept revolves around supporting relationship building and not just between couples but sustaining relationships between friends and families. the channel for communicating tips is on Twitter and Facebook and will soon be lunched lathe in Nigeria we had been providing the tips via our SMS network. 

Chocolat Lolly Pop. Craves for energy. A mix of sultry sweet taste.

jersey, face caps, sneekers, design 

who wishes to put their Logo to promote their brand?
guys it really isnt that hard to start off a business. get cracking on your dreams.

Gees the Wiz.

Another Project that will be explored is in the Beauty and Care industry. We are combining viewpoints in this area which relates to Medicine. Here is the story line but what will come out as StartUpSity solution is to be seen. You have already seen the first attempt at branding ourselves the rest is for who wishes to venture into it and needing support. Have a nice read.

Fashion and Design .
I would call this topic Ghost Busters.
If we know what kind are in demand and for will be easy to tell what we want to put out there... Weather its the common or a completely new design..
What is a bag? - the use is primarily to carry use-ables. The use of a bag is defined also by 3 factors; is it for a parent, a youth or an elder? The use is also categorised based on the following events for Work or Study or parties? A tactical approach into designing a bag would be to combine all of these factors and come up with what is plausible. Usually all these categories are separated but we also find people who use bags that were first designed to suit work for events.

An interesting approach would be to make bags not for people but representation of industry styles in which the fashion industry also has a say for events.

Before a bag is made usually one considers the variety of materials that are available and new materials can be explored in the process.

We can call the brand "baggi, or "Gees" and the unique way of presentation would be to use embroidery. Bags that have hand made embroidery will be more expensive than that which is done using a machine. We can make bags with stickers as well.
We have a choice to make a unique backpack that can be transformed and used for work and study as well as it embraces most action based industries. Gee sounds better to represent a brand. The fashion industry is all about name and quality however the connotation for quality differs and most times has to do with what function does it serve.

We can use different colours of zips as well as different snap fasteners with symbolics and words engraved and this can be at the sales shop and customisable. It may take about 5 min to set and can be changed by the customer themselves, the options presented will be shown and will be explored during the show.
In my view someone who is interested in being in the fashion industry should start as an accessoriser for already existing produce of clothing, bags, shoes, hats, belts that people have already bought as well as supporting starting up or existing designers.

What is required? Get a shop with various accessories and tools that can be used for accessorising clothing, bags, shoes, hats, belts. You may not need to rent a shop if you have a garage. Best to have a garage as you are in very close proximity to your client base that can pup in at any time for a do over of a piece of accessory should they want to go for an event that day. This is a cash flow based business and the more creative you are the less cash intensive it is, well this depends on your ambition. What skills you need is knowing how to work with the chosen type of material you use in accessorising, as well as what material you may be working with.

It would be easy for persons with a talent in painting and moulding to understand this business idea. It will help a lot if you know how to sow, as mending is often required and is an additional income stream.

You can partner with those who do dry cleaning and sowing or you may open it as dry cleaning and mending is part of the service in the process offer additional service or perks by accessorising the clothes or bags etc. There is a wide variety of options to go in in the fashion industry.

Manufacturing deals with hard product producing technics and usually uses engineering based softwares these days. So to design isn't often the problem now if the person has creative skills as well as knowledge of the material they are working on. Graphic artists understand the use of shape and size and can design pretty much anything for those who are into accessorising. The benefits in pursuing painting and drawing at a young age prepares an individual for a future in fashion and design. I used to make hand made embroidered throw pillows, now Directing StartUpSity has taken me away from my fav hobby.

I am not too sure that a definition "target market" is relevant when it comes to style because we have adults who like the trends that the youth go for but because at start people tried to culture people into a box of age, targeting has become the phrase word. So focus on style not age or pocket size as I buy things that seem cheap to others but is useful to me.

Ancient cultural representations give a wide scope on what can inspire designs. For instance the Benin Kingdom has a well known attribute in using "the mask." Other cultures use animals and so on. Study the history of Arts through YouTube or books and you are preped to start drawing up ideas.

Targeting should be applied to styling ie what message does one want to project using colour, shape and size. We have conservative people just as we have liberal people and one can sell a liberal based bag to a conservative if within the person actually wants to breakout of the shackles.

So my question is should we limit creativity to widely held perceptions or should we just create based on how one feels and sees the world and see who likes it? Do we need to stick to the current trend, is it possible to come up with something unique as fashion is always evolving? Personally I would like to bring back the Victorian ages styles. I do love the Scarlet dresses even if I need to be in jeans most times and I don't think it should be worn only to events. Just to give you a view "a colourful wedding dress" isn't a wedding dress any more but for crazy people like me who would predate to wear a Tux, it serves my occasional crave for uniqueness. A tux for me is like a corset and I loooove 'em. I have one and boy I feel good being sized to a shape without feeling funny about my love handles that I call Michelin. Having a nip tuck would be wonderful however I had babies so I am proud to have my C's Birth battle scars. Maybe a breast lift? Naaah natural is better' lookalike i am more scared of surgeries for vanity sake. Do gynaecologists work closely with plastic surgeons? Not really but it would be good for mums like me to have had the option and done right after my second little one was born. Now it's too late.

