Wednesday 3 April 2013

Why does man make it all about him?

Why does man make it all about him? Why do we bring up our daughters to think that marriage revolves around man? Why do we limit ourselves?

Man as he grows changes. The more he experiences the more he transforms his mind to accept that life dosnt just revolve around his needs but the desires of his heart!

Feeding and procreating seems to be the basics of surviving but there is a factor that many often miss! SECURITY! The root of all evils and good! Should man not feel insecure there will be a whole load of love that goes around! Lack of security leads to possessiveness. Everyday we battle to gain security! In body, mind and soul! In body to sustain life, in mind to find knowledge to sustain both body and  soul: stretching to find knowledge not to be the devils workshop, that can sustain body and mind together!

Self actualisation is the ultimate security I see to feel safe! If I be just carnal I would inflict havoc because all I will seek is to eat and shelter! I have accepted death as a way to give other bodies the opportunities to grow! I transend!

A girl that is made focused in looking at man as a source of her life is bound to treat the individual she lives with as a commodity! In return the male cages himself in the box he created! Of course there is danger that when you choose to chase the wind you may be lost but to others and never to self!

We seek to keep our kids grounded, but to me that is dangerous! How can one ground a soul that wasn't made to be trapped in the body! We seldom use our minds to mediate between body and the soul! The "father" is grounded, he is the past. The Son he is today, survival. And the Holy Spirit, the stretcher of visions! How can today's survival justify the events of the past and hold tomorrow to be sure as the moment is!

Monday 1 April 2013

Why is it that family members jump so quick to see the worst in eachother???

Why is it that family members jump so quick to see the worst in each other, but give non relatives a relatively free pass?

They say "the thief is always from within", only those you are open to know your weaknesses, however the problem is they are often measuring their weaknesses "a reaction triggered by your strengths within them" against your "actual strengths" and projecting them as your weaknesses, by the time you start believing in them you have pretty much accepted their idea of you "branding". They dont often realise that thats what they are doing, hence no point in getting reactive. Sibling and parental rivalry "jealousy" is very real and can and often leads to a rift.

Not every blood sibling is your soul sibling, not every blood family is your soul family, a stranger could be much closer to you than who you grew up with, which is often why we seek a life partner to connect to in the way we fail to connect to family members or a continuation to what we had good or bad its left to destiny.

When people project hate, discomfort, they are often threatened, those who resist judgements by not pulling into it often win and keep the relationships through time stronger. Those who give you a reply often show you who they are.
Its said: Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and by their deeds ye shall know them, this is how you recognise who is your type but just because you get along with dad on a basic level doesn't mean when you go deeper you will remain close. This is why "daddies girls" fall off from their dads when they grow older; there is no guy that would be good enough for his princes, same it is with mothers and sons. Family doesn't often build an objective bond, hence the reactions you find and the broken homes we see today, gone are the days when kids and people are forced to be quiet about their situations for the abuse that lingered through generations be it physical or mental are piled up cases in the police stations, evidence of abuse had now flown into the streets.

There are also instances where your family criticises you for your strengths that takes advantage of you yourself. ie being kind and sensitive in a world that seems not to like each other, they would criticise you only after you have made the mistake of getting burnt, rather than help you out first and then show you where you made the mistake. People suck at being kind because they were thought only how to be nice, ie behavioural rules to be social but never focused on character building where principles rule and protect an individual. A kind person would tell you where and how you made the mistake, he/she has character and being around such persons makes you feel safe even when they may hurt you for your own good but we often dont listen to them, which is ok too. A nice person would kiss the wind or leave you with a smile yet in your heart you still feel empty.

There is an African saying "if two friends come out of a room smiling, it means they didn't tell themselves the truth" but just because you came out frowning doesn't mean they told you the truth either, you may have had a fight. People who say the truth to each other are often having a discuss, as soon as there is a shout, there is a need to withdraw emotions, ie could be you should let the other finish with what they have to say? At the end of the day what you think of yourself matters most.

Just because you are family doesn't mean you shouldn't have manners of approaching your relative. Just because you are family doesn't give you the right of ownership of a soul regardless of how much you care, being over protective is also a sign of possessiveness, some even use the excuse of being protective to shadow their own selfish desires. Don't keep friends you lie to, you will be weary of the relationship yourself, even if they dont know you did lie. Diplomacy, what is it? say once, warn twice then mind your business.