Saturday 24 December 2016


interesting going by the letter and sound count budhism would mean his/mine/her/the promice of diminishing returns i.e. what prichudi po otnosheniu k jisni ili v cootnoshenii k obeyim sex cam nebilo vipolneno, cmotrya kak vedut cebya mujchini v monastiryah pro etom net jenshin to eto polnoe otdelenie to zemnoi jizni
budhizm his law, what is the law by the female folk?
interesting why should i follow the practices of those religions that had set devision between sexes rather than articulating the fact that men had never wished to be in one with women i.e. the separation between the male and female mindsets, what would force a man into seclusion?

what i had found appalling about the laws on adopting children is that a woman is scrutinised by the agencies for wanting a child who has been dumped for not having a spouse yet she is free to get pregnant from any guy and live happy, how logical is that? i ask most african men about adopting and they say we don't want strangers in our homes yet willing to seed kids in other mens homes

the way to stop those who desire/complainers for things is to make them work for it, you want money do the appropriate thing to achieve it through service or create the things you desired for

Buddhism Explained By Alan Watts
Nirvana - not following the rules of those who wouldn't put their neck towards what they voice out 

Rose White Usmanova's photo.

i would presume that those who sponsor the clubs should also be responsible for adequate education of the sportsmen and artists in direction towards the shares of investments that they make the participants support for easy transition after their career had passed their tenor or what will happen is parents will not promote their kids into such activities, i am having to handle that aspect within my family members and that leaves me to be nonchalant to their demands i vehemently oppose any interests placed on me by dogmatic minds hence even to educate them on their incorrectness towards my person is met with equal aggression. 
Banking reform in terms of education of the public towards their respective industry progress is through inventions or rehabilitation/rejuvenation of current infrastructures present, i would presume that the current elders should be aware of those making progress rather than becoming agitated because they are receiving the same hostility as they are currently showing through those they had placed in guard of it that are my mates, in this stance i am watching tv programs that have little to do with industrial events while overclouded by news about military escapades that has little up-liftment on an internal basis in this critique 27 industry channels need to be opened rather than a half hazard information blogs called advertisement, the other day i saw how a chief made a bowl in a microwave this would mean that the chief is also a moulder and was supported by the tech persons in bringing an idea into life for micro economic use.
currently no bank is identified that supports inventors as they are predominantly void of technical personnel within hence even patenting the rights in presenting investment opportunities becomes a legal issue as there are crafty minds who can’t see past the need to scout the towns for available resources even in products that are available needless to mention identifying skills within individuals for partnership references. how can accountants be dictating whats possible and whats not?
a proposed ad for shops where on sales seasons personnel in tamojnya in GQ form using the auction tags to present costs rather than having discount posters in magazines, this is an ad proposition that can show shops how to increase their sales in this case example what bank sponsors advertisement if they have no inkling into what moves market shares towards a retail shop i hope they understand what barter and exchange means guess i have to look into what cross market referencing is.
what would case a chain reaction in industrial sales? i suppose outrageous project exhibition on talents within those industries, try translating this into pigeon or patwa and this creates jobs for the supposed lowly who could get reeducated on new trends, where are the teacher who can become coaches (explanators) when they are predominantly theorists that have never practiced but crammed others thesis that they themselves seldom practiced.
administratziya dolzna zanimatcya razrabotkoi a ne opredeleniem hotya opredelenie eto posleduushee deistvie posle razrabotki, interesno posmotret kak te kotorie lubyat tikat glazami smogut cebya napravit v mestah gde ya bila i posmotrim kakimi manerami oni nauchyatsya vijivat
the current problems within the british system in governing the girls who had children at an early age by being given posobie tolko privet k uhudsheniu socialnoigo klimata nada bill eto possible napravlyat na biznocnoe ruslo, personally i don’t see why my independence ofended peter odemwingie snr in favour of now trying to clear his conscience by intruding at start into my marriage while seeking gratitude from my person in supporting him towards his political idiosyncrasies in same respect towards who he couldn’t voice his displeasure with his none acknowledgement of his traditional stance being manipulated by his equally stupid friends, instead of paying my schools he destroys my ability to provide for my children by questioning my reasons for needing to go back to school having to battle with the bigotry place on me for not having a certificate to back myself up agains those who never stepped into practice, i loath such family tactics.
interesting how do this who carry the certificates feel wen having to be rectified or guarded by such persons as i now to see how the sportsmen and artists alike are vulnerable, with the current skill level in 20 years they will be worth nothing.
Na Start - Red - Nachinka
Bnimanie - Yellow - Vozrastanie
March - Green - Rasshirenie
Idea- if there is no burning bush i.e. need for a solution then within a team there will be no spark for resolutions i.e. there should be a complaint not a complainer attitude, i.e. whats going on in the sport industry for instance? i have no right to barge into their business area but i am related to a sports person i am not a fan of their practice within and outside hence i take measures to prevent issues happening.
Concept - a concept is a resolution in thought then into acton and often not discussed if the issues are complex i.e. often emotionally bound, i am constantly surrounded by ungrateful and greedy persons hence my tactics in keeping quiet, in conceptualisation here applies principles in attack passing or defence in same management style in finance investing in myself others over time calculation interesting to see how those who wouldn’t cook because they see it beneath themselves would have the skills to preplan and prepare, preparation is used in prototyping i.e. exemplifying a service line in contrast to the usual practice hence opposed when a proposition is made by those who aren’t seeing the long term effect of their actions or activities. where is the transition?
Prototyping - prototip sozdayotsya v predyavlenie idei dlya designer moi hod mojet bit trudnim no ne priimu slov nevozmojnosti potomu kak prejde tem govorit ya produmala te sili kotorie ya gotova virabotat uli kotorie est, v prisentasii mojno prinesti chernovik a v izdelii uje otrabotannaya produkziya, v roizvodctve prototipi vosproizvodyatsya raznie formuli i ne nujno ih vibrasivat no stavit v ramkah dozvolennogo polzovatelu/potrebitele
Roll out
where its expensive the sme level companies or groups can take their part responsibility, where in complexity the corporations take their part responsibility.
i hate skirts but i got one that is of a nice material i am making three quarter shorts out of it, those that sent it can’t sa i am ungrateful but i don’t appreciate that style