If you see transformational opportunities for yourself then I have done my job at inspiring you.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Principles and principalities.

Why do we call honest men fools and turn them into devious men? 

A devious man is someone who shows a skilful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals. When we lie, we trap people In the picture we create! An honest fool is a man that trusts what he is told! Took you for what you say, hoping that there is some truth to what you offer! But you can only lie to him once and from a fool he becomes wise! An honest man has principles, and if he becomes a victim of lying men he turns around to be devious because his principles of trust didn't mean he has no goal of his own, Every man has a goal, for some it is to use and for some is to be mutually used! An honest man is not a coward for trusting. He gives you the chance to get what you want! You think He is a fool because he didn't ask the questions? He gave you the benefit of doubt because he could pre-amt his luck! Should you turn around and forget him he will con you into believing in him just as he blindly believed in you!
Never lie regardless of what your circumstances may be!
When you lie you become the victim of the response! How can one expect to get an honest answer to a lie? You say a lie you live a lie!

Monday 25 May 2015

The Voices of Africa.

StartUpSity is exploring the idea in turning a car into a Mobile Recording Studio. Giving a fact that talents need to be mined just as diamonds are. What car do you suggest would be best suited as a model, as well as what recording equipments can be placed?

The Driver is the agent while the car is the producer. A total revamp of a car model transformed with essential gadgets that record producing stations use to record on locations.

The benefit of this is; time isn't wasted in delivering the sounds and lyrics selections. The mobile company selected to implement this is AutoMagic SA.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Don't Think I Don't Think About It.

Maybe if the white cultural group started supporting the black country singers the US will make more revenue than looking for war zones in other lands to sustain the economy?

I am done with the ignorance of the Americans. They think that they are the only ones who buy their music. The rest of the world buys music more than the Americans themselves.

A wagon Wheel nation packed with the colours of the world yet live like they are an island.

The Arts, the foundation of all things. It helps no nation to take Arts and Artists for granted. A nation without culture is faceless. There are bad practices and it reflects the likes of a nation.

Has Goo Goo gone Koo Koo?

Catering is a form of restaurant but on a freelance basis which is a way to start until you have
established the crave for your taste in the market. Then you start planning towards having a permanent place and then think towards expansion by franchising.

The foods and taste you make will fuel the name of the brand that is often used when franchising. What i just did is to give you a timeline, however your financial status will determine where you start from but that doesn't remove the most important aspect which is the food you make. To have strengths you need to understand the already defined aspects of “tastes/pallet and presentation”.

“tastes/pallet and presentation”. Food may taste good but if the presentation is bad you will have a hard time attracting and retaining your market. The strengths to have is also in selling a taste through words and then the picture. The picture presentation is important as aesthetics “shape and size” does the talking on another level. 

Certain plates compliment certain dishes however that isn’t a restriction, as different people have different views. Go and look at the various accessories available in the market as well as watch what types of dishes people buy or have at home. It isn’t just about the types “plastic or ceramics” its the colours and what environment you are in. In Europe on a certain class level they will not appreciate a plastic in a refined environment even if they may purchase a meal from McDonalds on plastic containers, so do make a distinction between class levels and make a choice where you want to serve in.

Has Goo Goo gone Koo Koo?

Friday 22 May 2015

React or Respond, its your choice.

I am trying now to bring about an understanding to what we call subjectivity and objectivity. We often react or respond at statements made without realising what the message is. To me "Subjective" - is an opinion which can be negative or positive, evaluated by either what effect it produced or what insight it creates. We often call subjective opinions objective when it's accepted by an individual or a group and we also find objective statements subjective.

Should a statement objectify "describe a situation" we often can relate to it, should a statement subject persons into doing or behaving in a particular way we call that subjection. So words like "should" and "must" is considered subjective and words like "may" or "could" is considered objective on hindsight. Some wish you to make general or specific statements.

When it comes to action it can also be perceived as subjective and Objective, the evidence is often presented as a Solution. Does it produce positive or negative results? I take actions that produces solutions, it's left for others to decide what's of benefit to them. If I need to slap an individual or society to grow I will do so, my least concern is whether they like it or not. I HAVE to, that's all I know and even the word HAVE will be considered subjective to most who WOULDN'T.

What do you think?

Sunday 10 May 2015

An attempt at GAPPING the rappers.

A near accurate attempt at business analysis. Apart from the understanding of SWOT at start of an idea the next phase to look at is what the business world calls GAP. What GAP is, is in evaluating what is required to take the initially set idea plan to reality as well as projecting from it future paths to take.

I ask myself often "what do I need to have to make a dream come through? This leads me to cracking down the idea into sections and identifying what resources and actions to take in acquiring those resources. How do I set up my operations in such a way in order to reach the goals of both my company as well as my clients demands.