can you I'magine after bringing in 6million rands into a country my bank account got restricted this is plain ingratitude to a country where i own a property and my kids are there tomorrow they will be saying i ought to have had partners before i came in where as their institution prepares nothing for investors by restricting information about their low education and bad practices the dutch can suck on a lemon who wants to buy my car?

to those daft lecturers in the architecture and engineering departments who can't come up with ways to create afordable housing for single or starting couples it should make sense to convert existing bungalows and face me i face you boys quarters into a two story buildings on the existing structures to convert into a garage and store space while acquiring a remade bamboo tops instead of wasting all that space into a roof, or increase the wall hight for studio apartments hope the daft colonial masters can show designs, don't forget the conversion of containers into mini apartments for students where ever they may need it and it can be relocated 
Blade - Vampire Dance Club Theme
for those idiots who have a problem with designs in short hair remember barbers skills are utilised in movies hena can be applied also for none permanent needs where any form can be made that can't be done or dangerous to do with a cliper, interesting do some barbers who graduate know that looks change becomes hard when a person isn't aware of their face shape?

Simone clip
where are those projectors on iPhones that were supposedly announced for designers to show their projects in small office space, here a way to hide those who are autistic

dlya teh kto dumaut shto eto razvrat peskai podumaut dvajdi nad takimi clipami chtobi ponyat chto takoe artrit apart from that it builds sensuality while it enhances sexuality in bed for those prunes who are like logwood in bed apart from that macosa for men who don't know how to do it in bed Fali Ipupa style for flexibility to torch those corners called organic zones in women :)
on marslow hierarhy sex is on the physiological level break down the physic and physio therapeutic needs of the logical patterns in the female male mind to that the religious bigotry that islam propagates yet belly dancing and the prear times that women do at home to be that relaxation time needed duly zachatii them idti k vracqham na ukoli, ne raslablennie jenshini physicheski obichno imeut problem c emociyami in this it stops them from having peaceful homes and relationship wise they are often conny
what is the comparison between the sports ware that footballers put on and the race riders? i suppose there is a better promotional aspect to the racers while that leaves the sports men to be cared and answerable to the companies after them this also promotes new entry solution providers entering the market i.e. the players play for being sponsored rather than the management hustling for funds than managing the tickets sales

Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars
shoe makers don't know how to produce boots for their club players by that leaving themselves as beggars on an international market, this people self pick up a secondhand shoe or boots and remake it, competitive market skill development on a budget

Four Ways of Letting Go | by Ajahn Brahm
id presume knowing the 4 identified elements that the earth is influenced through would give an indication to how the plannets operate if the knowledge of sound was lost or hidden or not appropriately translated that should have aggravated hitler
at this point an indication should be made about the methods employed in my boys education, a directive society inclined towards sociological expressions without basis is evaluating a boy who is material in science while the activities aren't practical for his development, he is an inventor with theorists without a plan for staff

why should a child born and raised by a Russian mother be trained by american standardised evaluation on iq amidst people with social iq directed by intrusive social policies, the stop methodologists, a society that is set backwards through historical facts on apartheid
it should serve some adults to take notice that their over indulgent attitudes towards their impressed notion of parenthood is rubbing their kids of of personality hence to derail the supposed communicative persons at adulthood is very easy, those in the area of business are struggling to find independent operative personnel due to enforced oralism and hence even to place someone on an emotional tangent who has been given the notion that they are qualified managers of a given terrain, currently the lows in economic value is due to the lack of proactive persons who are willing to take upon themselves risks that founders once did, its easy to say something is not possible only later to regret on missed opportunities
id presume that current issues on helping kids with varying disabilities identified by crammers is that their emotional equivalent needs to be swayed against the culturing of workers mindsets, every child in form at birth is a neanderthal same are those who when put in a new environment exhibits needless to mention the history of conception and manhandling that my son went through as well as the neglect on an emotional level that he never received in full by his other parent
currently my questioning the american notion of expressiveness where they are often found isolated by their uninhabited experience towards the worlds they propagate their policies, i am very sure that my questioning their structure is scary to them via Facebook a people that have never come in contact with a gift called in other words spiritual abilities.