To create a GAP analysis takes both imagination and skills and of course depending on the type of business is what the resources would be, your strengths also influences the acquisition of resources. Usually a business is to meet up with the clients demands or needs or wishes. So identifying "analysing" efficient ways in meeting up to the requests is what your operations would demand in terms of resource. If as an entrepreneur you have found multiple ways or smart ways to selling your skill or product then you will save both in money and time to manage more clients as well as reinvesting in your business.

So Gap is like saying "growth steps" from 2 perspectives: company size growth timeline and service "delivery" timeline and all this is measured through the standards you place as well as expectations based on those who may have come before you.

Gap is also influenced by the market you are in. What is demanded in Europe isn't same in Africa and environmental analysis is also made and at the cross roads you will find what you need in order to move ahead or grow.

There is what is called market share in business. What this means is how many people need your services/product vs how many want your services/products vs how many wish for your services or products. This depends on a factor called price. Price is also set based on the cost it took in getting the materials needed to deliver.

It is said that if your product or service has a low price then one is likely to make a quick return, well I say this statement isn't complete as there are products that are perceived expensive yet they are being purchased. This means that the demand level of a product is what sets the price as well as availability in terms of managing the distribution or delivery.

Let's look at the product Coca Cola. The distribution network is wide and the price seems to be low, well water also has a price even if it runs down your pipe and you don't think you need to pay for it instantly. Have you seen your water bill? Imagine you are using 600 to 1000 rand a month to buy Coca Cola.  In comparing water to Coca Cola it seems that Coca Cola is cheep but try and check the bill a diabetic pays for having to much sugar in his system. So at the end of the day Coca Cola has transferable costs. I have no issue with Coca Cola but the product isn't to be consumed at the expense of your health. Many a time has the Coca Cola company been accused of affecting the health of persons, my question is do they force it on anyone? Isn't it sold in shops alongside fruit Juices as well as water? It's sweet coloured water and juices especially, if it's natural is good for health. Personally I preface green fruits vs overly ripe fruits as the riper the fruit the more glucose in it and less natural vitamins. Personally I like the Coca Cola served in McDonalds, it's mixed with water so the taste doesn't make my teeth cringe. At home I mix Coca Cola with water, at least I can delude myself by diluting and reducing the volume of intake, same I do for the kids when I can trick them.

So let's get to the point of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The surname even speaks volumes to me: March Slow. This is the essence of growth called steps of development.

On the basic level stands physiological needs. Physiology to me means foundation and sounds like the word "limit" that I like to shake up. A physiological measure is the minimum that a person or a society needs to say they are surviving. What services or products is provided that helps a person or a society survive?

It seems that the aspect in Maslow's hierarchy that is missing is the social aspect from the stand of what it takes to have an identity in the eyes of other nations. If going towards the angle of business and leaving the social aspect aside then Food, Sleep, Sex, Shelter and everything that revolves around the activities of having a shit, a shave and a shower is a physiological need (forgive me for my youthfulness but I am getting bored in translating the bogus business terminologies here so I need to entertain my mind from time to time by deviating into slangs for effect.) I am blogging not writing a book on books that already exist but people don't like to read them because one gets lost in translating/relating their experiences to them to find something in common. 

Haven't Writers not realised yet that a book is often chunked off because the first page is boring? So much for making money if the word of mouth in promoting a book is addressed as "bored". I dont know if some writers write to impress themselves yet the reader looses interest at the first word. I am often asked, why do I not express myself the way others before me in the business world do? and I simply say I am entertaining my ignorance. I wouldn't write about what doesn't excite me or to excite the reader. Most readers swear, what, am i to pretend I don't use those words? Most of the hugest grossing songs and films are easily relatable. 

So what I am saying with this is that on a Business to Business level if you want to make a sale help yourself by being simple, entertaining and classy which in other words could mean "style." Well maybe I had been aiming at a Pulitzer and a Nobel Price but that doesn't mean that I have to look like those who founded it, after all their aim is uniquness of thought and other factors such as relating the message to the public or situations affecting all on sociopolitical levels. I am in the Y2K compliant era and that would mean moving with some trend. Are my topics useful? Do my actions produce results?

Back to physiology; be it person to person trading or developing or .... Business to Business.....plans and research need to follow its guidelines. The physiological needs also differs within itself hierarchically. For some sleep is a luxury, that's for people like me who are thinkers, so for a product such as Lipton Tea with lemon is a physiological need while for someone it is a wish ie they have it when they remember it exists. 

Phisio-logic "personal logic" is the understanding behind why someone needs, wants or wishes to buy or use something, getting or guessing rightly is what gives that edge or margin towards a market. This is why certain companies in the advertising world get more clients, they have analytically savvy people who know how to tactfully approach a market with a message.

WHYNOT Grocery or Products?

There are stores and there are stores. 3 main types have been identified: just Stores, Specialty and Markets.

The difference between all these 3 is both in size and direction. As a business person i identify them based on the objectives that the owner pursues. 

STORE: One can pursue putting in everything that is sellable and make a cash flow but is there a profit in terms of sustainability? What sustains a business is its identity and the products they sell in it. The hurdles in this store type is continuity of products that have been chosen by the customers. If the manufacturer discontinues a product then the item needs to be replaced by another product. So looking out for what product is coming out is important and you will have to market it as well. This is usually done in conjunction with the manufacturer.

SPECIALITY STORE: Is a store that focuses either on one type of product or has a variety of products but under one name. The name and logo needs to attract attention? Yes and No but it helps. A message can also be used to promote the brand. Inventing new words is just as complex as inventing a brand name, the acceptance of anything takes time. Can those who have specialty stores sustain the business before it starts making returns? Maybe yes maybe No. Resilience is the key to success.

FOOD MARKETS: is a store that has special stores within i.e. like a trade zone. Usually it is a person who owns a large piece of land and leases a space within to who wishes to sell their products. A shopping mall is a kind of market but usually it focuses on a variety of specialties in it which includes service based businesses. Which is better? Well that depends on who sets themselves up within of the any above mentioned types. There are pros and cons in anything you do. As an individual i would prefer to have a speciality store to start off on. Building the brand name and developing a set of products that distinguishes it from others, then in time i will franchise it to have little locations everywhere rather than being in one location, but then thats the kind of person i am. If you ask me why. I would tell you that i am more concerned with creating jobs and opportunities rather than stand alone. If as a business someone tells me that i should be concerned about making money then i will ask "does everyday getting something mean i can save to have a pound?" I guess the logic of mine may be questioned. If i build a brand name with products that are mine wouldn’t i place myself in the position to be bought from or buying a share to use my name?

For some to develop their own product is a hassle and they want it quick, but i am the inventor type so for me to design and build is a joy. Is this New or Invented? Why is there No automatic English to Pidgin language converter? Ah I forgot pidgin is a spoken slang! Can we make a dictionary? Where do you get help?

Thursday 7 May 2015

Why for activists and law makers.

I understand that the next topic on discuss isn’t what one is expecting to get on a wonderful Thursday morning live but then who knows what I will come up with from one moment to the next and this drives the essence of this topic. “Pussy whooped and dick starved” would be my description of Chauvinists and Feminists. Unpredictability of nature and the mass struggle to control the environment in which man should ordinarily thrive in, in peace and prosperity, its what most seek. Good Morning vietcongs and take this with a pinch of salt and hope it heals some wounds we carry globally at large.

A question was placed "Why do so many feminists get so upset when anyone tries to talk about false rape accusations?" First I see the word Feminists talking about abuse and false accusations.

For one I am not a feminist, more righting towards the Patriarchal type and even this is very limiting as it implies I am more pro men than women, this may also be seen as a political mind-set I think. Many patriarchal societies are patrilineal, meaning that property and titles are inherited by or through the male lineage. The female equivalent is matriarchy. Don’t really know what really works in favor of the human kind to survive. I would subscribe to the survival angle because that’s what I see to an extent happening between the politics of the feminist and chauvinist mindset.

Many confuse strong women to be of such! Clarity! Feminism is a political movement, suited to defend the rights of women, who chose to stand up against religious and social views on the role of women but the effect of it is that, in the bid to protect women it has also put us in danger as well as the society putting a divide between men and women. Yes the bible said that a woman was made out of the rib of Man and made her to be his support. I see quite a lot of avenues to expand on the meaning of support and see the loopholes that both men and women exploit wrongfully or rightfully. I hope I can drive my senses to make an objective stand to this.

For one to be a feminist you actually have to follow what politics they are establishing and not just talk “beg for a place to be respected in the society” but take it as a responsibility to implement exactly what you wish for yourself. If feminists are showing that they can wear the pants then they might as well build the muscles or invent machinery to supplement for areas where women physically cant. Well chauvinists are saying shut up because if you had a dick, you could stand when peeing. Well to that there is a cure, if men knew how painful it is to nurse a human being who comes out and violates women then we might as well be told by God when he puts that soul in our womb’s that we should abort it. In certain countries it has gone so bad that as soon as it is found that it is a female child they abort it. We might as well as women abort our selves from such sons and men!

If men didn’t exhibit dominance through subjugation, would women fight against it? Some women don’t see being kept as a problem, until their daughters, sisters are violated and life ripped out of them. There are dads who have joined the feminists because they cant shoot every guy to protect their daughters by other men who don’t bring up their boys to be men.

In the bid to stand up for the supposed women folk they actually in many areas make us weak and put us under danger. Patriarchal women have to speak up. My dad didn’t bring me up to be subservient and my mother said I have the right to defend myself. I believe that is what a normal thought should be in any family.