the workers world is void of imagination i.e. the technologists that have never been introduced to life experience especially those in scientology that can't grasp the structure of the senses created by nature but due to working with physical matter can't comprehend the complexity of emotions, scientology was formed to help those who were ostracised now finding themselves unable to blend to have what we call normal friendships and relationships

in the video table marslows theory: the issue with breathing can and should be looked into in a deeper form what does it take to breathe freely? be independent minded in a world that seeks to subject you to their principles just to make themselves feel relevant, what effort does it take to free oneself at an overly independent age from those who vehemently tried but failed to subject you or those to their notion of belonging now at an older age where they are in need to be emotionally supported as you once were? what is circumcition of the mind and soul while still present within a structure?
on a physiological level a woman being manhandled by her whole family unit while same in business goes through similar psychological shock state as an OCD and autistic being given the notion that she needs to be put in a psychiatric care by the same handlers who can't find placements in their lives and livelihoods, takieje pristupi sluchautsya c temi jenshinami coterie davao ne rabotali ili the mujchini coterie bili v travmaticheskih simeinih proesheistviyah, imagine what i had to do with myself to remember a language that i hadn't spoken in business terms for 21 years being taken for an insecure person back home
the safety issue in a world of those who present themselves social just to take from you what you have built by yourself with your last penny and that scares me for the most part with my boy, where adults are taking a boy who is excited as an intruder into their right in same respect this is to the male man who is living in a society of black political movements where what they worked for is now being tarnished because they feel they had worked for it with their physique yet never came up with their own designs in the first place, hence i can hardly give a rats ass what any black man or woman thinks on my continent

in order to stop all the bulshit on an emotional level in societies that produces unnecessary anger those zealots who think giving birth or marrying their sons and daughters off that they had grown tired of due to parenting pressure as well as bad education and financial pressure due to unhealthy imagery by dissatisfied in themselves parents
there are those parents that wouldn't even let their kids crawl constantly held in the hands then they get complaints that their child is insecure about connecting to the activities that the grim teachers are presenting to them, what if the child is self contained and loves his space yet feels badgered by unhappy in their job teachers? these are the reasons children on getting to class one and even earlier are drawn back from, in general the kids are imposed on by strangers, 2 the sitting position by the teachers is frontal impressed position where as they ought to sit at the back or be completely absent to the view while a subject is thought, teachers are often distracted by the call in the eyes of the children for conformation on assimilation and that indirectly compromises even a good subject speaker into behaving like a conformist
intresting to see a tipical urban american speak english wo thinks of himself as enlightened with an irish urban who also has same notion of himself then separately ask what they think of each other separately, what kind of IQ i.e. learning took place if the EQ is compromised on start personally i will see it as a comedic act where as for the partisipants its no laughing matter

interesting to see how a mother who doesn't like to learn can teach a daughter how to cook or a father who can't get his ass of playing draft to make his son hunt.

Brave - I'll Never Be Like You English (Subs)
what one faces in the hands of those who can't manage themselves who are housewives/women married for show, you know where men like that find themselves in ask peter odemwingie snr with lost children and bigotry between the children.

SPECTRE Opening Title Sequence (2015) James Bond 007 Daniel Craig Sam Smith HD
sound on numbers for dislexics to understand the combinations in different slangs it comes out differently sense of humour and experiences makes it all the more fun to mess about with others notion on what an equation should be like, interaction makes for the most part the continuum.

interesting to see what Mac can come up with by adding a twist screen, a slot for simcard internet access instead of a a usb port Mac book pro for business people while the need to group aps based on industry needs.

what pisses me off about those who get caught is that when a sentence is made or an abuse is being inflicted those in the offenders defence are often labelling the victim as a child or behaving childishly go figure is it an adults way to shoot the criminal down rather than take them to court?