Maybe this question should be addressed directly to the feminists but i guess they will ignore those who look like they are witch hunting them?  Or they wouldn’t want to be put in a compromising position to be fired out of their post in elections for being swayed by the constantly changing cries of the women folk? In Africa we have very few of them feminists and our rights are being violated, during war or and during court practices.  How many rape victims, or victims of abuse are silent? Men are violent when they cant get what they want when they want it. It comes with nature and also we women do call hell on ourselves. When you see a beast, as soon as an argument sparks leave. I left because I know I couldn’t handle any more arguments and before they escalate someone will be crying murder. In any form of abuse, dispute resolution is hard to achieve when the society cages women and men in the institution of marriage. I fight marriage dogmas but where there is a relationship I am sure people do find a consensus. These days it seems men and women aren’t really educated on what responsibility is. Just because you are asked to take out the trash don’t mean you are now below everyone and just because your man asks you for a blow job doesn’t mean he is demining you. All you have to do is ask him to shave and shower. Hygiene for the most part to women is very important, so if you want a clean woman you be clean too.

Politics how do you let people know the truth without scaring them and not waste precious time in dispute resolution. Some level of opium to trick the mind is needed, maybe that’s why they invented religion. Only God knows. All works for those who love life and seek to be wise at keeping the peace.

To cover everything on the issue of feminism vs  chauvinism will take just as much time as man came to be on earth, the struggle for dominance and security  will continue and in this case law was invented, both for protection and social guidance. But knowing man, we break the law because to some extent it is incomplete and clearly doesn’t cover all. It’s difficult to comprehend how a reasonable human being could abuse another. How ever the 10 commandments cover all the facets of life and its left for every individual to put a thought to expand on what is behind the 10 points.

The issue with false rape accusation is complicated because there are varying causes and effects and cant be handled only through political or legal debates but also on a social responsibility level.

We have a number of men and women's lives ruined when matters aren’t handled professionally; where the media manipulates and covets the actual events. We have witnessed mind blowing situations where murderers are acquitted; Oj Simpson, and in the case of Michael Jackson being victimised. I am sure there are those who still cant believe Michael was an abuser of kids. I still cant comprehend but pretty much have accepted OJ. In the latest event of Oscar “Blade runner” yes there is evidence, but I am also asking, didn’t anyone around her see it coming?

A sports Man led to killing a beautiful gal who he snatched from his friend. Didn't the girl have the sense to have some principles and security consciousness?  You are dating a guy who has a gun, and you think the day you piss him off he wouldn’t use it on you? A culture of keeping guns, she had one too. On a valentine day you came over to his house and you had a fight, you could not remove the email your x boyfriend sent you and aggravated an already psychotic guy who had to overcome pain and rejection all his life from not having legs from age 2. Are you mad women? Where is some sense to this? And the society creating monsters, by discriminating disabled. You think they have no resentment over the years built towards the abled?

We are talking about false rape accusations not those that have real evidence of rape and battery because when a woman is fighting of a man he will have marks and she also. Maybe we are talking of being sedated and rape occurred and she cant prove it because there really isnt any sign of such happening but the swab DNA? Yes it has been known that there are circumstances of such and she didn’t know that that is what happened. Havnt we heard of stories women raping men? Oh that should be pleasurable. Or is it that women can take rejection? But the last resort is to rape a woman, but we have other methods Axe him? Gruesome right? And so is rape to gals.

How does one acquit a person socially after he has been proven not guilty? It is well known that the first impression matters, people prefer to embrace the bad than let in the good. And when they have accepted you they have a hard time convicting you. I wouldn’t be surprised if Oscar gets way with murder, although saddened that a man with such achievements would scum so low. However I did state earlier Paranoia leads heist when cases of abuse happen.

Bill Clinton is still worshiped, Monica is still reminded, and Hilary is still hurting. This may not be a rape case but someone feels raped and ripped apart because man needs an ego booster to get his mind active. All work and no play makes Bill a dull boy. Well that’s the nature of man. With a woman once she is sexually active and compromised she becomes vulnerable. I am a woman and I know if I am in a relationship with a man I am not the same as I am when on my own. Its just how it is, I don’t know maybe it is only me. Man how ever could be manipulated until he gets some or drawn into the pleasure of it.

We humans forget that we are first physical creatures before we are made into intellectual’s. Does the brain kick in when we see that fav thing? This is developed through discipline but nature seems to be stronger in most cases.

Some claim that on average a 95% chance that an accused rapist is an actual rapist. Would putting him in jail I ask stop him from being a rapist or we women should understand that there are certain life’s wisdoms that need to be applied to counter balance the areas where the law may be too late to protect and defend?

Some claim also that there's a 100% chance that a rape accusation will be met by a vocal group claiming the accusation is false, and a large portion of those people will even attempt to lay the blame on the victim. They claim that the culture has to change, and for some and me a part of that change lies in calling to task anyone that I think needs it.

Victims of rape may be forgotten in time by the public, but one or 2 family members keep reminding them and now make them a beating bag, until they commit suicide, that’s bullying. I suggest to the victims to leave any environment that would remind them of what they had been through. I guess people on this forum present each their method of actions that works and every body is left to their own mind and please do express it!

If a man takes advantage he is equally weak. If there is a break in and entry into a home, if there is physical damage to the body then i don’t see why anyone other than the law should rise.