for those who like polygamy an ad with a talking pussy to a dick head saying hope you will be this agile when old and no where to lay your sleepy head 
is there no screen touch application that helps those who like or prefer to write with hand while it turns into typing shrift, i am going mad in retyping my works from paper into computerised format, just ike i hate the fact that the dragon speech to test software is not available for mack and it needs to get used to my kind of slang what are the IT people complaining that there are no jobs to do, ah i forgot the ceos are sales men hence no feedback from them on what is required, they need to go to bad manners school :(
by typing kids are loosing their hand writing skills and that forms their outlook on their personality, can a program on character descriptor on handwriting be made? ah i forgot there was one in cat woman movie

shouldn't it be quite obvious overindulgent in sexual escapades elders that their current inability to live a comfortable life at old age being that they had squandered the motivation in the current youths life who in nigeria now wants to be in technology when ego is a predominant interest of most in finding public rather than a personal push, am i gloating or the youth need to freely chose projects at age 14 and work it through before graduating with its completion as a validation of practice rather than an empty piece of paper

ever wonder what happened to two children under the age of 15 when living with emotionally draining parents in a scenario where the supposed parents were left outside the door knocking for hours and the kids couldn't hear, they got insulted for the deep seated unresolved emotional baggage that was left to be unresolved long after they had become independent from them, the word danger/warning is just as scary for most in respect to finding their range capabilities, if my president can sing whats the issue with footballers?

easy web builder sandbox for training startups this includes training on the go students to represent their faculties

A tutorial on how to use an awesome, free program called Sandvox to build a website on your mac computer.

after going through the hassles on making it this is the plight of two brothers one cant accept the shame for living or placed in denial over how he made it

From "The Road To El Dorado" Cast & Crew Soundtrack

if the developers of cameras and lensis had reformed from big to small why can't the infrastructural persons not change themselves?

when in film and movie making often facial resemblance is made where characters may not align a hr software helps the casting administrators to locate payments just as actors need feedback on what activities need to take place and when check this out hr isn't just par roll but health and safety records to manage after a segment or episode is made 

You want to manage your employees on your Mac? You need to get an overview of your HR and save costs? Check out the features and get your copy today, starts as low as $ 19,99

another powerful software for ll sorts of things checked my licence out the other day for movies and tv programs anouncements and management respectively, the programmers only have it for sales and administrative purposes hence they need to sit with interested professionals to develop templates

If you are looking at ways to search, filter and report on your valuable client data contained in GoldMine CRM then make sure you watch this video. GoldMine ...


what pisses me off about those who get caught is that when a sentence is made or an abuse is being inflicted those in the offenders defence are often labelling the victim as a child or behaving childishly go figure is it an adults way to shoot the criminal down rather than take them to court?

to be good is to be quiet interesting to see where that will all lead us to.

when students are compromised within institutions it indirectly compromises the business units they are to serve in, what i don't get is when one part of my culture is being compromised by the other cultural color type of me yet i should be left answerable to the banks for not making a profit by being questioned by peter who never gave any support nor finance as to what i spent his money on, he asks for my bank statements to look at my expenditures i hope he finds the credit column with his name there.

what is credibility in international law on documentation and right to service that was requested? what is he point in paying life insurance in a country where you can't reach out to security in critical moments while their medical policy on foreigners is placing my health in danger, i can't say i am a victim of cancer but should i have placed myself in their hands would have found myself in worse state, in reference an X-ray was declined by me when asked to scan my boys foot by a gp who couldn't request for the nurse to clean his injury with simple disinfectant not to sure what that town presumes i am but coming from a family of most tech professionals while known its rather appealing to see how vehemently they tried to compromise my stance in my home not once but many times.

i suppose the reverse apartheid is on coloureds not the white or the blacks who are walking headless, the lawyer i hired is working in favour of the supposed spouse who was a friend saying he can not prove the violations hence i am left to protecting myself in other means.

to prove patent the idea giver ought to show the source while the participants take their share according to time and spent resources, if ideas are left hidden where will the jobs come from or what departments within the ministries are responsible for international invest-mentors to address the issues? no data on the skill level grading is available so i as a business person am left with harnessing with those the skills and talents needed to execute, so if i take money from investors i am bound to make a profit or my ass is grass

if the youth are seen as gullible then i presume the parents and placed guardians are responsible for setting them straight, a child in the view from the stand point within a location is a property void at this point on emotional attachments who invested time vs who has rights to common law practices in marriage, this indirectly relates to the movie industry where characters are sourced based on looks for exact production in terms i can replace the factual persons with imaginary figures, in here i may be sued for taking the earning power from those in where the subject matter was drawn from, i.e. i am a thief who is the prosecutor?

i was once told by a guy who himself has children now that the reason for my childs deficiencies is due to having a nanny that was daft i hope he has the skill to train women and men equally who are interested in being guardians, the undue interference into my private space by those who themselves lack any secure stand about their personal life is a hindrance to any form of progress

The PORSE Nanny Intern Programme is in hot demand as the traditional nanny role still proves to be a popular option for Kiwi families. Over the 20 week cours...

half the time persons in supposedly low income set of jobs is that of insecurity about their lives hence the problem in addressing them when working with others needless to mention with kids, in this stance first articulating their economic position that creates their basis for feeling inadequate around persons that are of affluence, my rule is no discussion with my children on morals, parents are generally insecure due to social pressures to conform, a parent that is insecure is likely to place their child in a position where those with low esteem are likely to negatively influence their dependants while the constant need to police their acts in relation to personal property is always under question, these issues often creates martial problems, to say not to educate your domestic workers results in an indirect compromise towards those they are placed to work with.
CPR, Physio excursuses, and mental games with connotations on ethics. grooming rules, sanitation, depending on the reason for hiring a nanny are the required skills looked at. cooking cleaning lessons to train the children on domestic works, if a guardian then an economic lessons i.e. teachers on retirement need to be retrained.
internal business project training depends on the line of study, Art, Sciences or Sociology nanny’s fall into groups then trained in 3 project directions. This is a clue into how I work and plan in business opportunity within markets I find myself new in.
nanny are often needed to sort out personal, social, or technical matters as regards the kids this depends on the directions that the parents are in hence a preliminary interview on their interests is required through that a program is agreed and a briefing is done, in case where a discus doesn't take place it becomes an issue of power thudding, loyalty is often questioned as most parents are edgy about their children

You can directly support Crash Course at Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing.…

in the following job description are hidden terminologies for working in this type of business in there is my secret, whats the recipe? tomorrow they will say my personal skill is to high to develop independent thinking kids by manipulators for parents and relatives alike
cnachalo detei v vozraste 15 nado cobrat chtobi oni scazali chto im nravitsya v domashnem uute I im je otdresirovat dresirovshikov a potom razreshit voproci kak test dlya vievleniya programme vipustnikov
am told that I need to get a job while I am in Russia by a boy who could actually do that for me while I whipped his ass when he was blind to what was going on around him

Job profileTraining and development officerIn this profileResponsibilitiesSalaryQualificationsSkillsWork experienceCareer prospectsRelated jobs and…
what is economics if not your personal resource management including friends relationship building and maintenance and waste management recycling your strengths, budgeting between wants and wishes, healthy lifestyle is considered poverty in the eyes of sales men

In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill launch a brand new Crash Course on Economics! So, what is economics? Good question. It's not necessarily about…

in coming into a home that is a place of work best approach in aligning interest between employer and employee is for the income to rearrange the place while the owners are away, then on return the owner rearranges according to what they like not to be in place in this a discuss goes on where the employer understands that the worker needs to have access to tools that are of paramount need in better vibes to transpire, i am very sensitive to the needs within workspaces and the interaction between persons internally thats my standard to others it is not relevant or too cumbersome to think of hence the difference in approach it may take me long to set up the business of my choice but then those are the interests rates discussed between the investor and the aider

the following is the business resource need a house building of 2 bedroom flat with a parlour with a nanny in a hostel like setting where in each flat there is an attached person, for a 3 months program for students needing some organised skills in this regard specifications by parents on what skills they wish their children need to learn while in camping format, in reference the kids are on the first month prepared for personal  self management that is hard for parents to regulate due to their workload then placed with a peer mate at the second month, then with a third on a third month for project development for the students then execution of the projects according to the available budget after the orientation program has expired being then released to a coach the coaching period depends on the scope of works outlined while in the first 3 months orientation, a personality evaluation is given and a peer to peer analysis is made.

fathers are absent from their sons lives this places them on an attack/antagonistic stance towards girls interesting to see how peter rates his own kds while trying to get away by using his friends and family to question mine by his sister writing a letter to him about jordan going to learn manners in their parents home. interesting what kind of husband will they choose for francetta, sexual relations equates to actual projections of attitude towards my personal life, so if a man meets for the most part prostitutes he is bound to see another daughter as such, where are the supposed proud fathers of girls saying?

Mortal Kombat: The Album is an album by The Immortals (Maurice Engelen aka Praga Khan and Oliver Adams best known for their work on the Techno/Industrial ban...
someone is culturing my daughter to be pleasant looking just for her to be used and manipulated by others while the father is no where to be found to give her the male confidence she needs yet i stand accused for living them behind, interesting what kind of training do i need to employ on an autistic child to be a guardian to his sister, in same respect should my boy be subjected to policing her life at the expense of his? should i set her against by or should i bring her up as a boy in order to protect her? since my life is not a private matter why are those who are supposed to do their job in security not questioning the zealots that are aiming at my daughter for their sons?

what body sex language to adopt if its all about fermones and at what age what sexuality based learning should be thought and by whom? is it nature vs nurture that makes it inadequate a topic to speak about? considering that intrusion by third parties and the lack of intimacy learning being the reason beatrice fisher felt insecure about when her son was enjoying his time, if she had a shag or a climax as a woman ever maybe she would have had the acumen to negotiate her borders within my home
there is an argument in social places where men are complaining that they aren't having adequate satisfaction from the women they have been with while i can't complain about not being lazy in bed be depicted as a whore/unladylike manner by the layers who have no idea what family law is due to lack of principles themselves and this is how mother fuckers were called, no other case can be won or resolved amicably if family practice is none existent, at this point i am having to deal with persons in the divorce case who weren't present at the wedding yet posing a profile of richeousness and using psychological attacks on my person and using my children in manipulative ways towards me