I have met too many a women who complain that their men are too gentle with them, so we also are playing with fire here. As soon as love goes the woman cries rape. Men are easily led and we should take responsibility to foresee the effects of that.

For me this isn’t about feminists just because they are projecting it. It is about women protection and them using their brains as well. Why nail feminists all he time? Are patriarchal women brainless or powerless to speak up? We have made feminists villains and heroes at the same time of all, even if in some cases they get things wrong.

Feminists wouldn't rise if we women sometimes took up our own arms against chauvinists and in a tactful manner that exposes their mental frame. Blaming men for every supposed rape that has no evidence of it is wrong. It is believed that after the age of 18 you pretty much know what the world of relationship is like. How long can we be cutting women the slack in finding self-protection? We women have made them “feminists” the scarecrows, yet we are the rabbits after the carrot.

I am of the school that in this life you cover your backside and don't submit your life to anyone. Better to be safe than sorry because you thought government or someone is there for you! You decide to go into the ocean full of sharks with no ammunition? And worse covered in blood?

We do have women who take advantage of the position perceived that women are the weaker one of the specie, clearly i disagree with that. There is nothing weak about a woman, there are only weak personalities who have no principles that guides and protects them and continue to perpetuate their luck because they havnt sat down to think of all the possible reason they are in any form of predicament. I am also guilty of being thoughtless, and I look inward to recuperate.

Feminists are protecting their stand, maybe they do have an outright disgust for men, and i wouldn't be surprised why but the issues of rape need to be discussed in circles where the group isn’t sexist and would look at it from a varying vantage point or best with those who can give you technical data because research and investigations on the reasons of rape has been established and we do know women aren’t helping themselves, so feminists have taken that stand. They will pay the price for putting an innocent guy to jail. Maybe they dont believe that there is such thing as an innocent guy, given that everyone thinks men can only use one head at a time.

In Nigeria when one talks about rape they will laugh at you. For one simple reason, our women are perceived to be very gullible; they are easily bought, that’s about the thinking of the average joe i am talking about, because of poverty and lack of education. Our men terrible womanisers, what they say is “if one door doesn’t open the other will open especially if you cute and have money.” Chauvinist’s, its sad but in my society we dont address this. Apart from the fact that our men are genuinely scared of the average Nigerian woman. lol we like Madea's our men are crying that they are mentally raped but we do have these cases a lot and it is hard to place a statistic’s on where and when to prevent such from happening.

Does anyone or has anyone investigated the actual reasons rape occurs? or we just like to burry our heads in the sand because it will be scary to accept the truth that there is no innocent party when things happen? i am a woman and i have 3 daughters and a son, also men in my family, sisters and friends. So rape is very scary to me, but i don't allow myself the illusion that because i am a woman that i shouldn't take responsibility to protect myself and my family. Taking a one-sided stand removes objectivity away. I believe that every case should be judged on a case by case event and until the cops have done their job one shouldn’t slander anyone. Victims of rape don’t just suffer from the society but their inner family rejects them because they dont know how to help them. I do put statements that sound outrageous sometimes and that is for the purpose of triggering views and bringing objectivity.

I believe if you aren’t prepared for men, don’t even start a chat beyond just acknowledging their presence just as a curtsy to a fellow human being. There are very exceptional cases where that chemistry switches to friendships. Men are physical, period. Which is why i believe the Muslim women cover themselves, even if that doesn’t secure anything but at least has a measure of protection, rather than goggled and taken by force because he misunderstood that your ass wasn’t warbling for him. Don’t know why a woman should get behind closed door and think nothing would happen.

Do you know what happens to a well-cultured man? Why aren’t college professors / nerds attractive to most women? And every gal seems to be running towards bad boys? The hormone is very intoxicating, the strongest male in the pack still commands. Strong is rough. Maybe boys actually need to go learn karma sutra in a special school or best have an affair with an older woman so that he is king among his mates. Go to strip clubs, higher a prostitute, or whats worse now is; there are services who hire a girlfriend just to parade in front of other girls to boost his self esteem, and you know what? It works, because as soon as a guy has a girlfriend that is cute and all that, the others come around to get laid too because we can't possibly stand the fact that someone else is getting some! See why some men develop deaf ears to when a woman says NO?

But you know we have those self righteous parents or over ambitious women who wouldn’t get out of their way and be culturing a man to close the toilet lid. Who are getting none in their bedroom voting on a woman’s life to be jailed for the crime of how dare she sleep with a minor who is fully ready to manufacture babies, and the animal instinct to procreate leads him, yet can't for a moment stop and think and say hmmm maybe her affair with a 15 year old actually saved 15 girls from being raped or Worse killed! He should be jailed too for defying his and societal taboo of thou shall not fornicate. If only the law followed its commandment’s to the letter and removed the aspects of you will be responsible to life for your activities, no prison is enough to put everyone behind bars. oh  I forgot life cages you anyway for your silliness. My own life isn’t smooth I am paying the price on not focusing on myself at 22.