there is an actual bigotry about the coloureds and blacks not adequately in tune with the culture of the whites interesting how can all see themselves when they are relearning while understanding the effects on eating with chopsticks instead of the conventional coteries and what it does to the mind in reference to those who eat with hands, the wrapped up in demagogue politicians ought to wake up and smell the roses

raisa odemwingie is a thief who stole my first writup while violating my space throughout my childhood yet i am answerable for exposing her deviousness in favour of a boy who is her son but never watched by her for monetary gains, in same respect she is pushing osas towards fighting for property that is his because peter odemwingie snr is married and bore children that are supposedly from a maid totally ignorant that his fighting for his mothers right is putting him in danger of being attacked by his father who falls for the imagery politics requires to gather your dull heads into living an active life for yourselves, if i have the opportunity to send a nuke by programming on nigeria i will not hesitate for one minute

for those who do not know the reason for athom stations not to be placed for energy generation in undeveloped countries where nonchalant persons abide should think twice on creative ways to light up their streets i.e. oil lamps not higher than the average human hight as was stared by those who started it at the time.

reason for the need in such a huge place was for many reasons industrial and development of a continent can't smaller areas be developed for physics to exist? i am sure there aren't many enthusiasts due to the poor culture teachers have yet the need for electricity is in high demand

The Chernobyl disaster (also referred to as Chernobyl or the Chernobyl accident) was a catastrophic nuclear…

disfunctional understanding of information, i.e. placing children into subjects that has nothing to do with their talent or interest area hence as a child that stood my ground was seen as unruly in same respect was the issue with the teacher and therapist at Glen Oaks who doesn't know what effect ratlin has on varying genotype i.e. ratlin irritable syndrome was advised to use on a calm child, i am a bad mother for not imposing my notion of propriety on my child while a bad wife for allowing a guy do what ever he likes while needing to put him in place because he had resulted with his friends in manipulative tactics from start, girls like me that are patrelinial are susceptible for feeling obligated and manipulated by emotions that the men i respected posed on me as i was their counsellor from a young age, now my fighting back is viewed as socially inappropriate towards those who themselves are practising similar behaviours across the readers spectrum that i have
subjects to objects is a method used in staging a required element for training nonchalant persons due to attitudes that had been impressed on interested persons by their parents, a background information on their family life needs to be taken without bias but a psychological explanation as to why or what they may need to focus on before going into physics, physics has a lot of verbal terminologies just as it deals with codes and numbers, report writing i.e. writing is a foundational need. sales men can become better physics, most feet focused game players are dysfunctional in orientation with objectivity, footballers are coached into attacks hence to assimilate ideas is a problem until it becomes a prototype who is going to do the leg walk and reprocessing? editing graphics and sound helps dyslexics in sport directions, if they have no interest or drawing skills then a ready made object becomes an alternative, were are the inventors or designers of dialogues?

How important is it for dyslexic students to have notes in advance and what technologies exist to support their studies?These are the questions addressed by ...

accents is the problem with dislexia, try beat my discuss when i am moving between sound language and an objectified stance, how about a discussion process through dansing, singing as a way to ease unnecessary emotions or imitating a favourite character while others are trying to figure out your personality traits yet void of the knowledge on where i have been or who motivates my stance about my goals, when my attention/goal changes i transform into what tool is needed to achieve what i need to in the moment

What Is Dyslexia? Children with dyslexia have problems processing the information they see when looking at a word. Often a dyslexic child will have trouble c...
americans lack focus due to pursuit of image they find it frustrating dealing with a person who is persistent hence the trolls behavour, those in a certain profession should measure their terminologies that are used towards kids that have limited experience with materials while constantly within enclosed environments, in interior design homes that are made of one patterned colour often makes those living in it inattentive while they are picky about others exuberant interests, classes are grey what if the homes are also grey?
the problem is the none existing practical schools, kids sitting all day in minds of others and personality is a thorn to have where as personality is in demand in sales and marketing especially in design professions, with such variety of animals we are culturing kids into one patterned beings just to marry them off is that adequate respect to life to conform?
tomy asunis son should have been in arts, destroy something then assemble it in adults terms thats a waste

Dyslexia affects millions of people every year, but how does having dyslexia change the way you learn? Can This Font Help People With Dyslexia ►►►► http://dn...

technologists labelling normal lifestyle living people as dysfunctional in their area of expertise, whats similar in the school lifestyle with the home life style? nothing hence everyone feel like failures but i went into dancing while ignored at my favourite sport, should i give a shit about their interests? its my choice, distant learning and projection of affections not felt before in same regards the projection of testosterone/aggressive behaviour from an affectionate other, diet for dyslexia eggs or protein shakes. in a world of weak men i become a victim, put on dark glasses to attract attention, or to detract attention put on contact lenses or transparent glasses. the problem with dyslexics is that they undergo distraction from the outer so defocus yourself by looking in the mirror to recognise yourself as a character rather than an object since working with objects makes such a person not notice the unobjective perception of yourself hence often the aggressive retorts when approached on a personal level.

View full lesson: Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people, but the experience of dyslexia isn't ...

i was attacked by a police person at my home accusing me of bigotry, i suppose i shouldn't be feeling bad about my divercive knowledge hence they were searching for ways to pin me down interesting to see them when they are stuck in a rot they wish to climb out from but wouldn't make a decision/deceptive inclinations for lak of opredelennogo podhoda, they should read and practice sun tsu and apply themselves as i did since i was 16 without a place to call my own yet able to have a shelter without a permanent income stream, look at the boy i raised who has money but can't transform himself and you all will find yourselves in similar place in years to come, i lived my own life while serving others yet accused of not being there, you can all suck on a lemon as a therapy to wake the mind from slumber. the abuse of governments is that it harbours lazy minds for a fleeting notion of power yet pressured by it. 
we are bound to exchange knowledge and experiences yet the elders wouldn't for fear of loosing their grip on their earnings that truly depends on us to sustain, i will not work i will sit and be a nuisance.

do you want me to explain how some boys deceive themselves into thinking they have grown up even at the age of 40? moan loud and they think they have arrived then when babies come you find out they are children respective of the period spent wankers

pople undergoing high risk or pressure moments ne bditelni c perva a pot pro povtore vievlyaut znaniya, after the stress training they become either highly astute or they loose grip on reality hence being alone and through needed therapy with a personal trainer is needed helps, business is risk when pressured but that creates either ceos or whiners at best i don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks about me or my image

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in training girls to be self sufficient certain fathers feel that their sons will have no access to freeloading and sex for nothing, big danger when training swimmers due to stolknoveniem had a trauma of such what should be the concentration level at that point? instead of plating sis hair a better method for cultivating concentration through relaxation is through swimming under timescale, self trained in most active sports hence my bruises are mine

Race Day!

interesting will lebedev the defence minister allow me to kidnap my president into a psychiatric ward for a checkup on dragons wits? guess what it would take to make that happen, i.e. will call the reproduction "spy on me" what would it look like to be chased by a daft ambassador from the past into the future, when will people learn to make scripts on the go?

Part 2 - ... 00:01 2x01 The Core of It 01:10 2x02 Truth or Consequences 03:59 2x03 Control Factor 05:02 2x05 Grievous Bodily Har...

the problem with juliets office is that in a predominantly boy school it is the women working with kids who need fiscal and operative stance hence the constant manhandling the children are rejectful, quite sad to see that the boys UNITY and MK who worked there briefly ran, sad to see why fathers who are responsible for the male gine pool of kids with disability are rejectful of their own kids

Here i am officially a lesbo there my new babe est ya hearts out lol 

the day men will admit in their hearts that they can't be all is the day they will see the way, to be administratively inclined is to admit to the errors of time, interesting to see how those who aren't present at home wish to understand what economics is in this respect why were the jews persecuted for supposedly not paying tax? why should they reveal knowledge begotten through supposed pain even to their own who wouldn't listen the bearers become those who thread the path not those who listen to their stories are horrified as to what it takes to achieve duhovnost daje ya etim ne mogy pohvalitsya

To know how to manage a nation that demands for nuclere energy we ought to know what niche market management means for some its a newyears day for me its a new day still cant understand why praznechnie dni odnoi industrii doljni dictovat povedenie ili raspredelenie cill v drygix v krstce ktoto rabotal cegodnya nochu dlya togo chtobi te kto hateli gulyat gulyali there are security and energy personnel who stsyed without family prazdnovanie what does selebration mean to them!

Hiroshima today, Japan tours 2016 - Tourist attractions in Hiroshima, Japan - Trip to Hiroshima, Japan Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtu...

i am accused by osas that i am mingling in other peoples business interesting to look through his dialogue what exactly i caused for him to say so?

People who donot undetdtsnd science and rejuvination hsve been made scared of reviving the lands for hsbitation realy interested in knowing why are people still staying there and how they brought the place back to life because ukranians are not doing what they are supposed to no na racciu bochku katyat

Hiroshima Attractions.What To Do In Hiroshima. Places To Visit In Hiroshima

Was told thst i am living in a capitalistic world that here i cant do what i like hence i have to understand that there are those who want to bank on my ignorance of myself i suppose the focus on me is derailing their networking abilities if they ever had any or wish for any personally i have no time for discuss ecli otdacha o deistviyah ne soizmerimi whats moses law in comparison to the keyoto agreement

Steve Rayner, Professor of Science and Civilization at Oxford University explains why the Kyoto Protocol was destined to fail from the outset. The internatio...

from the stance on the situation happening in my home where ed a person sent to spy in my home he brought a gun into a mothers home where an autistic child and children reside in this stance i ask what right did he have to compromise a mother by ignoring the children?