Men who rape have very little self esteem, can't possibly woo a lady due to our female discriminating mentality! If he ain't cute and strong or even worse little less endowed he is chunked off! And he is wanking in front of a website page because he needs it, when he summons the courage to approach a woman he is buffed and then gets tired after a series of rebukes now cant handle his rage!

As girls and women we laugh at the endowment and many have affairs because they are not satisfied sexually, as soon as a woman starts picking fights with her boyfriend or husband for no seriously important reason its because she isn't satisfied or needs some, had been too long she had been fighting her boyfriend or  husband because he didn't bring an extra 1000 $ for a Gucci dress to pacify her pain! In Islam if a man starves his wife for more than 3 months she has the right to divorce him, hmm talk about womens rights there.

What's the demographic of men who rape? Most often 16 to 22 and those who do at older age are considered already mentally not stable?

People forget and dont want to keep some level of trust and responsibility to themselves. Women most especially use it as a crutch, we are the weakest and fragile we need to be handled with care.  Yet have the sense to be spiteful, vengeful. Look at the blade runners story a sports Man led to killing a beautiful gal who he snatched from his friend, didn't the girl have the sense to have some principles? On a valentine day you came over to his house and u had a fight, because you could not remove the email your x boyfriend sent you and aggravated an already psychotic guy who had to overcome pain and rejection all his life from not having legs from age 2. Are you mad women? Where is some sense to this? You think men don’t have an intuition to know when your mind isn’t 100% with them?

The intention of the question was to climb into the brain of feminists and assume what they think! I am a strong woman, not a feminist and have been through my share of women should do this kinda stuff and you know it actually works to take the power of the hands of men and make them salivate and beg for attention! which exposes them to their own shit and when you ready you clamp the lid! Men respect power when they see it and not a wimpy self loathing woman posing rules for dignity! Dignity my ass. Save your life first than we will have time to negotiate boarders!

I will not stand here and relinquish my strength to men by giving them the chance for a loop hole, and leave in pain, or worse denial that i can change a mans psyche! i have seen women say “had i only” did this while burying or having to live with their kids having aids. i aint weak, women are not weak and never were. If that takes power of the feminist movement then hey they can't possibly have all the cheerleaders in the world!

False accusation? I think there should be a law persecuting back those who lie and ruin people's lives’ and ruin it for other victims to be able to speak up as well. In the mean time i will protect myself and my daughters! People are full of shit if one person screams rape and even after proven not guilty they still treat him as guilty!

If for one feminists get upset on this matter is that you will not find them being toyed with jumping from one rope to the other, they make principled choices, what many patriarchal women dont do. Guilty is guilty in their mind that's it! You can't deal with it suck on a lemon! Can't deal with how I think your choice again!

Become a feminist and understand it, for now you are a patriarchal type. At least understand the consequences that come with that territory and own up to the duties you choose!

Before i start accusing any man on what happens i look inward. I watched a movie by Tyler Perry the other day called "for Coloured Girls" it gave me a perspective on what happens to women when they are raped by men who they supposedly dated for about 2 weeks and then invited them to their home and or went to his and then the claim of rape is brought out. We women are only aware of our internal chemistry, but totally oblivious of what goes on in man’s and so it is with men. See my dear, when i see how my African women are going about their life i myself develop a level of emotion that pictures them as something other than human beings.

i am asking women to take note of the fact that they are claiming to be weak and vulnerable. If you are 18 you may be physically but not mentally vulnerable. Women are getting away with murder too and some arent lucky. If no one has educated you about men and women interaction before that age, then your parents have made you vulnerable. On the open it’s very hard to get anyone to admit to himself or herself that they do play a part to circumstances that happen to them. How you pose yourself is how you will be treated, and as a woman or man you always have to put yourself to check. Since when has anyone been told that we are living on a planet that has nothing to do with survival? There is no guardian angel walking by anyone’s side but your knowledge and sharp intuition. But unlike your camouflages you put on your DPs with sex craved women, i am totally open and can handle it. When you put out the wrong image why wouldn’t you want someone to misjudge your intentions or history. i aint that type to be scared. For now i have made my call to reduce the danger to my daughters. In this analogy! If you switch on the gas before you light the match dont blame no one for the explosion. i tell my daughters not to walk like sheep around wolves.

When it comes to the human no one has control because we are unpredictable. Even religions have failed to tame the carnal man inside, even science is looking for medications such as Viagra to help men deal with the mental degradation women inflict when they are young. This world is full of shit and one can only protect themselves if the law doesn’t. i prefer not to underestimate even the man that looks like a sheep. That’s survival instinct. I have a boy even in his difficulties the male syndrome "selfish" pups out; you never know when it will display itself and what triggers it.

i love to be scrutinised because it makes me grow out of my shell.
i never said rape is fine, i presented reasons why they happen and women shouldn't deal cards they cant play with. Crude? Yes, maybe i should have said Neanderthals, "i love to be dragged by the hair, right into the cave. Shocking? Women like to be handcuffed? "Fifty Shades” Author E L James" wrote a book that is making all the money in the world. Is it not what actually makes men believe women want it physical? Try fighting with women don’t like it hard.