to look at the demand from the black southafricans for help from foreigners have they been responsible for their upliftment in any industry other than using and abusing the rights of those who were there in the first place to help even if they were also enjoying certain privileges in this respect i would question nigerias demand for support in education whereas they aren't providing census nor are they educating their own even on simple level management tactics, micromanaging persons places strain on those who are in guardianship of last unwilling elders who are looking for recognition rather than making a choice to sit back or go into active duty, it is clear if i was a boy i would be patronised since i am a girl i am shaming those who want a say without no do hence forced to sit at home and not to pursue even the minimal to feel adequate yet the same people will not be there to support my kids
there is no visual on what was successful in the kiyoto agreement to even measure the failure rate, there are those who couldn't achieve their aim hence rating it all as a failure is a more appropriate stance by those who considered themselves analysts
my person and personality was the reason my program failed i am accepting of that fact i hope everyone will enjoy the reasons for my withdrawing from africa on an active basis

If parents are constructing their space without their children being a part of it why then ask for collaboration when they are grown, in this respect to ask if a ceo shouldnt plan with his team he or she is left to implement it while the rest are waiting for funds they didn't earn, sitting in high and mighty is only a projection of insecurity, i am not a militery person even if i posess such dicipline bit budy lebedeva za ne vnemsnie k kulture obrasheniya c mulatami a takje ne trenirovanie parnei v poryadke co cvoimi materyami kotorimi oni doljni rastatsya v rebyachem vozraste nahoditsya pod trenerami date na 3 mesyatsya chtobi ih roditeli mogli ceba privesti v poryadok poker c nimi razrabativaut proekti pricoedineniem c cemyoi chtobi bilo prodoljenie semeinojo cotrudnechestva
i am creating a plan for all seasons camp, will be looking into varying housing types from malasia
self organisational skills without intrusion a computerised home with basic repetitive activities, no adults inter space while discuss is held through radio my fee depends on the percentage effort it requires to setup and manage the process for getting it started
if this business is not investable by the banks inability to see what returns they are not going to be able to make on a long run i will make a film out of it for the future, i suppose my setting straight a boy straight in the flats is an indicator that having facilities where kids play openly in the eyes of angry black youth is a reason why i had to set his ass straight for threatening the livelihood of kids he couldn't join

Do Japanese kids really sleep on the floor? Are the floors really made from grass (rice straw)? Do they roll up their beds? Song by Nicolai Heidlas: "Morning...

imagine men who say they are into sports can't organise themselves to see the loopholes tomorrow these are the men that are saying they are handling the negotiations for players while suing them behind their families backs then using bad negotiations to sit him down by saying isn't he man enough to handle his dealings without involving his sister this is how players loose their earnings by being uneducated about what arbitrary is and tied to family members that do not know what they wish to do themselves, in this case the families ought to be given a stipend so that their kids are left to manage their careers while in return demand adequate knowledge of what they were doing with that stipend

This is the battle between the good and evil, in which unfortunately, the good fails.

mojesh cebe predstavit menya derjali bez vodi 2 mesyatcya thinking that i will scream because i have no shower to satisfy myself out in that time i reconstructed my house, i mean who gave the advice that a dick can get a head by not knowing how to manage himself

original video

whats the defence mechanism used by investors and the prosecution?

Will Smith's official music video for 'Men In Black'. Click to listen to Will Smith on Spotify: As featured on Great...

having to chew every aspect leads to leadership disfunction hence to project into the future needs on expansion becomes a problem hence the tasking job falls into the hands of the egomaniacs, micromanagers end up being irritable by that leads to disfunction that is addressed as dyslexia, a task isn't a plan it is an indicator of what needs to be done, those who don't like to give reports are those who are either hiding their acts for someone or have not threaded a path to show results, micromanagers are insecure in this case its either to attack or sway them.
there are 2 types of leaders the picky type and the educative type the third are those who implement with a team then fine-tune the errors, this is what i am having to do due to the lack of project management that wasn't addressed at school or university level
micromanagers zanimautsya podstavkoi, they never take responsibility for errors rectification, they create situations while hoping not to be addressed

i find it rather appalling when told that girls shouldn't go to school et i have a son who will have a hard time addressing the emotional tantrums that girls dish out by absent fathers, so di i encourage prostitution in stead? this puts my daughter in danger, mothers who have patronised such behaviour such as peters have placed her daughter annexe in the position they wished for my daughter

the projection that a boss ought to sit in office is at a political level where it is a consultative responsibility if a boss isn't given oral reports i.e. remove the need to read words without emotions there becomes the strain this is why politicians ought to be shown around what goes on on a physical level, this is why bank managers aren't able to correlate with the words read on the business plans, PM rules apply to business plan development hence people are having a problem in articulating their needs
waste of time is a risk, not recycling old information into new use is a risk in economic development in same regards where old buildings and facilities aren't refurbished only because it holds old value to those who are currently overaged, waste management process

Delegate tasks the smart way! See how delegating task management can make your project manager role easier than ever! Watch this info-packed video from https...