Any man who choses to be called a human being will exhibit traits of a human being, prove first before damaging the image of the person, or better prevent by educating women on what increases their level of safety.  i love my apes and know when and how to be lady like with them. i don’t seek attention by being a tease and sure don’t send the wrong signals to increase my risks. Yes I flirt and that has boundaries.

Ask the feminists, if they are quiet then whats the point assuming what they think about it. The Nigerian male in our society dont rape so we kinda dont have that problem. Our problem is rituals and cult practices. We have womanising issues, they like to snuggle not take by force because we dont starve them with sex is a taboo religious crap, even if that has turned many into legal prostitutes. We actually don’t listen to religion even if we are paying the price of it. We are not dealing with the epidemic that has now caged the developing world. Too many horny professors. I am sure we will deal in time with our lecturers.  i guess we adopted the system of Holland. Rape has always existed, its a way warring countries set their stay however countries where they are at war with themselves rape themselves mentally and physically, rather than do something about it, they set policies that still get cracked. We can agree to disagree but i refuse to be pleading with any man for my rights to be a woman in a different way that actually works and no inflicting of pain is required. My pictures are strategic and all my men know it! Sexy sells they are not deceived that they are drawn to it. A smile has the same effect that boobs do. Lovely to see you checked me out as i did you. I do love the attention and can handle it. My men love it too, however i wouldn't advice a gal of age 13 to do so. Everything has its time and place. If you look during spring and summer every gal is walking naked in the developed country. When Aids is on the spree do you carry condoms or take every guy for a test before you have sex with him and does that ensure any security? Reduce the risks, rather than making boys curious about what is "rape?" reverse psychology see no evil do no evil, in sales, advertising is used to place a picture in ones mind. Creating guns gives way for murderers an easy way. Tell me more about how is consciousness of rape helping anyone?

I am not here to defend Nigeria, and we internally arnt deluded about our issues, we are not a statistic when it comes to rape, and murder on the streets for no reason, kids entering schools and gunning down kids. Single incidents don’t make us a statistics.

We were talking about rape as an event. No society is clean. We have ritual killings as human sacrifice; one of witch shattered us but we not casting blame on one side. If you have a legal might that is as huge as the world yet it fails to do anything then you need to check things out. Self-preservation is the first rule, relying on policies only and putting no procedure is all talk and no do.

Let me make it clear. i have protected my daughters by making sure no guy has an excuse to rape or in anyway abuse them. They have a life outside of my home, i set them straight without needing to attack their men and belittling another woman’s child. My child is my focus and i don’t get emotional. They are educated about the physiology of man, and sex and relationship building blocks. i don’t talk to their men, nor insinuate rape, and i don’t go policing them either. They do not leave my home dressed in a manner that would attract hell. i don’t sit and tell grown ass men you should not rape. They don’t come home drunk, and they are picked up from home if going on a date and drooped by the same vehicle, and i explain to them what could lead even a young daft guy to misunderstand their interests. If that offends you then hey pardon me for even making a statement. Yes maybe i expansiated to show a bit from the other side what isnt done but my fact remains this, family responsibility education has a far much stronger effect on the society and too much liberty exposes your child to danger and that means everyone suffers. You cant be focusing on cure and ignore prevention. Youth who drink outside excessively often come from homes that drink excessively and abuse happens there, where even when they are raped they dont know that they are.

The Gods must be crazy to have made women and men and give no instinct. i don’t look up to feminists for solutions that i already have. They are women like me. Every gal is looking for the prince charming, but when he appears in the form of a toad she says yuk, well in my understanding keep looking or suck up to life because it wasn’t made only for you however one should discriminate but on a value set base.

We women are very very very discriminative and that is nature. One minute we like a guy we show the interest and then a hormone in our body switches and we shut down, but the guy is already on attack mode. We have to accept that we are part animals and there are certain things we arnt in control of. as a grown ass woman i know how to control and i am very aware of what effect i or any cute woman has on men, so i cant be running up and down ignorant of what may or may not.

I am talking of cases where the evidence of rape isnt obvious, and some cases could be taken as rough sex and as adults i believe we shouldn't be shy in admitting that some level of animal comes out when your blood pressure is high and when during sex all control is lost, and there really shouldn't be.

i would not stand here and say women are innocent, we have very mischievous women and also those who take out their frustrations on the other in the society. Some may actually have a mental illness. Men may be dangerous, but for the most part very daft and ruled by their organ, but should they get tired of women who in series have been messing with their head, he will not take a No no for an answer.

Yes men are crude and they don’t or are never thought of the method of courting a woman and maybe that roughness could be misconstrued as rough? If you watch how a lion goes in circles round the female you will know that he is afraid of her and the rejection. With all this dating sites that have sprung up, isnt it getting evident that men have put a wall between themselves and women so that there wouldn't be a mistake that they could be jailed for not getting what signals a woman is passing across?

For activists and law makers.